Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Complete example of JS password generation and strength detection (with demo source code download)
The example in this article describes the method of JS password generation and strength detection. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
1. Generate a strong password
The screenshot is as follows:
The relevant codes are as follows:
function getPwd(n) { var s = ''; while(n--) s += String.fromCharCode(33 + Math.floor(Math.random()*(126-33))) document.getElementById('txt1').value = s; }
2. Calculate the password cracking time
The screenshot is as follows:
The relevant code is as follows:
function getTime() { var str = '预计破解用时:'; var selChar = document.getElementById('selChar'); var txtPwdLen = document.getElementById('txtPwdLen'); var num = Math.pow(parseInt(selChar.value), parseInt(txtPwdLen.value)); str += formatTime(num / (1024*1024*1024*2.4*2)); document.getElementById('span2').innerHTML = str; } function formatTime(s) { var str = ''; if(s= 1) str = s % 60 + '秒' + str; s = Math.floor(s / 60); if(s >= 1) str = s % 60 + '分' + str; s = Math.floor(s / 60); if(s >= 1) str = s % 24 + '时' + str; s = Math.floor(s / 24); if(s >= 1) str = s + '天' + str; return str; }
3. Password security detection
The screenshot is as follows:
The relevant code is as follows:
function showPwd() { var p = document.getElementById('txt2').value; if(p.length < 4) { showError('密码至少4位!'); return; } var o = checkPwd(p); if(o.isSame) { showError('密码为重复字符!'); return; } for(var i=0; i1900 && year0 && month0 && day<32) { showError('不要使用日期作为密码!'); return; } } } var hasUpper = false; var hasLow = false; var hasNum = false; var hasOther = false; for(var i=0; i=65&&c=97&&c=48&&c<=57)hasNum=true; else hasOther=true; } var pwdNum = 0; if(hasUpper)pwdNum+=26; if(hasLow)pwdNum+=26; if(hasNum)pwdNum+=10; if(hasOther)pwdNum+=32; var num = Math.pow(pwdNum, p.length); var str = '密码长度:' + p.length + ' 强度:' + pwdNum + ' 预计破解用时:' + formatTime(num / (1024*1024*1024*2.4*2)); var span1 = document.getElementById('span1'); span1.style.color = 'blue'; span1.innerHTML = str; }
4. Detect whether the keyboard is caps locked (Caps Lock key status)
The screenshot is as follows:
The relevant code is as follows:
var $lock = false; function checkCapsLock(fn) { document.documentElement.onkeypress = function(e) { var e = e || event; var k = e.keyCode || e.which; var s = e.shiftKey || (k == 16) || false; if(k>=65&&k=97&&k<=122)$lock=s; fn($lock); } document.documentElement.onkeyup = function(e) { var e = e || event; var k = e.keyCode || e.which; if(k==20)$lock = !$lock; fn($lock); } }