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Step by step using Python to delete long path files under Windows

2023-04-12 13:31:081181browse

0x01 Article Background

Recently, the storage of a business system of the author's company is approaching the limit, and the server will soon be unable to run, because the business system A contains multiple subsystems A1, A2, and A3. .. An, due to design reasons, the intermediate storage files of these subsystems are all stored in the same parent directory. The only difference is that the names of files and folders generated by different subsystems all start with the name of the subsystem. For example, the files generated by the A1 subsystem are all named A1xxxxxx​, and the file names generated by the A2 subsystem are all A2xxxxx. Now we need to delete the historical files of some of these subsystems to free up server space. Dozens of terabytes of data are stored together. Manual deletion will definitely not be displayed. We can only use program automation to achieve it. What should we use? Naturally I thought of python. In fact, I don’t think the need to simply delete files is worthy of a long discussion, but I encountered some special and interesting problems and some interesting solutions, so I would like to share them with you, such as deleting very long files under the Windows system, such as from Read the official English documentation to find solutions, etc. Let’s get to the point.

0x02 Use python to delete files

There are many ways to delete files using python. The most direct and convenient way is to call the built-in function:

  • os.remove () Delete files
  • os.rmdir() Delete an empty folder
  • shutil.rmtree() Delete a folder and all contents under the folder (including subdirectories and files)

In other words, the core of the solution to this problem is to deal with the above three functions. Turning to the problem we encountered, business system A contains multiple subsystems A1, A2, A3... An. Due to design reasons, the intermediate storage files of these subsystems are all stored in the same parent directory. The only difference is Yes, the names of files and folders generated by different subsystems all start with the subsystem name. For example, the files generated by the A1 subsystem are all named A1xxxxxx​, and the file names generated by the A2 subsystem are all A2xxxxx. The purpose now is to delete the files generated by the specified subsystem and retain the files of other subsystems.

Breaking down the requirements actually solves the following four problems:

1. How to delete a file?

2. How to identify that a file or folder is generated by a certain subsystem?

3. How to determine whether a path is a file or a directory?

4. How to locate files and folders generated by all specified subsystems?

For question 1, as explained at the beginning of this section, you can use python's built-in function to delete:

os.remove("path") # 删除指定文件
os.rmdir("path") # 删除一个空文件夹
shutil.rmtree("path") #删除一个文件夹及该文件夹下所有内容(包括子目录及文件)

For question 2, files and folders generated by specific subsystems The naming methods are all fixed patterns. For example, the file names generated by the A1 subsystem are all A1xxxxx, so they can be identified through keyword matching. One possible way is:

if keywords in filepath: # 如果文件名包含关键字keywords
os.remove(filepath) # 删除文件

For question 3, since the methods of deleting directories and deleting files are inconsistent, it is necessary to determine whether a path is a directory or a file before deleting, and select the appropriate deletion method according to its type. This can be determined in python using functions such as **os.path.isdir()**, mainly the following functions:

os.path.isdir("path") # 返回true则为目录,false则为文件
os.path.isfile("path") # 返回true则为文件,false则为目录

For question 4, how to locate all files to be deleted, this question In fact, it is a problem of traversing files in a specified directory, that is, how to traverse all the folders and files in a specified directory. For this problem, there are generally two solutions, one is the depth-first traversal method, and the other is the breadth-first traversal method. In this example, the efficiency of the two methods is the same, because we must eventually traverse all files. In addition, fortunately, python is too powerful. Its built-in functions have helped us implement a breadth-first directory traversal method and the os.walk("path") method, which is to traverse all files in the path directory. and folders, a typical usage is as follows:

import os

path = "C:\A\"

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):

In the above example, root represents the currently traversed path, dirs represents all subdirectories under the current path, and files represents all subfiles under the current path. In this way, all specified directories can be traversed.

The problems have been decomposed. Let’s combine the problems to complete the code implementation.

The final code implementation is:

import os
import shutil

path = "C:\A\"
keyword = "A1"

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for dir in dirs:
if keyword in dir:
rmpath = os.path.join(root, dir)
print("删除文件夹: %s" % rmpath)
for file in files:
if keyword in file:
rmpath = os.path.join(root, file)
print("删除文件: %s" % rmpath)

That is, through the breadth first method (os. walk()) traverses the specified directory and determines one by one whether all subdirectories and files in the directory meet the keyword conditions, and deletes them if they do.

The running effect is:

Step by step using Python to delete long path files under Windows

It seems that the requirements are basically solved at this point, but in the actual test, some very deep directories were found But it was not deleted. An error occurred when deleting the directory. The error description is as follows:

Unexpected error: (< type 'exceptions.WindowsError'>, WindowsError(3, 'The system cannot find the path specified'), < traceback object at 0x0000000002714F88>)


0x03 windows 文件系统关于长路径文件的相关定义


Step by step using Python to delete long path files under Windows


1.Windows API 提供的文件路径理论上最长是 32767 个字节,普通状态下给用户使用是不超过256个字符,说是为了使用户操作更加方便。这里不得不吐槽一下了,确实操作方便了,但是方便的同时也可能带来不便,明明定义了32767这么长的字节,只给用256,未免太抠搜了一点

2.用户如果想要打破这个长度限制,可以通过一个特殊方式告诉windows系统自己想要使用超长文件,这个特殊的方式就是在绝对路径前加上** "?" **字符串。



# 获取目标路径的绝对路径,并在路径前加上\?,
# 以解除windows的文件长度限制
path = '\\?\' + os.path.abspath(path)

0x04 改造 python 程序,删除长路径文件


import os
import shutil

path = "C:\A\"
keyword = "A1"

# 获取目标路径的绝对路径,并在路径前加上\?,
# 以解除windows的文件长度限制
path = '\\?\' + os.path.abspath(path)

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for dir in dirs:
if keyword in dir:
rmpath = os.path.join(root, dir)
print("删除文件夹: %s" % rmpath)
for file in files:
if keyword in file:
rmpath = os.path.join(root, file)
print("删除文件: %s" % rmpath)


0x04 总结思考

啰嗦的话就不多说了,说几点思考 :

1.遇到问题将问题进行分解,拆分成一个个小问题逐步击破 。

2.要善于阅读官方技术文档,有时候解决一个问题的核心可能很简单,代码可能也就一行两行,但是就是藏在某个角落,不仔细去阅读还真不一定找得出来 。


0x05 参考资料



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