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Translator | Li Rui
Reviewer | Sun Shujuan
In this Python Nose tutorial, we will study the Nose framework in depth. Nose is a test automation framework that extends unittest and further leverages Nose to perform Selenium test automation.
One challenge that many developers face in Selenium test automation is how to choose the right testing framework to help them complete automated testing with minimal (or no need) boilerplate code. Most people come across test code and have to write a lot of code to perform a simple test.
Choosing the right test automation framework can significantly simplify a developer’s job of handling test code. Tests can be written using framework features to perform work with minimal implementation. As far as Selenium Python testing is concerned, there are several test automation frameworks to choose from such as PyUnit, Pytest, Robot, and Cucumber.
Python's standard unittest module was superseded by other Python test automation frameworks because it required a lot of boilerplate code and its tests had to be contained in large test classes. If developers still want to use the default Python unit testing framework, Nose is a popular alternative. It has a powerful set of features that extend unittest to make testing easier. In this Python Nose tutorial, take a deep dive into the Nose framework and how to leverage Nose to perform Selenium test automation (using unittest) more efficiently.
Nose is a popular test automation framework in Python that extends unittest to make testing easier. Other advantages of using the Nose framework are support for automatic discovery of test cases and documentation collection.
The Nose framework has a rich set of plugins that can help with test execution, parallel (or multi-process) testing, logging and reporting, and more. It can also run documentation tests, unit tests, and non-boilerplate tests. These plugins also add support for decorators, fixtures, parameterized tests, classes, and modules.
The latest version of Nose is Nose 2, however, a large part of the developer and testing ecosystem is still Use an older version of Nose, version 1.3.7.
So, the Python Nose tutorial series for Selenium test automation is divided into two parts, this part focuses on Selenium Python testing using Nose1.3.7.
You can install the Nose framework by executing the following command on the terminal:
pip install nose
As shown in the installation screenshot below, the installed version is 1.3.7. Since nose and nose 2 are two independent projects, the installation commands are different.
You can use import nose in the code to import the Nose package, but this step is optional. If you use a specific module in Nose, you must import the same module in your code using import Nose.
Since the Nose module is installed for existing Python distributions as well as nosetests.exe, it can be passed Trigger any of the following commands to execute tests using the Nose framework:
(1) Option 1
Shell 1 nosetests <file_name.py>
(2) Option 2
Shell 1 python -m nose <file_name.py>
The following are some simple rules for test discovery:
These are some naming conventions that will be used for Selenium python testing using Nose. This set of rules is sufficient for test automation, and one can view the full set of rules in the Find a Test section of the Nose website.
The nomenclature followed in the unittest framework also applies to the Nose framework.
To demonstrate the use of the Nose framework in this Python Nose tutorial, a simple Selenium test automation example is used where a Google search for "LambdaTest" is performed and a click is performed on the first result operate.
Python 1 from selenium import webdriver 2 import time 3 from time import sleep 4 from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By 5 6 def test_google_search(): 7driver = webdriver.Chrome() 8driver.get('https://www.google.com') 9 driver.maximize_window() 10 title = "Google" 11 assert title == driver.title 12 13 search_text = "LambdaTest" 14 # search_box = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@name='q']") 15 search_box = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']") 16 search_box.send_keys(search_text) 17 18 # Using Sleep is not a good programming practice 19 # Only used here for demonstration purpose 20 time.sleep(5) 21 search_box.submit() 22 23 time.sleep(5) 24 25 # Click on the LambdaTest HomePage Link 26 # This test will fail as the titles will not match 27 title = "Most Powerful Cross Browser Testing Tool Online | LambdaTest" 28 # lt_link = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//h3[.='LambdaTest: Most Powerful Cross Browser Testing Tool Online']") 29 lt_link = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//h3[.='LambdaTest: Most Powerful Cross Browser Testing Tool Online']") 30 lt_link.click() 31 32 time.sleep(10) 33 assert title == driver.title 34 time.sleep(2) 35 36 # Release the resources in the teardown function 37 print("TearDown initiated") 38 driver.quit() 39
Swipe left and right to view the complete code
As can be seen from the implementation, the Nose module is not imported. The implementation is more or less the same as that used by other Python automation frameworks. Therefore, the implementation aspects of the tests will not be delved into more deeply. The following picture is an execution screenshot:
与py.test或unittest Fixtures一样,setup方法总是在任何测试(或测试集合)之前运行,并且如果setup方法成功执行,则运行teardown方法。这与测试运行的状态无关。Nose扩展了设置(和拆卸)的单元测试Fixtures模型。
Python 1 Setup - setup, setup_package, setUp, or setUpPackage 2 TearDown - teardown, teardown_package, tearDown or tearDownPackage
Python 1 Setup - setup, setup_module, setUp or setUpModule 2 TearDown - teardown, teardown_module, or tearDownModule
Python 1 Setup - setup_class, setupClass, setUpClass, setupAll (or setUpAll) 2 TearDown - teardown_class, teardownClass, tearDownClass, teardownAll (or tearDownAll)
为了演示Fixtures的用法,在不同的层次上使用了Nose fixtures——类、模块和方法。
Python 1 import nose 2 from nose.tools import with_setup 3 4 # Can also be setup, setup_module, setUp or setUpModule 5 def setUpModule(module): 6 print ("") 7 print ("%s" % (setUpModule.__name__,)) 8 9 # Can also be teardown, teardown_module, or tearDownModule 10 def tearDownModule(module): 11 print ("%s" % (tearDownModule.__name__,)) 12 13 def setup_func(): 14 print ("%s" % (setup_func.__name__,)) 15 16 def teardown_func(): 17 print ("%s" % (teardown_func.__name__,)) 18 19 @with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func) 20 def test_case_1(): 21 print ("%s" % (test_case_1.__name__,)) 22 23 class test_class_1: 24 25 def setup(self): 26 print ("%s called before each test method" % (test_class_1.setup.__name__,)) 27 28 def teardown(self): 29 print ("%s called after each test method" % (test_class_1.teardown.__name__,)) 30 31 @classmethod 32 def setup_class(cls): 33 print ("%s called before any method in this class is executed" % (test_class_1.setup_class.__name__,)) 34 35 @classmethod 36 def teardown_class(cls): 37 print ("%s called after methods in this class is executed" % (test_class_1.teardown_class.__name__,)) 38 39 def test_case_2(self): 40 print ("%s" % (test_class_1.test_case_2.__name__,))
Python 1 nosetests --verbose --nocapture Nose_Fixture_Example.py
为了演示这一Python Nose教程中Fixtures的用法,使用了一个包含两个测试用例的跨浏览器测试示例:
(1)导航到URL;Lambdatest GitHub
Python 1 from nose.tools import with_setup 2 from selenium import webdriver 3 import time 4 from time import sleep 5 from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By 6 7 def setup_func(): 8 global driver 9print("setup_func: setUp Method called") 10 driver = webdriver.Chrome() 11 driver.maximize_window() 12 13 def teardown_func(): 14 global driver 15 print("teardown_func: Teardown Method called") 16 driver.quit() 17 18 @with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func) 19 def test_1(): 20 global driver 21 print("test_1: Initiated") 22 driver.get('https://www.google.com') 23 title = "Google" 24 assert title == driver.title 25 26 search_text = "LambdaTest" 27 search_box = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//input[@name='q']") 28 search_box.send_keys(search_text) 29 30 # Using Sleep is not a good programming practice 31 # Only used here for demonstration purpose 32 time.sleep(5) 33 search_box.submit() 34 35 time.sleep(5) 36 37 # Click on the LambdaTest HomePage Link 38 # This test will fail as the titles will not match 39 title = "Most Powerful Cross Browser Testing Tool Online | LambdaTest" 40 lt_link = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//h3[.='LambdaTest: Most Powerful Cross Browser Testing Tool Online']") 41 lt_link.click() 42 43 time.sleep(10) 44 assert title == driver.title 45 time.sleep(2) 46 47 @with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func) 48 def test_2(): 49 global driver 50 print("test_2: Initiated") 51driver.get('https://lambdatest.github.io/sample-todo-app/') 52 53driver.find_element(By.NAME,"li1").click() 54driver.find_element(By.NAME,"li2").click() 55 56 title = "Sample page - lambdatest.com" 57 assert title == driver.title 58 59 sample_text = "Happy Testing at LambdaTest" 60 email_text_field =driver.find_element(By.ID, "sampletodotext") 61 email_text_field.send_keys(sample_text) 62 time.sleep(5) 63 64 driver.find_element(By.ID, "addbutton").click() 65 time.sleep(5) 66 67 assert driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[.='Happy Testing at LambdaTest']").text == sample_text
Python 1 from nose.tools import with_setup 2 ................................. 3 4 def setup_func(): 5global driver 6print("setup_func: setUp Method called") 7driver = webdriver.Chrome() 8driver.maximize_window() 9 10 def teardown_func(): 11 global driver 12 print("teardown_func: Teardown Method called") 13 driver.quit()
Chrome Web Driver实例在setup_func()方法中启动,其资源在teardown_func()方法中释放。@with_setupdecorators用于将设置(即setup_func)和拆卸(teardown_func)方法添加到相应的测试函数中。
Python 1 @with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func) 2 def test_1(): 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 7 @with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func) 8 def test_2(): 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 ..........................
Selenium Webdriver API,例如find_element、send_keys等,用于定位所需的Web元素并对这些元素执行所需的操作。在Python Nose教程中,不会深入研究实现,因为它独立于用于Selenium Python测试的测试框架。
Shell 1 nosetests --verbose --nocapture <file-name.py>
Shell 1 pip install parameterized
将针对这个Python Nose教程在Lambda Test上测试ToDo应用程序,面向三种不同的浏览器进行测试:Firefox、Microsoft Edge和Chrome。以下是测试场景的概述:
(1)导航到URL https://lambdatest.github.io/sample-todo-app/
(3)将“在Lambda Test进行快乐测试”发送到id=sampletodotext的文本框
Python 1 # test_math.py 2 from nose.tools import assert_equal 3 from parameterized import parameterized, parameterized_class 4 import unittest 5 from nose.tools import with_setup 6 from selenium import webdriver 7 import time 8 from time import sleep 9 from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By 10 11 def teardown_func(): 12 global driver 13 print("teardown_func: Teardown Method called") 14 driver.quit() 15 16 @parameterized([ 17 ("Firefox"), 18 ("Chrome"), 19 ("MicrosoftEdge"), 20 ]) 21 22 @with_setup(None, teardown_func) 23 def test_to_do_app(browserName): 24 global driver 25 26 if (browserName == "Chrome"): 27 print("Test on Chrome Browser initiated") 28 driver = webdriver.Chrome() 29 elif (browserName == "MicrosoftEdge"): 30 print("Test on Edge Browser initiated") 31 # Set the Path accordingly 32 driver = webdriver.Edge("C:\EdgeDriver\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe") 33 elif (browserName == "Firefox"): 34 print("Test on Firefox initiated") 35 driver = webdriver.Firefox() 36 driver.get('https://lambdatest.github.io/sample-todo-app/') 37 driver.maximize_window() 38 39 driver.find_element(By.NAME, "li1").click() 40 driver.find_element(By.NAME, "li2").click() 41 42 title = "Sample page - lambdatest.com" 43 assert title == driver.title 44 45 sample_text = "Happy Testing at LambdaTest" 46 email_text_field =driver.find_element(By.ID, "sampletodotext") 47 email_text_field.send_keys(sample_text) 48 time.sleep(5) 49 50 driver.find_element(By.ID, "addbutton").click() 51 time.sleep(5) 52 53 assert driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[.='Happy Testing at LambdaTest']").text == sample_text
Python 1 from parameterized import parameterized, parameterized_class
使用了函数级别的Fixture,主要区别在于@with_setup decorators将只有teardown方法,因为不同的测试浏览器使用@parameterized decorators传递给测试函数。
Python 1 def teardown_func(): 2 global driver 3 print("teardown_func: Teardown Method called") 4 driver.quit() 5 6 @parameterized([ 7 ("Firefox"), 8 ("Chrome"), 9("MicrosoftEdge"), 10 ])
Python 1 @with_setup(None, teardown_func) 2 ef test_to_do_app(browserName): 3 lobal driver 4 5 f (browserName == "Chrome"): 6 rint("Test on Chrome Browser initiated") 7iver = webdriver.Chrome() 8 lif (browserName == "MicrosoftEdge"): 9 print("Test on Edge Browser initiated") 10 # Set the Path accordingly 11 driver = webdriver.Edge("C:\EdgeDriver\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe") 12 lif (browserName == "Firefox"): 13 rint("Test on Firefox initiated") 14 river = webdriver.Firefox()
一种更具可扩展性的方法来充分发挥Selenium Python测试的潜力,是利用并行化以及基于云的远程Selenium网格支持的功能。LambdaTest就是这样一种基于云的跨浏览器测试平台,可让跨3,000多种不同的浏览器、操作系统和设备组合执行Selenium测试自动化。
在这个Python Nose教程中,将在LambdaTest上演示参数化测试。首先,在这些浏览器+操作系统组合上执行前面部分中使用的测试用例:
Python 1 @parameterized([ 2("Chrome", "83.0", "Windows 10"), 3("MicrosoftEdge", "81.0", "macOS High Sierra"), 4 ("Safari", "12.0", "macOS Mojave"), 5("Firefox", "76.0", "Windows 10"), 6 ]) 实施 Python 1 # test_math.py 2 from nose.tools import assert_equal 3 from parameterized import parameterized, parameterized_class 4 from nose.tools import with_setup 5 from selenium import webdriver 6 import time 7 from time import sleep 8 import urllib3 9 import warnings 10 from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By 11 12 def setup_func(): 13 global driver 14 global remote_url 15 print("setup_func: SetUp Method called") 16 # Details can be sourced from https://automation.lambdatest.com/ 17 user_name = "user-name" 18 app_key = "pass-key" 19 remote_url = "https://" + user_name + ":" + app_key + "@hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub" 20urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) 21 22 def teardown_func(): 23 global driver 24 print("teardown_func: Teardown Method called") 25 driver.quit() 26 27 @parameterized([ 28 ("Firefox", "76.0", "Windows 10"), 29 ("Chrome", "83.0", "Windows 10"), 30 ("MicrosoftEdge", "81.0", "macOS High Sierra"), 31 ("Safari", "12.0", "macOS Mojave"), 32 ]) 33 34 @with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func) 35 def test_to_do_app(browserName, version, platform): 36 global driver 37 global remote_url 38 39 capabilities = {} 40 # Set the desired capabilities from the supplied parameters 41 capabilities["browserName"] = browserName 42 capabilities["version"] = version 43 capabilities["platform"] = platform 44 45 driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor = remote_url, desired_capabilities = capabilities) 46 driver.get('https://lambdatest.github.io/sample-todo-app/') 47 driver.maximize_window() 48 49 driver.find_element(By.NAME, "li1").click() 50 driver.find_element(By.NAME, "li2").click() 51 52 title = "Sample page - lambdatest.com" 53 assert title ==driver.title 54 55 sample_text = "Happy Testing at LambdaTest" 56 email_text_field = driver.find_element(By.ID, "sampletodotext") 57 email_text_field.send_keys(sample_text) 58 time.sleep(5) 59 60 driver.find_element(By.ID, "addbutton").click() 61 time.sleep(5) 62 63 assert driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[.='Happy Testing at LambdaTest']").text == sample_text
Python 1 remote_url = "https://" + user_name + ":" + app_key + "@hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub"
远程 WebDriver 使用功能生成器生成的远程URL 和浏览器功能。
Python 1 driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor = remote_url, desired_capabilities = capabilities)
测试用例采用三个输入参数——浏览器名称、浏览器版本和平台名称。这些条目构成了作为参数传递给WebDriver API的所需功能。
Python 1 @with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func) 2 def test_to_do_app(browserName, version, platform): 3 ......................... 4 ......................... 5 capabilities = {} 6 # Set the desired capabilities from the supplied parameters 7 capabilities["browserName"] = browserName 8 capabilities["version"] = version 9 capabilities["platform"] = platform 10 11 driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor = remote_url, desired_capabilities = capabilities) 12 driver.get('https://lambdatest.github.io/sample-todo-app/') 13 ......................... 14 .........................
实现的其余部分是不言自明的,因为它使用相关的Selenium WebDriver API来定位所需的Web元素并对其执行相关操作。
在这个特定的Python Nose教程中,将专注于在基于云的Selenium网格上进行并行测试。对于与用于跨浏览器测试的selenium网格相关的用例,nosetests中的命令行选项(-processes)可用于将测试执行分布在多个内核上。
Shell 1 nosetests --process-timeout=<optional-process-timeout> --processes=<num-processes> file-name.py
虽然在本地Selenium网格上使用并行测试可以获得显著的好处,但如果在基于云的Selenium网格上使用,它会成倍增加。因此,决定在这个Python Nose教程的基于云的Selenium网格上演示Nose中的并行测试。
流行网站StackOverflow上的用户一直在寻求利用Nose中的并行测试,Python Nose教程的这一部分将帮助开始在Nose中进行并行测试。
(1)导航到URL https://lambdatest.github.io/sample-todo-app/
Python 1 ch_caps = { 2 "build" : "Nose Testing using Chrome on Windows Environment", 3"name" : "Nose Testing on Chrome using Selenium Grid Environment", 4 "platform" : "Windows 10", 5 "browserName" : "Chrome", 6"version" : "71.0", 7"selenium_version" : "3.13.0", 8 "chrome.driver" : 2.42 9}
Python 1 # test_math.py 2 import nose 3 from nose.tools import <some p 4 from nose.tools import assert_equal 5 from parameterized import parameterized, parameterized_class 6import unittest 7 import math 8 from nose.tools import with_setup 9 from selenium import webdriver 10 import time 11 from time import sleep 12 import urllib3 13 import warnings 14 15 user_name = "user-name" 16 app_key = "pass-key" 17 18 # @parameterized([ 19 # ("Chrome", "83.0", "Windows 10"), 20 # ("MicrosoftEdge", "81.0", "macOS High Sierra"), 21 # ("Safari", "12.0", "macOS Mojave"), 22 # ("Firefox", "76.0", "Windows 7"), 23 #]) 24 25 #Set capabilities for testing on Chrome 26 ch_caps = { 27 "build" : "Nose Testing using Chrome on Windows Environment", 28 "name" : "Nose Testing on Chrome using Selenium Grid Environment", 29 "platform" : "Windows 10", 30 "browserName" : "Chrome", 31 "version" : "71.0", 32 "selenium_version" : "3.13.0", 33 "chrome.driver" : 2.42 34 } 35 36 #Set capabilities for testing on Firefox 37 ff_caps = { 38 "build" : "Nose Testing using Firefox on Windows Environment", 39 "name" : "Nose Testing on Firefox using Selenium Grid Environment", 40 "platform" : "Windows 10", 41 "browserName" : "Firefox", 42 "version" : "64.0", 43 } 44 45 #Set capabilities for testing on Safari 46 saf_caps = { 47 "build" : "Nose Testing using Safari on macOS Mojave Environment", 48 "name" : "Nose Testing on Safari using Selenium Grid Environment", 49 "platform" : "macOS Mojave", 50 "browserName" : "Safari", 51 "version" : "12.0", 52 } 53 54 # _multiprocess_can_split_ = True 55 56 def teardown_func(): 57 global driver 58 print("Inside TearDown") 59 driver.quit() 60 61 @with_setup(None, teardown_func) 62 def test_verify_todo_app(): 63 global driver 64urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) 65 # Details can be sourced from https://automation.lambdatest.com/ 66 remote_url = "https://" + user_name + ":" + app_key + "@hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub" 67 68 driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor = remote_url, desired_capabilities = ch_caps) 69 driver.get('https://lambdatest.github.io/sample-todo-app/') 70 driver.maximize_window() 71 72 driver.find_element_by_name("li1").click() 73 driver.find_element_by_name("li2").click() 74 75 title = "Sample page - lambdatest.com" 76 assert title == driver.title 77 78 sample_text = "Happy Testing at LambdaTest" 79 email_text_field =driver.find_element_by_id("sampletodotext") 80 email_text_field.send_keys(sample_text) 81 time.sleep(5) 82 83 driver.find_element_by_id("addbutton").click() 84 time.sleep(5) 85 86 assert driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[.='Happy Testing at LambdaTest']").text == sample_text 87 88 @with_setup(None, teardown_func) 89 def test_lt_blog(): 90 global driver 91urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) 92 # Details can be sourced from https://automation.lambdatest.com/ 93 remote_url = "https://" + user_name + ":" + app_key + "@hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub" 94 95 driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor = remote_url, desired_capabilities = ff_caps) 96driver.get('https://www.lambdatest.com/blog/') 97 driver.maximize_window() 98 99 expected_title = "LambdaTest | A Cross Browser Testing Blog" 100 assert expected_title == driver.title 101 time.sleep(5) 102 103 @with_setup(None, teardown_func) 104 def test_verify_google(): 105 global driver 106urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) 107 # Details can be sourced from https://automation.lambdatest.com/ 108 remote_url = "https://" + user_name + ":" + app_key + "@hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub" 109 110 driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor = remote_url, desired_capabilities = saf_caps) 111 driver.get('https://www.google.com/') 112 driver.maximize_window() 113 title = "Google" 114 assert title == driver.title 115 116 search_text = "LambdaTest" 117 search_box = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@name='q']") 118 search_box.send_keys(search_text) 119 120 time.sleep(5) 121 search_box.submit() 122 123 time.sleep(5) 124 125 # Click on the LambdaTest HomePage Link 126 # This test will fail as the titles will not match 127 title = "Most Powerful Cross Browser Testing Tool Online | LambdaTest" 128 lt_link = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//h3[.='LambdaTest: Most Powerful Cross Browser Testing Tool Online']") 129 lt_link.click() 130 131 time.sleep(10) 132 assert title == driver.title 133 time.sleep(2)
Python 1 # _multiprocess_can_split_ = True 2 def teardown_func(): 3global driver 4print("Inside TearDown") 5 driver.quit()
Python 1 @with_setup(None, teardown_func) 2 def test_verify_todo_app(): 3 ............ 4............ 5 ............ 6 @with_setup(None, teardown_func) 7 def test_lt_blog(): 8 ............ 9............ 10 ............ 11 @with_setup(None, teardown_func) 12 def test_verify_google(): 13 ............ 14............ 15 ............
以下命令用于在基于云的Selenium Grid上并行执行三个测试用例
Shell 1nosetests --process-timeout=60 --processes=3 Nose_Parallel_Test.py
This is a screenshot of the execution showing three tests running in parallel on a cloud-based Selenium grid:
Test executed successfully on Selenium Grid:
In this Python Nose tutorial series, the testing framework Nose (version 1.3.7) for Selenium Python testing is briefly introduced. This framework is an extension to unittest to make testing easier. The main advantage of choosing Nose over unittest is that it eliminates the requirement for boilerplate code.
It also has a large number of plug-ins, adding support for decorators, Fixtures, parameterized tests, etc. These features enhance the usability of the framework.
Hope this article can help people understand and use Nose to perform selenium python testing.
Original link: https://dzone.com/articles/getting-started-with-nose-in-python-tutorial
The above is the detailed content of How to get started with Nose in Python. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!