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Super detailed! Graphics and text explain Vue3's combined API!

2022-08-09 09:29:123245browse

Composition API

  • Composition API (Composition API) is a very valuable API update for vue3 for our developers. Let’s not focus on the specific syntax first. It has a big perception

1. composition vs options

  • #options The vue application developed by the API is shown on the left, and its characteristic is understanding Easy, because each option has a fixed writing position. For example, responsive data is written in the data selection, operation methods are written in the methods configuration item, etc. After the application becomes large, I believe everyone will encounter the dilemma of looking up and down for the code.
  • The vue application developed by composition API is shown on the right. Its characteristic is that everything related to specific functions is put together and maintained, such as responsive data related to function A, methods of operating data, etc. Together, no matter how big the application is, you can quickly read and locate all relevant codes for a certain function, which is easy to maintain. If the function is complex and the amount of code is large, we can also perform logical split processing [Recommended: vue video tutorial
    Super detailed! Graphics and text explain Vue3s combined API!
    Super detailed! Graphics and text explain Vue3s combined API!
    Special note:
  • Optional API and combined API styles coexist Relationships are not either/or

  • Scenarios that require a large number of logical combinations can be enhanced using the compition API

2. Case comparison

Above we briefly learned about the new API form brought by vue3 through the diagram. Next, we use a specific small case to have a more in-depth experience of the comparison of the development models under the two APIs. Let’s first Ignore the grammatical details for the time being and focus only on the code writing form

2.1 Understanding the requirements

Super detailed! Graphics and text explain Vue3s combined API!
Two independent functions:

  • Control the display and hiding of p by clicking the button

  • Control the change of font color in p by clicking the button

2.2 vue2.x option Api version

    <!-- 功能一模板 -->
    <button @click="show">显示</button>
    <button @click="hide">隐藏</button>
    <div v-if="showDiv">一个被控制显隐的div</div>
    <!-- 功能二模板 -->
    <button @click="changeRed">红色</button>
    <button @click="changeYellow">蓝色</button>
    <div :style="`color:${fontColor}`">一个被控制字体颜色的的div</div>

export default {
  name: &#39;App&#39;,
  data() {
    return {
      showDiv: true, // 功能一数据
      fontColor: &#39;&#39; // 功能二数据
  methods: {
    // 功能一方法
    show() {
      this.showDiv = true
    hide() {
      this.showDiv = false
    // 功能二方法
    changeRed() {
      this.fontColor = &#39;red&#39;
    changeYellow() {
      this.fontColor = &#39;blue&#39;

2.3 vue3.0 composition api version

    <!-- 功能一模板 -->
    <button @click="show">显示</button>
    <button @click="hide">隐藏</button>
    <div v-if="showDivFlag">一个被控制显隐的div</div>
    <!-- 功能二模板 -->
    <button @click="changeRed">红色</button>
    <button @click="changeBlue">蓝色</button>
    <div :style="`color:${fontColor}`">一个被控制字体颜色的的div</div>

import { ref } from &#39;vue&#39;
export default {
  name: &#39;App&#39;,
  setup() {
    // 功能一
    const showDivFlag = ref(true)
    function show() {
      showDivFlag.value = true
    function hide() {
      showDivFlag.value = false
    // 功能二

    const fontColor = ref(&#39;&#39;)
    function changeRed() {
      fontColor.value = &#39;red&#39;
    function changeBlue() {
      fontColor.value = &#39;blue&#39;
    return { showDivFlag, show, hide, fontColor, changeRed, changeBlue }

2.4 composition api version optimization

There may be doubts here, so now we are All data and behaviors related to functions are maintained together. If the application is large and has many functions, won't the setup function become very large? Wouldn't it become more difficult to maintain? Next, let's dismantle the huge setup function

<script>import { ref } from &#39;vue&#39;function useShow() {
  const showpFlag = ref(true)
  function show() {
    showpFlag.value = true
  function hide() {
    showpFlag.value = false
  return { showpFlag, show, hide }}function useColor() {
  const fontColor = ref(&#39;&#39;)
  function changeRed() {
    fontColor.value = &#39;red&#39;
  function changeBlue() {
    fontColor.value = &#39;blue&#39;
  return { fontColor, changeRed, changeBlue }}export default {
  name: &#39;App&#39;,
  setup() {
    // 功能一
    const { showpFlag, show, hide } = useShow()
    // 功能二
    const { fontColor, changeRed, changeBlue } = useColor()
    return { showpFlag, show, hide, fontColor, changeRed, changeBlue }

Above, we separated the two functionally related codes by defining functional functions. into an independent small function, and then combine the two small functional functions in the setUp function. In this way, we can not only make the setup function refreshing, but also facilitate the maintenance of quick positioning functions

At this point we have not paid attention to the details of the api, but just realized the benefits that the combined api has given us. Next we will go into the details of the api and see how to use the new api↓

3. setup entry function

  1. The setup function is a new component option, which serves as the starting point (entry) of the combined API in the component.
  2. This cannot be used in setup, this Pointing to undefined
  3. The setup function will only be executed once when the component is initialized
  4. The setup function is executed before the beforeCreate life cycle hook is executed
export default {
  setup () {
  beforeCreate() {

4. Responsive system API

4.1 reactive function

  • Function: reactive is a function that receives an ordinary object, converts the object data into a responsive object and returns

Use steps

  • Import the reactive function from the vue framework

  • Call the reactive function in the setup function and Pass the object data in

  • In the setup function, return the return value after the reactive function is called in the form of an object

Code implementation

  <div>{{ state.name }}</div>
  <div>{{ state.age }}</div>
  <button @click="state.name = &#39;pink&#39;">改值</button>

import { reactive } from &#39;vue&#39;
export default {
  setup () {
    const state = reactive({
      name: &#39;cp&#39;,
      age: 18
    return {

4.2 ref function

  • Function: ref is a function that accepts a simple or complex type and returns a responsive and variable ref object

Use steps

  • Export the ref function from the vue framework

  • Call in the setup function ref function and pass in data (simple type or complex type)

  • In the setup function, return the return value after calling the ref function in the form of an object

  • Note: When using the ref result in the setup function, you need to access it through .value. When using it in the template, you do not need to add .value

  <div>{{ money }}</div>
  <button @click="changeMondy">改值</button>

import { ref } from &#39;vue&#39;
export default {
  setup() {
    let money = ref(100)
    return {

Summary instructions:

  • The ref function can receive a simple type value and return a changeable ref responsive object, thereby making up for the problem that the reactive function does not support simple types

  • reactive和ref函数都可以提供响应式数据的转换,具体什么时候需要使用哪个API社区还没有最佳实践,大家暂时可以使用自己熟练的API进行转换

  • 推荐一种写法:只有我们明确知道要转换的对象内部的字段名称我们才使用reactive,否则就一律使用ref,从而降低在语法选择上的心智负担

4.3 toRefs 函数

  • 场景: 经过reactive函数处理之后返回的对象,如果给这个对象解构或者展开,会让数据丢失响应式的能力,为了解决这个问题需要引入toRefs函数,使用 toRefs函数 可以保证该对象展开的每个属性都是响应式的

4.3.1 问题复现



  <div>{{ state.name }}</div>
  <div>{{ state.age }}</div>
  <button @click="state.name = &#39;pink&#39;">改值</button>

import { reactive } from &#39;vue&#39;
export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      name: &#39;cp&#39;,
      age: 18
    return {


  <div>{{ name }}</div>
  <div>{{ age }}</div>
  <button @click="name = &#39;pink&#39;">改值</button>
import { reactive } from &#39;vue&#39;
export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      name: &#39;cp&#39;,
      age: 18
    return {
  • 点击改值按钮,发现视图已经不发生变化了,这就是我们所说的,如果解构reactive的返回值,将破坏调用响应式特性,就需要我们使用toRefs方法进行处理了

4.3.2 toRefs包裹处理

  <div>{{ name }}</div>
  <div>{{ age }}</div>
  <button @click="name = &#39;pink&#39;">改值</button>

import { reactive,toRefs } from &#39;vue&#39;
export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      name: &#39;cp&#39;,
      age: 18
    return {

4.4 computed

  • 在setup函数中使用计算属性函数



  • 从vue框架中导入computed 函数

  • 在setup函数中执行computed函数,并传入一个函数,在函数中定义计算公式

  • 把computed函数调用完的执行结果放到setup的return值对象中

  {{ list }}
  {{ filterList }}  <button>change list</button></template><script>import { computed, ref } from &#39;vue&#39;export default {
  setup() {
    const list = ref([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    // 输入大于3的数字
    const filterList = computed(() => {
      return list.value.filter(item => item > 3)
    // 修改list的函数
    function changeList() {
      list.value.push(6, 7, 8)
    return {
      changeList    }

4.5 watch 侦听器

  • 在setup函数中侦听器的使用


  • 普通监听

  • 立即执行

  • 深度监听


  • 从vue框架中导入watch函数

  • 在setup函数中执行watch函数开启对响应式数据的监听

  • watch函数接收三个常规参数

    1. 第一个参数为函数,返回你要监听变化的响应式数据
    2. 第二个参数为响应式数据变化之后要执行的回调函数
    3. 第三个参数为一个对象,在里面配置是否开启立刻执行或者深度监听

4.5.1 普通监听

  {{ age }}  <button>change age</button></template><script>import { ref, watch } from &#39;vue&#39;export default {
  setup() {
    const age = ref(18)
    watch(() => {
      // 返回你想要监听的响应式属性(ref产生的对象必须加.value)
      return age.value    }, () => {
      // 数据变化之后的回调函数
    return {
      age    }

4.5.2 开启立刻执行


  {{ age }}  <button>change age</button></template><script>import { ref, watch } from &#39;vue&#39;export default {
  setup() {
    const age = ref(18)
    watch(() => {
      // 返回你想要监听的响应式属性(ref产生的对象必须加.value)
      return age.value    }, () => {
      // 数据变化之后的回调函数
    },{ immediate: true})
    return {
      age    }

4.5.3 开启深度监听


  {{ name }}
  {{ info.age }}  <button>change name</button>
  <button>change age</button></template><script>import { reactive, toRefs, watch } from &#39;vue&#39;export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      name: &#39;cp&#39;,
      info: {
        age: 18
    watch(() => {
      return state    }, () => {
      // 数据变化之后的回调函数
    }, {
      deep: true
    return {

4.5.4 更好的做法


  {{ name }}
  {{ info.age }}  <button>change name</button>
  <button>change age</button></template><script>import { reactive, toRefs, watch } from &#39;vue&#39;export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      name: &#39;cp&#39;,
      info: {
        age: 18
    watch(() => {
      // 详细的告知你要监听谁
      return state.info.age    }, () => {
      // 数据变化之后的回调函数
    return {

5. 生命周期函数


  • 先从vue中导入以on打头的生命周期钩子函数

  • 在setup函数中调用生命周期函数并传入回调函数

  • 生命周期钩子函数可以调用多次


import { onMounted } from &#39;vue&#39;
export default {
  setup() {
    // 时机成熟 回调函数自动执行
    onMounted(() => {
     onMounted(() => {
选项式API 组合式API
beforeCreate 不需要(直接写到setup函数中)
created 不需要(直接写到setup函数中)
beforeMount onBeforeMount
mounted onMounted
beforeUpdate onBeforeUpdate
updated onUpdated
beforeDestroyed onBeforeUnmount
destroyed onUnmounted

6. 父子通信



  • setup函数提供俩个参数,第一个参数为props,第二个参数为一个对象context

  • props为一个对象,内部包含了父组件传递过来的所有prop数据,context对象包含了attrs,slots, emit属性,其中的emit可以触发自定义事件的执行从而完成子传父


  <son></son></template><script>import { ref } from &#39;vue&#39;import Son from &#39;./components/son&#39;export default {
  components: {
    Son  },
  setup() {
    const name = ref(&#39;cp&#39;)
    function getMsg(msg) {
    return {
      getMsg    }


    <button @click="setMsgToSon">set</button>

export default {
  props: {
    name: {
      type: String
  emits: [&#39;get-msg&#39;], // 声明当前组件触发的自定义事件
  setup(props,{emit}) {
    function setMsgToSon(){
    return {

7. provide 和 inject

通常我们使用props进行父子之间的数据传递,但是如果组件嵌套层级较深,一层一层往下传递将会变的非常繁琐,有没有一种手段可以把这个过程简化一下呢,有的,就是我们马上要学习的provide 和 inject,它们配合起来可以方便的完成跨层传递数据

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7.1 基础使用

  • 在setup函数中使用provide和inject的基础用法

来个需求: 爷组件中有一份数据 传递给孙组件直接使用
Super detailed! Graphics and text explain Vue3s combined API!


  • 顶层组件在setup方法中使用provide函数提供数据

  • 任何底层组件在setup方法中使用inject函数获取数据

爷爷组件 - app.vue

  <father></father></template><script>import Father from &#39;@/components/Father&#39;import { provide } from &#39;vue&#39;export default {
  components: {
    Father  },
  setup() {
    let name = &#39;柴柴老师&#39;
    // 使用provide配置项注入数据 key - value
    provide(&#39;name&#39;, name)

孙组件 - components/Son.vue

  {{ name }}</template><script>import { inject } from &#39;vue&#39;export default {
  setup() {
    const name = inject(&#39;name&#39;)
    return {
      name    }


7.2 传递响应式数据


  • 通过provide/inject传递响应式数据
  <button>change name</button></template><script>import Father from &#39;@/components/Father&#39;import { provide, ref } from &#39;vue&#39;export default {
  components: {
    Father  },
  setup() {
    // 使用ref转换成响应式再传递
    let name = ref(&#39;柴柴老师&#39;)
    function changeName(){
      name.value = &#39;pink&#39;
    provide(&#39;name&#39;, name)
    return {
      changeName    }

8. 模板中 ref 的使用


  • ref + 普通dom标签 获取真实dom对象

  • ref + 组件标签 获取组件实例对象

  • ref + v-for 获取由dom对象(实例对象)组成的数组 (不经常使用)

  • 在setup函数中使用ref获取真实dom获取组件实例的方法


  • 使用ref函数传入null创建 ref对象 => const hRef = ref(null)

  • 模板中通过定义ref属性等于1中创建的ref对象名称建立关联 => <h1 ref="hRef"></h1>

  • 使用 =>hRef.value




  <ref-comoonent></ref-comoonent></template><script>import { onMounted, ref } from &#39;vue&#39;import RefComoonent from &#39;@/components/RefComponent&#39;export default {
  components: {
    RefComoonent  },
  setup() {
    const h1Ref = ref(null)
    const comRef = ref(null)
    onMounted(() => {
    // 必须return
    return {
      comRef    }

9. 来个案例吧 - Todos


  • 渲染列表数据 v-for

  • 点击删除当前列表 splice + index

  • 回车添加新项目 @keyup.enter=“addTodo” list.unshift

  • 选择状态切换 v-model

  • 多选和取消多选 计算属性的set和get

  • 未完成任务数量统计 computed

    <!-- 头部输入框区域 -->
      <!-- 全选切换input -->
        <!-- 任务列表 -->
            <!-- 双向绑定 flag -->
            <label>{{ item.name }}</label>
            <!-- 删除按钮 -->
      <span> 还未完成的任务有:<strong>{{count}}</strong>项 </span>
  </section></template><script>import { computed, ref } from &#39;vue&#39;export default {
  setup() {
    const list = ref([
      { id: 1, name: &#39;吃饭&#39;, flag: false },
      { id: 2, name: &#39;睡觉&#39;, flag: false },
      { id: 3, name: &#39;打豆豆&#39;, flag: true }

    // 删除函数
    function del(index) {
      // index 要删除项的下标值
      // splice
      list.value.splice(index, 1)

    const curTask = ref(&#39;&#39;)
    function add() {
      // 添加逻辑
        id: new Date(),
        name: curTask.value,
        flag: false
      curTask.value = &#39;&#39;

    // 全选取消全选
    // {name:"cp"}  console.log(info.name)  info.name = &#39;pink&#39;
    const isAll = computed({
      // 获取isAll数据的时候会执行get函数
      get() {
        // 当list列表中所有项的flag属性都为true 就为true
        // every
        return list.value.every(item => item.flag === true)
      set(val) {
        // 拿到isAll最新值 遍历一下list 把里面的flag属性设置为最新值
        list.value.forEach(item => {
          item.flag = val        })

    // 计算未完成的任务
    const count = computed(()=>{
      return  list.value.filter(item=>item.flag === false).length    })
    return {
      count    }
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html .clear-completed:active {
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	Hack to remove background from Mobile Safari.
	Can&#39;t use it globally since it destroys checkboxes in Firefox
*/@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
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  .footer {
    height: 50px;

  .filters {
    bottom: 10px;

The above is the detailed content of Super detailed! Graphics and text explain Vue3's combined API!. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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