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This article brings you relevant knowledge about closures in JavaScript, including viewing closures from a stack perspective, closure shared variable issues and other related issues. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
Concept of closure:
The result returned after the function is executed is An internal function is referenced by an external variable. If the internal function holds variables in the scope of the executed function, a closure is formed. External function scope can be accessed from internal functions.
Using closures, you can read the variables in the function and store the variables in the function in memory to protect the variables from being polluted. Because closures store variable values in functions in memory and consume memory, closures cannot be abused, otherwise they will affect web performance and cause memory leaks. When there is no need to use closures, to release memory in time, you can assign null to the variables of the inner function object.
Closure features: Multiple closure memory spaces generated by an external function are independent of each other.
Closure application scenarios:
Disadvantages: Closure will cause the original scope chain not to be released, causing memory leaks.
A function and its surrounding state (lexical environment, Lexical environment) references are bundled together (or a function is surrounded by references), and this combination is a closure. In other words, closures allow you to access the scope of an outer function from within an inner function. In JavaScript, whenever a function is created, a closure is created at the same time as the function is created.
Lexical scope
Please look at the following code:
function init() { var name = "Mozilla"; // name 是一个被 init 创建的局部变量 function displayName() { // displayName() 是内部函数,一个闭包 alert(name); // 使用了父函数中声明的变量 } displayName(); } init();
init() creates a local variable name and a variable named displayName() The function. displayName() is an internal function defined in init() and is only available within the init() function body. Note that displayName() does not have its own local variables. However, because it has access to the external function's variables, displayName() can use the variable name declared in the parent function init() .
After running the code using this JSFiddle link, we found that the alert() statement within the displayName() function successfully displayed the value of the variable name (the variable was declared in its parent function). This lexical scoping example describes how the parser resolves variable names when functions are nested. The term lexical refers to the fact that lexical scope determines where a variable is available based on where in the source code it is declared. Nested functions can access variables declared in their outer scope.
The values of variables of basic data types generally exist in stack memory. Basic data types: Number, Boolean, Undefined, String, Null. ;The value of the object type variable is stored in the heap memory, and the stack memory stores the corresponding space address.
var a = 1 //a是一个基本数据类型 var b = {m: 20 } //b是一个对象
Corresponding memory storage:
When we execute b={m:30}, there is a new object {m:30} in the heap memory , b in the stack memory points to the new space address (pointing to {m: 30}), and the original {m: 20} in the heap memory will be garbage collected by the program engine, saving memory space. We know that js functions are also objects, and they are also stored in heap and stack memory. Let’s take a look at the transformation:
var a = 1; function fn(){ var b = 2 function fn1(){ console.log(b) } fn1() } fn()
The stack is a First in last out data structure:
function outer() { var a = '变量1' var inner = function () { console.info(a) } return inner // inner 就是一个闭包函数,因为他能够访问到outer函数的作用域 } var inner = outer() // 获得inner闭包函数 inner() //"变量1"
当程序执行完var inner = outer(),其实outer的执行环境并没有被销毁,因为他里面的变量a仍然被被inner的函数作用域链所引用,当程序执行完inner(), 这时候,inner和outer的执行环境才会被销毁调;《JavaScript高级编程》书中建议:由于闭包会携带包含它的函数的作用域,因为会比其他函数占用更多内容,过度使用闭包,会导致内存占用过多。
//第一种情况 调用时给外函数传入变量值 function outer(name){ return function(){ console.log(name) } } f1 = outer('yang') f2 = outer('fang') console.log(f1.toString()) f1() //yang f2() //fang f1() //yang //第二种情况:外函数局部变量值为变化 function count() { var arr = []; for (var i=1; i<=3; i++) { arr.push(function () { return i * i; }); } return arr; } var results = count(); var f1 = results[0]; //16 var f2 = results[1]; //16 var f3 = results[2]; //16 console.log(f1 ) //第三种情况:外函数的局部变量值变化。 function test(){ var i = 0; return function(){ console.log(i++) } }; var a = test(); var b = test(); //依次执行a,a,b,控制台会输出什么呢?0 1 0 //b为什么不是2 a();a();b();
在 Web 中,你想要这样做的情况特别常见。大部分我们所写的 JavaScript 代码都是基于事件的 — 定义某种行为,然后将其添加到用户触发的事件之上(比如点击或者按键)。我们的代码通常作为回调:为响应事件而执行的函数。
假如,我们想在页面上添加一些可以调整字号的按钮。一种方法是以像素为单位指定 body 元素的 font-size,然后通过相对的 em 单位设置页面中其它元素(例如header)的字号:
body { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } h1 { font-size: 1.5em; } h2 { font-size: 1.2em; }
我们的文本尺寸调整按钮可以修改 body 元素的 font-size 属性,由于我们使用相对单位,页面中的其它元素也会相应地调整。
以下是 JavaScript:
function makeSizer(size) { return function() { document.body.style.fontSize = size + 'px'; }; } var size12 = makeSizer(12); var size14 = makeSizer(14); var size16 = makeSizer(16);
size12,size14 和 size16 三个函数将分别把 body 文本调整为 12,14,16 像素。我们可以将它们分别添加到按钮的点击事件上。如下所示:
document.getElementById('size-12').onclick = size12; document.getElementById('size-14').onclick = size14; document.getElementById('size-16').onclick = size16; <a href="#" id="size-12">12</a> <a href="#" id="size-14">14</a> <a href="#" id="size-16">16</a>
编程语言中,比如 Java,是支持将方法声明为私有的,即它们只能被同一个类中的其它方法所调用。
而 JavaScript 没有这种原生支持,但我们可以使用闭包来模拟私有方法。私有方法不仅仅有利于限制对代码的访问:还提供了管理全局命名空间的强大能力,避免非核心的方法弄乱了代码的公共接口部分。
下面的示例展现了如何使用闭包来定义公共函数,并令其可以访问私有函数和变量。这个方式也称为 模块模式(module pattern):
var Counter = (function() { var privateCounter = 0; function changeBy(val) { privateCounter += val; } return { increment: function() { changeBy(1); }, decrement: function() { changeBy(-1); }, value: function() { return privateCounter; } } })(); console.log(Counter.value()); /* logs 0 */ Counter.increment(); Counter.increment(); console.log(Counter.value()); /* logs 2 */ Counter.decrement(); console.log(Counter.value()); /* logs 1 */
可以将上面的代码拆分成两部分:(function(){}) 和 () 。第1个() 是一个表达式,而这个表达式本身是一个匿名函数,所以在这个表达式后面加 () 就表示执行这个匿名函数。
在之前的示例中,每个闭包都有它自己的词法环境;而这次我们只创建了一个词法环境,为三个函数所共享:Counter.increment,Counter.decrement 和 Counter.value。
该共享环境创建于一个立即执行的匿名函数体内。这个环境中包含两个私有项:名为 privateCounter 的变量和名为 changeBy 的函数。这两项都无法在这个匿名函数外部直接访问。必须通过匿名函数 返回的三个公共函数访问。
这三个公共函数是共享同一个环境的闭包。多亏 JavaScript 的词法作用域,它们都可以访问 privateCounter 变量和 changeBy 函数。
你应该注意到我们定义了一个匿名函数,用于创建一个计数器。我们立即执行了这个匿名函数,并将他的值赋给了变量Counter。我们可以把这个函数储存在另外一个变量makeCounter中,并用他来创建多个计数器。 var makeCounter = function() { var privateCounter = 0; function changeBy(val) { privateCounter += val; } return { increment: function() { changeBy(1); }, decrement: function() { changeBy(-1); }, value: function() { return privateCounter; } } }; var Counter1 = makeCounter(); var Counter2 = makeCounter(); console.log(Counter1.value()); /* logs 0 */ Counter1.increment(); Counter1.increment(); console.log(Counter1.value()); /* logs 2 */ Counter1.decrement(); console.log(Counter1.value()); /* logs 1 */ console.log(Counter2.value()); /* logs 0 */
请注意两个计数器 Counter1 和 Counter2 是如何维护它们各自的独立性的。每个闭包都是引用自己词法作用域内的变量 privateCounter 。
以这种方式使用闭包,提供了许多与面向对象编程相关的好处 —— 特别是数据隐藏和封装。
在 ECMAScript 2015 引入 let 关键字 之前,在循环中有一个常见的闭包创建错误。参考下面的示例:
<p id="help">Helpful notes will appear here</p> <p>E-mail: <input type="text" id="email" name="email"></p> <p>Name: <input type="text" id="name" name="name"></p> <p>Age: <input type="text" id="age" name="age"></p> function showHelp(help) { document.getElementById('help').innerHTML = help; } function setupHelp() { var helpText = [ {'id': 'email', 'help': 'Your e-mail address'}, {'id': 'name', 'help': 'Your full name'}, {'id': 'age', 'help': 'Your age (you must be over 16)'} ]; for (var i = 0; i < helpText.length; i++) { var item = helpText[i]; document.getElementById(item.id).onfocus = function() { showHelp(item.help); } } } setupHelp();
//一、将function直接返回,会发生闭包 //二、将函数赋值给一个变量,此变量函数外部使用,此时也是闭包。比如,数组、多个变量等。 举例下面也是闭包情况。 var arr = [] for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { arr[i] = function(){console.log(i)} } arr[6]()此时也是闭包,将十个匿名函数+i组成了一个闭包返回。
数组 helpText 中定义了三个有用的提示信息,每一个都关联于对应的文档中的input 的 ID。通过循环这三项定义,依次为相应input添加了一个 onfocus 事件处理函数,以便显示帮助信息。
原因是赋值给 onfocus 的是闭包。这些闭包是由他们的函数定义和在 setupHelp 作用域中捕获的环境所组成的。这三个闭包在循环中被创建,但他们共享了同一个词法作用域,在这个作用域中存在一个变量item。这是因为变量item使用var进行声明,由于变量提升,所以具有函数作用域。当onfocus的回调执行时,item.help的值被决定。由于循环在事件触发之前早已执行完毕,变量对象item(被三个闭包所共享)已经指向了helpText的最后一项。
function showHelp(help) { document.getElementById('help').innerHTML = help; } function makeHelpCallback(help) { return function() { showHelp(help); }; } function setupHelp() { var helpText = [ {'id': 'email', 'help': 'Your e-mail address'}, {'id': 'name', 'help': 'Your full name'}, {'id': 'age', 'help': 'Your age (you must be over 16)'} ]; for (var i = 0; i < helpText.length; i++) { var item = helpText[i]; document.getElementById(item.id).onfocus = makeHelpCallback(item.help); } } setupHelp();
这段代码可以如我们所期望的那样工作。所有的回调不再共享同一个环境, makeHelpCallback 函数为每一个回调创建一个新的词法环境。在这些环境中,help 指向 helpText 数组中对应的字符串。
function showHelp(help) { document.getElementById('help').innerHTML = help; } function setupHelp() { var helpText = [ {'id': 'email', 'help': 'Your e-mail address'}, {'id': 'name', 'help': 'Your full name'}, {'id': 'age', 'help': 'Your age (you must be over 16)'} ]; for (var i = 0; i < helpText.length; i++) { (function() { var item = helpText[i]; document.getElementById(item.id).onfocus = function() { showHelp(item.help); } })(); // 马上把当前循环项的item与事件回调相关联起来 } } setupHelp();
function showHelp(help) { document.getElementById('help').innerHTML = help; } function setupHelp() { var helpText = [ {'id': 'email', 'help': 'Your e-mail address'}, {'id': 'name', 'help': 'Your full name'}, {'id': 'age', 'help': 'Your age (you must be over 16)'} ]; for (var i = 0; i < helpText.length; i++) { let item = helpText[i]; document.getElementById(item.id).onfocus = function() { showHelp(item.help); } } } setupHelp();
另一个可选方案是使用 forEach()来遍历helpText数组,如下所示:
function showHelp(help) { document.getElementById('help').innerHTML = help; } function setupHelp() { var helpText = [ {'id': 'email', 'help': 'Your e-mail address'}, {'id': 'name', 'help': 'Your full name'}, {'id': 'age', 'help': 'Your age (you must be over 16)'} ]; helpText.forEach(function(text) { document.getElementById(text.id).onfocus = function() { showHelp(text.help); } }); } setupHelp();
function outer() { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i<10; i++){ result.[i] = function () { console.info(i) } } return result }
看样子result每个闭包函数对打印对应数字,1,2,3,4,...,10, 实际不是,因为每个闭包函数访问变量i是outer执行环境下的变量i,随着循环的结束,i已经变成10了,所以执行每个闭包函数,结果打印10, 10, ..., 10
function outer() { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i<10; i++){ result.[i] = function (num) { return function() { console.info(num); // 此时访问的num,是上层函数执行环境的num,数组有10个函数对象,每个对象的执行环境下的number都不一样 } }(i) } return result }
第二: this指向问题
var object = { name: ''object", getName: function() { return function() { console.info(this.name) } } } object.getName()() // underfined // 因为里面的闭包函数是在window作用域下执行的,也就是说,this指向windows
function showId() { var el = document.getElementById("app") el.onclick = function(){ aler(el.id) // 这样会导致闭包引用外层的el,当执行完showId后,el无法释放 } } // 改成下面 function showId() { var el = document.getElementById("app") var id = el.id el.onclick = function(){ aler(id) // 这样会导致闭包引用外层的el,当执行完showId后,el无法释放 } el = null // 主动释放el }
The above is the detailed content of Let's talk about JavaScript closures (summary sharing). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!