Home >Operation and Maintenance >Docker >What are the core components of docker
Docker has three core components: 1. Image, a Linux file system; 2. Container, a runtime instance of the image; 3. Repository, a centralized storage place for images .
The operating environment of this tutorial: linux5.9.8 system, docker-1.13.1 version, Dell G3 computer.
The three core components of Docker
What is a Docker image?
To simply understand, the Docker image is a Linux file system (Root FileSystem). This file system contains programs that can run in the Linux kernel and corresponding data.
Speaking of this, we may need to add some knowledge related to the Linux operating system:
Generally speaking, Linux is divided into two parts: Linux Kernel (Linux Kernel) and user space , and the real Linux operating system refers to the Linux kernel. Our commonly used operating systems such as Ubuntu and CentOS are actually distribution versions (Linux Distribution) formed by different manufacturers adding their own software and tools (tools) based on the Linux kernel.
Therefore, we can also think of the image as the user space mentioned above. When Docker creates a container through the image, the user space defined by the image is run on the host as an independent and isolated process. On top of the Linux kernel.
Here we want to emphasize two characteristics of mirroring:
The mirror is layered (Layer): that is, a mirror can be composed of multiple intermediate layers, multiple mirrors The same middle layer can be shared, or we can generate a new image by adding one more layer to the image.
The mirror is read-only: after the mirror is built, it cannot be modified. What we said above is to add a layer to build a new mirror. In the middle, a temporary container is actually created, and files are added or deleted on the container to form a new image, because the container can be changed dynamically.
Through the following diagram, I can better understand the relationship between Docker images and Linux:
Commands for operating images
The commands related to image operations in Docker are all under the docker image subcommand. Through the docker image --help command, you can see the docker image subcommand. The detailed documentation of the command is as follows:
Usage: docker image COMMAND Manage images Commands: build Build an image from a Dockerfile(构建镜像的命令) history Show the history of an image(显示镜像构建历史过程) import Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image(导入一个由容器导出的镜像) inspect Display detailed information on one or more images(显示一个镜像的详细信息) load Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN(从一个文件或标准输入流中导入镜像) ls List images(查看镜像列表) prune Remove unused images(删除虚悬镜像) pull Pull an image or a repository from a registry(从仓库拉取镜像) push Push an image or a repository to a registry(推送镜像到仓库) rm Remove one or more images(删除镜像) save Save one or more images to a tar archive(streamed to STDOUT by default)(保存镜像到文件) tag Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE(给镜像打标签)
Get the image
After installing Docker, we do not have any local image. Of course we can build it ourselves, but it is more convenient to pull the official or third-party built image from Docker Hub, the official warehouse service provided by Docker.
You can use docker image pull to pull the image. The format is as follows:
docker image pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]
Of course, docker image pull has a more concise usage: such as:
docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]
To pull the image, you need to specify the URL and port number of the Docker Registry. The default is Docker Hub. You also need to specify the warehouse name and label. The warehouse name and label uniquely determine an image, and the label may be omitted. If omitted, it will be used by default. latest is used as the tag name, and the warehouse name is composed of the author name and software name.
So, after omitting the parameters, for example, if we want to pull the centos image, we can use the following simple command to pull it from Docker Hub:
$ docker pull centos
View local mirrors
Through the above method, we pulled the mirror to the local, so how to check what mirrors are there locally? We can view all local images through the following command:
$ docker image ls
Of course, Docker provides a more concise way of writing, as follows:
$ docker images
Virtual Mirror
We know that the Docker image name consists of the warehouse name and label, but sometimes we will see an image whose warehouse name and label are both
The dangling image is generally a new image generated when we use docker pull to pull the latest image, so the warehouse name and label are given to the new image. , the old image warehouse and tags are canceled and become virtual images.
We can use the following statement to print all the hanging images:
$ docker image ls -f dangling=true
General hanging images have no effect anymore, so they can be cleaned up. The following command can clear all The virtual image:
$ docker image prune
However, if we want to keep some useful virtual images, we can use the docker tag command to rename the warehouse name and tag for the image:
$ docker tag 621d57f27e93 "test:1.0"
Image export and import
$ docker image save /tmp/test_image.tar.gz
而当你拿到别人导出的镜像文件,你可以使用docker load命令把镜像加载到本地的Docker镜像列表中,如下:
$ docker load < /tmp/test_image.tar.gz
docker image rm [option] IMAGE1,IMAGE2,...IMAGEn
docker rmi [option] IMAGE1,IMAGE2,...IMAGEn
$ docker rmi f7302e4ab3a8
$ docker rmi f7302
$ docker image ls --digests
$ docker rmi $(docker images -qa)
Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to remove repository reference "mysql:5.7" (must force) - container ccd406c07a78 is using its referenced image e1e1680ac726
$ docker rim -f f7302
使用docker commit构建镜像
使用docker commit命令,我们可以将修改过的容器重新提交为一个镜像,如:
$ docker commit conntaner_id my-hello:1.0
一般推荐编写Dockerfile来构建一种镜像,Docker Hub上的镜像都是采用这种方式构建的,采用这种方式的好处就是,我们不用把镜像分发给别人,而只是把Dockerfile和相应需要写入镜像的资料发给别人,别人也能自己构建镜像,安全透明。
package main import "fmt" func main(){ fmt.Println("Hello Go") }
$ go build hello.go
# 从一个空白的镜像开始 FROM stratch ADD hello / # 执行 CMD /hello
编写好Dockerfile文件后,需要使用docker build命令进行构建,docker build命令的格式如下:
$ docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -
# 注意最后的点(.)表示当前目录,即Dockerfile所在的目录 $ docker build -t "hello-go:1.0" .
我们前面介绍过,镜像由多个中间层(layer)组成,生成的镜像是只读的,但容器却是可读可写的,这是因为容器是在镜像上面添一层读写层(writer/read layer)来实现的,如下图所示:
Usage: docker container COMMAND Manage containers Commands: attach Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a runnin g container commit Create a new image from a container's changes(把容器保存为镜像) cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem create Create a new container(创建一个新的容器) diff Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesyste m exec Run a command in a running container(在一个运行的容器中执行命令) export Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive inspect Display detailed information on one or more containers kill Kill one or more running containers(杀死一个或多个正在运行的容器) logs Fetch the logs of a container ls List containers(显示本地容器列表) pause Pause all processes within one or more containers port List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container prune Remove all stopped containers rename Rename a container(重命名容器) restart Restart one or more containers(重启一个或多个容器) rm Remove one or more containers(删除一个或多个容器) run Run a command in a new container(运行一个新的容器) start Start one or more stopped containers stats Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics stop Stop one or more running containers(停止一个或多个容器) top Display the running processes of a container unpause Unpause all processes within one or more containers update Update configuration of one or more containers wait Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes
启动容器有几种不同的方式,最常用的方法是使用docker run命令可以通过镜像创建一个容器,如:
# /bin/bash表示运行容器后要执行的命令 $ docker run -it centos /bin/bash
docker run命令有一些比较常用的参数,比如容器是一种提供服务的守护进程,那么通常需要开放端口供外部访问,如:
$ docker run -p 80:80 nginx
$ docker run -p 80:80 --name webserver nginx
另外一种则是使用docker start命令重新启动已经停止运行的容器,如:
# container_id表示容器的id $ docker start container_id
而对于正在运行的容器,也可以通过docker restart命令重新启动,如:
# container_id表示容器的id $ docker restart container_id
$ docker container ls
不过docker container ls也简洁的写法:
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES f4f184f5ffb9 redis:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 6 seconds ago Up 4 seconds>6379/tcp myredis f7d970e7d4ce mysql:5.7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 7 seconds ago Up 5 seconds>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp docker-mysql
$ docker ps -a
$ docker ps -aq
f4f184f5ffb9 f7d970e7d4ce
对于已经不需要的容器,可以使用docker stop命令停止其运行,如:
$ docker stop container_id1,container_id2...
$ docker stop $(docker ps -qa)
$ docker run centos echo "hellowrold"
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx
$ docker run -it centos /bin/bash
$ docker container rm container_id
$ docker rm container_id
$ docker rm $(docker ps -qa)
对于正在运行的容器,我们也可以通过docker exec命令再次进入容器,如:
$ docker exec -it f4f184f5ffb9 /bin/bash
$ docker export -o ./image.tar.gz f4f184f5ffb9
$ docker import image.tar.gz
仓库(Repository)是集中存储镜像的地方,这里有个概念要区分一下,那就是仓库与仓库服务器(Registry)是两回事,像我们上面说的Docker Hub,就是Docker官方提供的一个仓库服务器,不过其实有时候我们不太需要太过区分这两个概念。
公共仓库一般是指Docker Hub,前面我们已经多次介绍如何从Docker Hub获取镜像,除了获取镜像外,我们也可以将自己构建的镜像存放到Docker Hub,这样,别人也可以使用我们构建的镜像。
不过要将镜像上传到Docker Hub,必须先在Docker的官方网站上注册一个账号,注册界面如下,按要求填写必要的信息就可以注册了,很简单的。
注册好了之后,可以在本地使用命令登录到Dokcer Hub了,过程如下:
# 在命令行中输入 $ docker login
在输入账号密码登录到Docker Hub之后,便可以使用docker push命令把镜像推送到Docker Hub。
$ docker push test:1.0
有时候自己部门内部有一些镜像要共享时,如果直接导出镜像拿给别人又比较麻烦,使用像Docker Hub这样的公共仓库又不是很方便,这时候我们可以自己搭建属于自己的私有仓库服务,用于存储和分布我们的镜像。
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry
$ docker build -t "" .
$ docker push
The above is the detailed content of What are the core components of docker. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!