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Basic programming explanation of python loop structure

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Basic programming explanation of python loop structure

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##Article directory

    1. Introduction to several common loop structures
  • 2. Programming examples
    • 1. Output all odd numbers between 0 and 100
    • 2. Output all even numbers from 0 to 100
    • 3. Output 9x9 multiplication table
    • 4. Score entry
    • 5. User login judgment
    • 6. Prevent brute force cracking of passwords
  • 3. Several built-in data types in python
    • 1. Basic definition
    • 2 .Specific examples

1. Introduction to several common loop structures

1.if else循环1).if 条件
   满足条件执行的语句   else:
   不满足条件执行的语句2).if 条件1
   elif 条件2
   满足条件2执行的语句   else:
   条件1和条件2都不满足执行的语句2. while循环1).while 条件:
    满足条件的语句2).while 条件:
    不满足条件的语句3). 死循环while True:
    一直循环执行的代码3. for循环1). for和range的结合: 循环n次for num in range(n):
    循环的语句2). for和字符串的结合for item in 'westos':
    循环的语句3). for和else的结合for num in range(n):
    循环结束后执行的语句4. 跳出循环- break: 跳出循环- continue: 结束本次循环- exit(): 退出整个程序

2. Programming examples

1. Output all odd numbers between 0 and 100

for i in range(0,100,2):

Basic programming explanation of python loop structure

2. Output all odd numbers between 0 and 100 Even numbers

count=0while count<p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/052/a3304ef70aeb8d61825076b3df804863-1.png" class="lazy" alt="Basic programming explanation of python loop structure"></p><p>3. Output 9x9 multiplication table<strong></strong></p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">for i in range(1,10):
    for j in range(1,i+1):
        print(f"{j}*{i}={i*j}",end=' ')

Basic programming explanation of python loop structure

4. Score entry

avarage=num/3print("学生张三的总成绩为:%d,平均成绩为:%d" %(num,avarage))

Basic programming explanation of python loop structure

5. User login judgment

username=input("请输入用户名:")password=input("请输入密码:")if username == "admin" and password == "westos":

Basic programming explanation of python loop structure
Basic programming explanation of python loop structure

6. Prevent brute force cracking of passwords

为了防止暴力破解, 登陆仅有三次机会, 如果超过三次机会, 报错提示。
   name='root'    passwd='westos'"""

try_count = 1  # 用户尝试登录的次数while True:
    try_count += 1  # 用户尝试登录的次数+1
    name = input("用户名:")
    password = input("密码:")
    if name == 'root' and password == 'westos':
        exit()   # 退出程序
    elif try_count > 3:
try_count = 1  # 用户尝试登录的次数while try_count  3:
    #     print("sorry!")
    #     exit()

Basic programming explanation of python loop structure
Basic programming explanation of python loop structure

## 3. Several built-in functions of python Data types

1. Basic definition

数组array:存储同种数据类型的数据结构。[1, 2, 3], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]列表list:功能比数组更强大, 可以存储不同数据类型的数据结构. [1, 1.1, 2.1, 'hello']元组tuple:和列表的唯一区别是不能增删改。
集合set:不重复且无序的。 (交集和并集)字典dict:{“name”:"westos", "age":10} 由键值对组成(key和value)

2. Specific examples

1. 字符串str
s1 = 'hello's2 = "hello"s3 = """*********************** 学生管理系统 ************************"""print(type(s1), type(s2), type(s3))2. 列表List
li1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]print(li1, type(li1))li2 = [1, 2.4, True, 2e+5, [1, 2, 3]]print(li2, type(li2))3. 元组tuple
易错点: 如果元组只有一个元素,一定要加逗号。
t1 = (1, 2.4, True, 2e+5, [1, 2, 3])print(t1, type(t1))t2 = (1,)print(t2, type(t2))t3 = (1)print(t3, type(t3))4. 集合set(无序,不重复)set1 = {1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 20}print(set1)   # 不重复{1, 2, 20}set2 = {1, 2, 3}set3 = {2, 3, 4}print("交集:", set2 & set3)print("并集:", set2 | set3)5. 字典dict: {“name”:"westos", "age":10}key和value, 键值对, 通过key可以快速找到value值。
user = {"name":'westos', 'age':10}print(user, type(user))print(user['name'])print(user['age'])

Basic programming explanation of python loop structure

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