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How to refresh the current page in layui

2020-11-18 10:45:3919683browse

Layui method of refreshing the current page: first open the corresponding code file; then pass "$.post("${base}/order/SaveOrder",data.field,function(res){... }" method can refresh the current page after the request is successful.

How to refresh the current page in layui

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows10 system, layui2.5.6, this article is applicable to all brands of computers .

Recommended: "layUI Tutorial"

LayUI page closing and refreshing issues

1 Refresh the parent page after successful editing

                type: "POST",
                        url: "${base}/pm/pmshiftEditList",
                        data: $("#form").serialize(),//将对象序列化成JSON字符串
                        success: function(res){
                    if (res.success) {
                        parent.layer.msg("操作成功!", {time: 1000}, function () {
                    } else {
                        layer.msg(res.message,{time: 2000},function () {});
                error: function(res){

Refresh the data table after the second request is successful

 if(obj.event === "editDetails"){
                var editIndex = parent.layer.open({
                    title : "编辑工艺",
                    type : 2,
                    content : "${base}/pm/routingtmpl/editDetails?tmplId="+data.id,
                    area: ['100%', '100%'], //宽高
                    success : function(layero, addIndex){
                    },end: function () {
                        t.where = data.field;
                        table.reload('test', t);
                        return false;

Third, close the sub-page and refresh the parent page data table

Call the end callback method of the layer plug-in:

end - the callback triggered after the layer is destroyed

Type: Function, default: null

Whether it is confirmation or cancellation, as long as the layer is destroyed, end will be executed, otherwise Carry any parameters.

When the parent window opens the layer pop-up box, add the end callback

addIndex = layer.open({
                    title : "编辑客户定单",
                    type : 2,
                    content : "${base}/order/projectEdit?projectId="+data.project_id,
                    success : function(layero, addIndex){
                            layer.tips('点击此处返回客户定单列表', '.layui-layer-setwin .layui-layer-close', {
                                tips: 3
                    }, end: function () {
                        var data1 = table.cache["test"];
                        t.where = data1.field;

Four, refresh the current page after the request is successful


Five, close the current sub-page

            var index = parent.layer.getFrameIndex(window.name); //获取窗口索引

6 Call the parent page method after closing the current page

 function closePagetmp(id,num){
        var index = parent.layer.getFrameIndex(window.name); //获取窗口索引

The above is the detailed content of How to refresh the current page in layui. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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