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How to write dynamic fireworks in c language

2020-10-30 09:55:5931371browse

How to write dynamic fireworks in C language: first draw the menu interface to display text; then set the rising stage and explosion stage of the fireworks, define the fireworks and fireworks bomb structures; finally initialize the data, load the resource map, and launch randomly The number is random.

How to write dynamic fireworks in c language

How to write dynamic fireworks in c language:

Effect display

How to write dynamic fireworks in c language
Dynamic graph
How to write dynamic fireworks in c language

Overall framework

*            项目名称:浪漫烟花
*            项目描述:贴图
*            项目环境:vs2019
*            生成日期:2020-9-7
*            作者所属:追梦
*****************************************/#include<graphics.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<windows.h>#define NUM 10			//烟花弹个数,烟花//烟花弹struct jet{
	int x, y;			//烟花弹坐标
	int hx, hy;			//烟花弹最高点坐标
	bool shoot;			//烟花弹是否处于发射状态
	DWORD t1, t2, dt;	//发射时间  引爆时间  间隔时间
	IMAGE img[2];		//2张图片 一明一暗 01下标
	byte n : 1;			//C结构体 位段	//n 变量 1个位	0,1 n++ 0,1,0,1}jet[NUM];				//烟花弹个数//烟花struct Fire{
	int x, y;				//烟花的坐标
	int r;					//烟花的半径
	int max_r;				//烟花的最大半径
	int cen_x, cen_y;		//中心距左上角的距离
	int width, height;		//长宽
	int xy[240][240];		//重要,像素,矩阵
	bool draw;				//画出
	bool show;				//显示
	DWORD t1, t2, dt;		//发射时间  引爆时间  间隔时间}fire[NUM];//初始化函数void FireInit(){}//加载资源void Load(){}//选择烟花弹void ChoiceJet(){}//判断发射void Shoot(){}//显示烟花void ShowFire(){}//菜单界面void welcome(){}//主函数int main(){
	initgraph(1000, 600);
	while (1)
	return 0;}</windows.h></stdlib.h></stdio.h></graphics.h>

Logical relationship

First draw the menu interface to display the text. Fireworks have a rising stage and an explosion stage, which define the structure of fireworks and fireworks bombs.
Fireworks: coordinate position, explosion radius, maximum radius, distance from the center to the upper left corner, length and width, pixels, time, etc.
Fireworks: coordinate position, highest point, whether to launch, time, number, etc.
Initialization data. Load resource maps. The number of random launches is random,

Source code

*            项目名称: 浪漫烟花
*            项目描述:贴图
*            项目环境:vs2019
*            生成日期:2020-9-7
*            作者所属:追梦
*****************************************/#include<graphics.h>#include<time.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<math.h>#include<windows.h>#pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib")#define NUM 10			//烟花弹个数,烟花#define PI 3.1415925//烟花弹struct jet{
	int x, y;			//烟花弹坐标
	int hx, hy;			//烟花弹最高点坐标
	bool shoot;			//烟花弹是否处于发射状态
	DWORD t1, t2, dt;	//发射时间  引爆时间  间隔时间
	IMAGE img[2];		//2张图片 一明一暗 01下标
	byte n : 1;			//C结构体 位段	//n 变量 1个位	0,1 n++ 0,1,0,1}jet[NUM];				//烟花弹个数//烟花struct Fire{
	int x, y;				//烟花的坐标
	int r;					//烟花的半径
	int max_r;				//烟花的最大半径
	int cen_x, cen_y;		//中心距左上角的距离
	int width, height;		//长宽
	int xy[240][240];		//重要,像素,矩阵
	bool draw;				//画出
	bool show;				//显示
	DWORD t1, t2, dt;		//发射时间  引爆时间  间隔时间}fire[NUM];</windows.h></math.h></stdlib.h></time.h></graphics.h>

Initialization function

void FireInit(int i){
	jet[i].t1 = GetTickCount();	//GetTickCount()返回从操作系统启动到当前所经过的毫秒数。使用前包含windows.h。
	jet[i].shoot = false;		//未发射
	jet[i].dt = 10;				//上升时间
	jet[i].n = 0;				//初始化烟花
	fire[i].show = false;		//未引爆
	fire[i].r = 0;
	fire[i].dt = 5;				//上升时间
	fire[i].t1 = GetTickCount();
	fire[i].max_r = rand() % 50 + 100;	//100-149
	fire[i].cen_x = rand() % 30 + 80;	//中心距左上角的距离
	fire[i].cen_y = rand() % 30 + 80;	//
	fire[i].width = 240;				//宽
	fire[i].height = 240;				//长}


void Load(){
	IMAGE jetimg;
	loadimage(&jetimg, L"./fire/shoot.jpg", 200, 50);
	for (int i = 0; i <p>Select fireworks bombs</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">void ChoiceJet(DWORD& t1){
	DWORD t2 = GetTickCount();
	if (t2 - t1 > 100)		//烟花弹出现的时间间隔100ms
		int i = rand() % 10;
		if (jet[i].shoot == false && fire[i].show == false)
			jet[i].x = rand() % 1000;
			jet[i].y = rand() % 100 + 450;	//450-549
			jet[i].hx = jet[i].x;
			jet[i].hy = rand() % 300;		//0-299
			jet[i].shoot = true;			//发射状态

			putimage(jet[i].x, jet[i].y, &jet[i].img[jet[i].n], SRCINVERT);
		t1 = t2;

Judge launch

void Shoot(){
	for (int i = 0; i = jet[i].dt && jet[i].shoot == true)
			putimage(jet[i].x, jet[i].y, &jet[i].img[jet[i].n], SRCINVERT);
			if (jet[i].y >= jet[i].hy)
				jet[i].n++;			//闪烁
				jet[i].y -= 5;
			putimage(jet[i].x, jet[i].y, &jet[i].img[jet[i].n], SRCINVERT);

			if (jet[i].y <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">//显示烟花void ShowFire(DWORD* pMem){
	int drt[16] = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 25, 25, 25, 25, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 65 };

	for (int i = 0; i = fire[i].dt && fire[i].show == true)
			if (fire[i].r = fire[i].max_r - 1)
				fire[i].draw = false;
			fire[i].t1 = fire[i].t2;
			// 如果该号炮花可爆炸,根据当前爆炸半径画烟花,颜色值接近黑色的不输出。
			if (fire[i].draw)
				for (double a = 0; a  0 && x1 0 && y1 > 8) & 0xff;
						int r = (fire[i].xy[x1][y1] >> 16);
						// 烟花像素点在窗口上的坐标
						int xx = (int)(fire[i].x + fire[i].r * cos(a));
						int yy = (int)(fire[i].y - fire[i].r * sin(a));
						if (r > 0x20 && g > 0x20 && b > 0x20 && xx > 0 && xx 0 && yy <p>Menu interface</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">void welcome(){
	for (int i = 0; i <p>Main function</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">int main(){
	initgraph(1000, 600);
	srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
	//音乐 爱的翅膀
	mciSendString(L"open ./fire/bk1.mp3 alias music", 0, 0, 0);	//send(发送)	string(字符串)
	mciSendString(L"play music", 0, 0, 0);
	//其它音乐类型 wav PlaySound()
	//0,0,0 音乐播放器时:播放设备,快进设备 快退 暂停
	DWORD t1 = GetTickCount();
	DWORD* pMem = GetImageBuffer();
	for (int i = 0; i <h1>Material</h1><p>The two pictures are placed under the fire folder. As for music, just find a piece of music and put it in, and then it can be played. <br><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/052/1cf72c8ff7116152eb2b0bd02d2b2411-3.bmp" class="lazy" alt="How to write dynamic fireworks in c language"><br><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/052/e224e28aabb9f24626bf28cc71eab482-4.jpg" class="lazy" alt="How to write dynamic fireworks in c language"></p><h1>Summary</h1><p>You need to install the graphics library and understand the relevant knowledge. The material path must be written correctly, otherwise it will have no effect. </p><link href="https://csdnimg.cn/release/blogv2/dist/mdeditor/css/editerView/markdown_views-10218d227c.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="https://csdnimg.cn/release/blogv2/dist/mdeditor/css/style-6aa8c38f9a.css" rel="stylesheet"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"   style="max-width:90%"><path stroke-linecap="round" d="M5,0 0,2.5 5,5z" id="raphael-marker-block" style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);"></path></svg><blockquote><p><strong>Related learning recommendations: </strong><a href="https://www.php.cn/course/list/37.html" target="_blank"><strong>C video tutorial</strong></a></p></blockquote>

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