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Do you know what new features Laravel8 will bring soon?

2020-09-03 13:32:343435browse

The following tutorial column will introduce you to some new features that Do you know what new features Do you know what new features Laravel8 will bring soon?8 will bring soon? 8 will bring soon. I hope it will be helpful to friends in need!

This article is about some updates to the Do you know what new features Do you know what new features Laravel8 will bring soon?8 will bring soon? 8 framework that will be released on September 8th. Here we first look at some more useful updates:

Do you know what new features Do you know what new features Laravel8 will bring soon?8 will bring soon?php artisan serve command improvements

Do you know what new features Do you know what new features Laravel8 will bring soon?8 will bring soon? 8.x has made some improvements to environment variable .env processing, supporting hot updates. That is, when you modify .env, you do not need to execute php artisan serve repeatedly. ~Sahua

The update of environment variable .env does not need to be executed again

php artisan serveDo you know what new features Do you know what new features Laravel8 will bring soon?8 will bring soon? to reload the configuration, it will be in your Changes are read at the same time, completely imperceptible.

app/Models directory

By default the Do you know what new features Do you know what new features Laravel8 will bring soon?8 will bring soon? 8.x skeleton will contain the "app/Models" directory

A few months ago The feature comes after a Twitter poll in which Taylor asked people where they'd like their "models" placed in



. The latter wins, and the Do you know what new features Do you know what new features Laravel8 will bring soon?8 will bring soon? 8 framework will include an app/Models directory by default. Generator commands have been updated for the new directory

All generator commands in 8.x will detect whether you have a Models directory. If you don't do this, it will assume the model is in "app". seamless.

To make this directory change easier, all generator commands in 8.x detect whether you have a Models directory. If you don't do this, it will assume the model is in "app".

More updates...

More details please move to


, where I will explain in detail, including factories, squashing migrations, job batching, job backoffs, rate limiting, exception reporting, event listening, route caching, maintenance mode, Jetstream, etc...

In addition, Taylor is scheduled to attend Laracon Online at 12:15 pm

The online live broadcast explains a series of updates such as model factories, squashing migrations, job batching, job backoffs, rate limiting, exception reporting, event listening, route caching, maintenance mode, Jetstream, etc.! If you are interested, don’t miss the live broadcast.

Original address: https://laravel-news.com/new-features-coming-to-laravel-8

Translation address: https://learnku.com/ laravel/t/48850

The above is the detailed content of Do you know what new features Laravel8 will bring soon?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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