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Home  >  Article  >  CMS Tutorial  >  How to add sorting method to {dede:freelist/}list call

How to add sorting method to {dede:freelist/}list call

2020-01-08 09:10:401482browse

How to add sorting method to {dede:freelist/}list call

{dede:freelist/}How to add a sorting method to the list call?

{dede:freelist/}List call to increase the sorting method

Recommended learning:梦Weavercms

How to use the free list tag{ dede:freelist/}I won’t say much here.

When you use the free list, you will find that the sorting method is incomplete. For example, the random sorting "rank" and sorting by score "scores" that I need to use are not available here.

Of course, these two sorting dede exist but are not listed, so it is simple.

Find and open dede/templets/freelist_add.htm "Add Free List Template".


24e18ef8b087912d2b4457835bb14472 Sort order:

Insert the following code below this line and save:


Find and open dede/templets/freelist_edit.htm "Modify Free List Template".


$orderby = $ctag->GetAtt(‘orderby’);Change the following parameters to the following.

$sorta = "sortrank, top authority value; pubdate, publishing time; senddate, entry time; click, number of clicks; id, document ID, lastpost, last comment time; postnum, total number of comments; rand, random Recommended;scores, according to the score";

then find