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About the implementation of infinite classification and recursion in CI framework

2018-06-14 14:04:331685browse

CodeIgniter is a lightweight but powerful PHP framework. Based on the MVC design pattern, it provides a rich set of class libraries that are easy to learn, efficient and practical. The following is an introduction to the implementation code of infinite classification recursion of the CI framework. Interested friends can refer to it

What is CI?

CodeIgniter is a lightweight but The powerful PHP framework, based on the MVC design pattern, provides a rich set of class libraries that are easy to learn, efficient and practical.

Let’s take a look at the implementation code of CI framework infinite classification recursion. The specific code is as follows:

public function digui(){
$crr = $this->db->get('category')->result_array();
$list['type'] = $this->nolimit($crr,0,0);
public function nolimit($crr,$p_id,$level){
static $arr = array();
foreach($crr as $v){
$v['level'] = $level;
$arr[] = $v;
return $arr;

public function sel_child($p_id){
$arr = $this->sel_son($p_id);
foreach($arr as $k=>$v){
$tmp = $this->sel_son($v['cat_id']);
foreach($tmp as $kk=>$vv){
$tmp2 = $this->sel_son($vv['cat_id']);
$tmp[$kk]['childs'] = $tmp2;
$arr[$k]['child'] = $tmp;
return $arr;
public function sel_son($id){
return $this->db->get(self::$cate)->result_array();
public function lists(){
$p_id = 0;
$brr['type'] = $this->Home_model->sel_child($p_id);
$brr['list'] = $this->db->get('goods')->result_array();

  • The above is the entire content of this article , I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s learning. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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    The above is the detailed content of About the implementation of infinite classification and recursion in CI framework. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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