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PDO data access abstraction layer in PHP

2018-05-18 10:14:141182browse

The following editor will bring you an example of functional operation of the PDO data access abstraction layer in PHP. Let me share it with you now and give it as a reference for everyone.

PDO: Data Access Abstraction Layer

has three major characteristics:

1. Can access other databases. All databases can

2. Has transaction function

3. Has prepared statement function (preventing SQL injection attacks)

The example operation code is as follows:

query($sql); //查询语句用query,返回的是结果
$arr = $pdo->exec($sql);//增删改用exec,返回的是执行的行数

$arr =$stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);//默认不选为PDO::FETCH_BOTH fetch为选择一条数据
$arr = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);//fetchAll为全选

//beginTransation 启动事务
//commit 提交事务
//rollback 回滚:返回到启动事务之前

$dsn ="mysql:dbname=mydb;host=localhost";
$pdo =new PDO($dsn,"root","root");


try //尝试运行,包含从开启事务到提交事务
  $sql1 = "insert into info values('004','进口','男','n008','1994-05-11')";
  $sql2 = "insert into info values('005','审核','男','n009','1994-07-11')";
  $sql3 = "insert into info values('006','姐我','男','n0010','1994-08-11')";
  catch(Exception $e)

Related recommendations:

About the PDO data access abstraction layer in PHP Introduction to functional operations

Operations related to PDO data access abstraction layer in PHP

Detailed explanation of examples of PDO data access abstraction layer in PHP


The above is the detailed content of PDO data access abstraction layer in PHP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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