Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Some basic syntax of php
1.php tag
<?php echo 'Hello'; ?>
constTHE_VALUE = 100; define('THE_VALUE',100); 变量 $a=10;
functiontraceHello($name){ echo 'hello '.$name.'<br>';//字符串连接 //echo "hello $name <br>"; return 1;//返回值 } 调用: 1.traceHello('zhangsan'); 2.$func='traceHello' $func('zhangsan');
4. Process control
1.if else function getLevel($score){ if($score>=90){ return'优秀'; }elseif($score>=80){ return '良好'; }else{ return '不好'; } } 2.switch function getLevel($score){ $result = '不好'; switch(intval($score/10)){//intval()取整或取出其中整数 case 10: case 9: $result = '优秀'; break; case 8: $result = '良好'; break; default: $result = '不好'; //break; } return $result; }
3.for loop
for($i=0;$i<100;$i++){ if($i==20){ break; } if($i==40){ continue; } } 4.while循环 $i=0; while(%<10) ... $i++; } 5.do while循环 $i=0; do{ ... $i++; }while($i<100);
5. Logical operators
|| && !
6. Common methods for strings
strpos($str,'o'); substr($str,2); str_split(); explode(' ',$str);
7. Array
$arr=array(); $arr[0]='Hello'; print_r($arr); $arr['h']='hello'; $arr['w']='world'; $arr =array('h'=>'hello','w'=>'world')
require 'lib.php';//依赖,文件不存在报错 require_once 'lib.php';//只引用一次 include 'lib.php';//包含,文件不存在给出警告
9. Declare class
namespace jk;//命名空间 class Man{ private $_age,$_name; private static $NUM = 0;//静态变量 /** * @param int $age 年龄 * @param string $name 名字 public funcation _construct($age,$name){ $this-> _age = $age;//this当前对象指针,self当前类指针,parent父类指针 $this-> _name = $name; }//构造方法 public funcation sayHello(){}//成员方法 public static funcation say(){}//类方法 } 创建实例 $a=new Man(); $a->sayHello();//调用方法 Man::say(); $h = new\jk\Hello();//存在命名空间
10. Class inheritance, override method
class Child extends Man{ publicfunction _construct($age,$name){ parent::_contruct($age,$name); } publicfunciton say(){//重写方法 //parent::say(); //保留父类方法 echo 'child'; } }
11. Commonly used library functions
time();//时间戳 date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai');//时区设置 date('Y-m-d H:i:s');//时间 date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());//时间戳转换成时间 $obj =array('h'=>'Hello','w'=>'World'); echo json_encode($obj);//转换成json格式 $jsonStr ='{"h":"Hello","w":"World"}'; $obj =json_decode($jsonStr);//json字符串转换为php对象 $f = @fopen('data','w');//打开文件,@不输出警告 fwrite($f,'hello');//写入文件 fclose($f); $f = @fopen('data','r'); while(!feof($)){//判断是否到达文件尾 $content =fgets($f);//只能读取一行 echo$content; } echofile_get_contents('data');//直接获取文件 die('结束页面');
12. Get get parameters and post parameters
if(isset($_GET['name'])&& $_GET['name']){}//isset()判断变量是否设置empty($name)判断变量是否赋值
13. Get files
$file = $_FILES['file']; $fileName = $file['name']; move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'],$fileName);
cookie和session setcookie('name','cheng'); header('Location:a.php');//跳转 //a.php echo $_COOKIE['name'];//获取cookie session_start();//启用session $_SESSION['name'] ='cheng'; echo session_id();//获取sessionid echo$_SESSION['name'];// session_destroy();//销毁session
15.mysql database
$conn =mysql_connect('localhost','root','password'); mysql_select_db('mydb',$conn); $result =mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");//查询,或更新,或删除 $result_arr =mysql_fetch_array($result);//一次取一条,以数组形式,有索引 $result_arr =mysql_fetch_assoc($result);//不含索引 $data_count =mysql_num_rows($result);//获取数据条数 if(mysql_errno()){ echomysql_error();//获取错误 }
php data object provides a database access abstraction layer. No matter which database is used, the same method is used.
The above is the detailed content of Some basic syntax of php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!