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Implementation of HTML head header

2018-03-29 14:39:142285browse

This article mainly shares with you an article on the implementation of the HTML head header. It has a good reference value and I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Let’s follow the editor to have a look.


The head element is used to define the header information of the document and appears in

... The content between tags is the header information of the document. The content defined in the header will not be displayed in the text part of the browser window.

The head element is special. Only some specific tags are allowed to be placed within the

tag. They are , <base>, <meta>, <scirpt>, <link>, <style>, these tags will be introduced separately next. <p><strong><title>tag<p><title>The only function of the tag is to define the title of the page. The title is a short, brief description of the core content of the current page. General description. For example: <p><title> Hello world! </style></scirpt>

In most browsers, the title of the page is displayed in the title bar of the browser window or tab, and also Will appear in the visitor's browsing history list and bookmarks.

More importantly, search engines will use the title of the page to roughly understand the content of the page, and use the title of the page as the link text of each entry in the search results. It is also used to judge the relevance of the page in the search results. Key factor. Therefore, the page title is an important content of SEO. A good page title can improve the search engine result ranking and obtain a better user experience.


The tag is a single tag that specifies the default address and default target window for all links on the page, and is passed The href attribute sets the default URL address, and the target attribute sets the default target window.

After specifying the default address or default target window, when clicking any link on the page: For links without http, the browser will insert the URL address set by href in base before the address; for links without the target attribute set The link will open the window according to the target set in the base. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<base href="http://www.abc.wcom
<a href="http://www.abc.com/ ">首页</a>
<a href="bbs/index.html" target="_self ">论坛</a>

In the above code, it means opening the link in a new window.

The "Homepage" link contains http, and if the target is not set, a new website will be opened in a new window. The "Forum" link does not have http, but the target attribute is set, and the http://www.abc.com/

tag will be inserted before the address. The main function is to ensure that all the links in the web page are All relative URLs can be resolved to the correct address, so that if the document is moved, all relative URLs can be resolved correctly.


The tag is also called the "metadata tag". It is an auxiliary tag in the header of the webpage and is used to Define metadata information, which is generally used to define page keywords, page descriptions, etc. The information provided by the

tag is invisible to users and will not be displayed on the page, but it is visible to search engines, making it easier for search engine spiders to search for the information on this page. Therefore, this information is important content for SEO and can greatly increase the possibility of the website being searched by search engines.

The tag has two important attributes, namely the name attribute and the http-equiv attribute. The type of metadata is specified through the name or http-equiv attribute, and the content of the metadata is specified through content. , different metadata implements different web page functions.

1. Name attribute

The name attribute is mainly used to describe web pages. The most common ones are keywords describing web pages, web page content descriptions, search engine guides, authors, copyright statements, etc. for easy search. The engine searches and categorizes information on web pages. For example:

<meta name="keywords" content="HTML, CSS, RWD" />
<meta name="description" content="Study HTML, CSS, RWD for free" />
<meta name="robots" content="all" />
<meta name="author" content="歪脖网, www.waibo.wang" />
<meta name="copyright" content="创意共享,只要保持署名和非商用,可以自由转载" />

The main values ​​and functions of the name attribute are shown in Table 1-1:

Table 1-1 The values ​​and functions of the name attribute

Implementation of HTML head header

2. http-equiv attribute

As the name suggests, http-equiv is equivalent to the role of the HTTP header. It is used to provide some useful information to the browser to help the browser correctly and accurately Display web page content.

http-equiv attribute is mainly used to define the encoding character set, refresh frequency, validity period of the web page, etc.:

1) The encoding character set of the web page

In HTML4, Use the Content-Type attribute value to specify the media format type (MIME type) of the file and the encoding character set used. The browser will use this to decide in what form and encoding to read the file and display the file content.

The MIME type of HTML files is fixed to text/html, and the encoding character set can be specified as needed. For example:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

With HTML5, everything is simplified. You only need to directly use the charset attribute in the meta element to define the encoding character set used by the web page. like:

<meta charset="utf-8" />

在HTML5中,上述两种方式均有效,但只能使用一种,不能同时混合使用两种方式。并且,推荐使用 utf-8 编码字符集。


通过 refresh 属性值来指定让网页多长时间(秒)刷新自己,或在多长时间后自动跳转到指定的网页。如,让网页在当前页面停留 5 秒后,自动跳转到 http://www.abc.com/:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=http://www.abc.com/" />






人们往往忙于在搜索引擎中提交自己的网站,或在知名网站加入自己网站的链接,或在各大论坛中发帖子宣传自己的网站,忙得不亦乐乎,却忽视了 标签的强大功效。

因此,要让网站获得很好的排名,必须充分利用 meta标签,设置好每个页面的 keywords 和 decription,来增加网站对各大搜索引擎的曝光率,提高网站的访问量,进而提升网站的收益。


样式表,即CSS(Cascading Style Sheet层叠样式表),用它来控制网页的表现,如果要让网站看起来很吸引人,就离不开CSS。


(1) 使用link元素


在link 标签中,通过的 rel 属性来定义本HTML文档与被链接文档之间的关系,rel = "stylesheet" 表明引入的文件是样式表;通过href属性定义外部资源(即CSS文件)的URL地址,URL可以是相对路径,也可以是相对路径,相对路径是相对于本HTML文档而言的。

可以在一个HTML文档中添加多个 link 元素,让它们分别指向不同的样式文件,就可以给一个网页添加多个样式表。

由于 link 元素为空元素,它只有开始标签,没有结束标签,所以,要在开始标签的结尾处加上 / 来结束该元素。如:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css" />

上述代码表示,为本文档引入文件名称为 reset.css 的外部样式表,该样式表文件与本文档位于相同目录下。

 (2) 使用style元素

可以在HTML文档的头部插入一个 style 元素,让网页应用该 style 元素中定义的样式规则。如:

body { background-color:yellow; }
p { color:blue; }



在HTML文档中,可以通过Javascript 脚本主要用来定义特殊的行为,但Javascript并不是必需的。

大多数情况下,Javascript 都是在由HTML和CSS 构建的核心体验的基础上,增强访问者的体验,主要用来增强页面的交互性,如实现表单验证、动态显示隐藏内容、加载数据并动态地更新页面、操作 audio 和 video 元素控件等等。

HTML文档中,有两个用于标识脚本的元素,它们是 script 元素和 noscript 元素:

1、script 元素

script 元素既可以直接在页面中嵌入Javascript脚本,也可以从外部文件加载脚本。

(1) 嵌入脚本

就是直接在 script 元素中书写Javascript代码。如:

   alert("Hello, world!");

一个HTML文档,也支持多个 script 元素。这种方式定义的脚本,只对本文档有效,并且脚本代码需要放在HTML文件,而不是脚本文件中,脚本通常会散落在多个地方,不便于维护,也容易出错。所以,不推荐使用这种方法。

(2) 加载外部脚本

通过 script 元素的 src 属性指定外部脚本文件的URL,可以把外部脚本加载到本HTML文档中。URL可以是绝对路径,也可以是相对路径。相对路径是相对本HTML文档而言的。

在一个HTML文档中,可以添加多个 script 元素,让它们分别指向不同的脚本文件,就可以为一个网页载入多个脚本文件。当加载外部脚本时,script 元素必须是空元素,即在开始和结束标签之间不得有任何内容。如:

<script src="engine.js"></script>



2、noscript 元素

noscript 元素是一个检测工具,当检测到 script 中的脚本内容无法执行时,即如果浏览器不支持Javascript或用户禁用了Javascript时,就会显示 noscript 元素中的文本。如:




在处理脚本的过程中,浏览器既不会下载该 script 元素后面出现的内容,也不会呈现这些内容,这称为阻塞行为(blocking behavior)。


因此,建议最好在页面的最末尾加载脚本,即应该尽可能地将脚本元素放在的前面,而不是放在 head 元素中。

The above is the detailed content of Implementation of HTML head header. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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