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Writing a push box game with JS and H5

2018-03-17 16:24:492209browse

The push box game is a popular game many years ago (even now many people play it). The purpose of the game is very simple, that is, push the box and push all the boxes. When you reach the destination, the game is successful: it seems to be a simple logic, but in fact it is still difficult. I also relied on the help of others to complete it. Now I will introduce how to use js and html5 to write the game (for convenience, we will Replace it with a pink circle):

1. Ability requirements

JavaScript, HTML canvas, basic object-oriented ideas, reasonable programming logic.

2. Writing sequence

1.pushBox.html file

2.pojo.js file (used to store all objects)

3.paint.js file (used to write Drawing statements)

4.game.js file (used to write the running logic part)

5.allLevels.js file (used to store levels)

*Note: This is my writing habit. According to content and function, Each category is separated. If you have a better way to write it, please comment

3. Start writing

1. Create a basic pushBox .html file:

The content is very simple. The only needs the tag and set the id. The subsequent

	<canvas id=&#39;can1&#39; width=1536 height=733></canvas>
	<audio id="walk" autoplay></audio>
	<audio id="push" autoplay></audio>
	<audio id="win" autoplay></audio>

<script> There are four other .js files introduced, and one that calls the run() method: </script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="pojo.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="game.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="paint.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="allLevels.js"></script>
	window.onload = function(){

2. Write the pojo class:

First we need to know that there are these classes:

People, boxes, target points, bricks And walls, it's very simple. All classes have attributes such as color (color), size (side length/radius), x (abscissa), and y (ordinate). Then we have to remember that people and bricks may coincide with the target point, so we need to add the isOnTarget (whether it coincides with the target point) attribute to the classes of the box and the person, and we are done:

function Person(x, y){
	this.color = &#39;pink&#39;;
	this.size = 20;
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;
	this.isOnTarget = false;
function Box(x, y){
	this.color = &#39;yellow&#39;;
	this.size = 40;
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;
	this.isOnTarget = false;
function Target(x, y){
	this.size = 12;
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;
	this.color = &#39;lime&#39;;
function Brick(x, y){
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;
	this.size = 40;
function Wall(x, y){
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;
	this.size = 40;

3. Write the paint.js class

We need to write painting methods for all the classes we just wrote in the pojo.js class:

It is important to note: we If you use certain x, y coordinates, for example, to draw a box:

ctx.fillRect(x, y, size, size);

If it is called as follows, we draw the box like this in allLevels:

ctx.fillRect(500, 500, 40, 40);

We cannot be sure It's hard to tell what's next to this box, so there's no way to write a logic layer.

So, we conceive like this: we use a two-dimensional array to construct this level, and each object (box, person, target point, brick or wall) is placed in this array, arr1[] [], like this:

var arr1 = [

For example, arr1[0][1] is the wall, so that the logic layer can be written. And another advantage is that it is very convenient for us to create new levels later. We only need to write them out in the array in the order of the coordinates.

So, we write like this in paint.js. Each method performs some operations on x and y so that it can be drawn correctly on the web page:

function clearScreen(ctx){
function paintPerson(ctx, x, y, size,color){
	ctx.fillStyle = color;
	ctx.arc(530+x*size*2+20, 180+y*size*2+20, size, 0, 2*Math.PI);
function paintBox(ctx, x, y, size,color){
	ctx.fillStyle = color;	
	ctx.fillRect(530+x*size, 180+y*size, size, size);
	ctx.strokeStyle = &#39;black&#39;;
	ctx.lineWidth = 2;
	ctx.moveTo(530+x*size, 180+y*size);
	ctx.lineTo(530+x*size+size, 180+y*size+size);
	ctx.moveTo(530+x*size+size, 180+y*size);
	ctx.lineTo(530+x*size, 180+y*size+size);
	ctx.strokeRect(530+x*size, 180+y*size, size, size);
function paintTarget(ctx, x, y, size,color){
	ctx.fillStyle = color;
	ctx.arc(530+x*size*4+20, 180+y*size*4+20, size, 0, 2*Math.PI);
function paintBrick(ctx, x, y, size){
	ctx.fillStyle = &#39;blue&#39;;
	ctx.fillRect(530+x*size, 180+y*size, size, size);
	ctx.strokeStyle = &#39;lightblue&#39;;
	for(var i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
		ctx.moveTo(530+x*size, 180+y*size+0.25*(i+1)*size);
		ctx.lineTo(530+x*size+size, 180+y*size+0.25*(i+1)*size);
	for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
		if(i%2 == 0){
			ctx.moveTo(530+x*size+0.5*size, 180+y*size+0.25*i*size);
			ctx.lineTo(530+x*size+0.5*size, 180+y*size+0.25*(i+1)*size);
			ctx.moveTo(530+x*size+0.25*size, 180+y*size+0.25*i*size);
			ctx.lineTo(530+x*size+0.25*size, 180+y*size+0.25*(i+1)*size);
			ctx.moveTo(530+x*size+0.75*size, 180+y*size+0.25*i*size);
			ctx.lineTo(530+x*size+0.75*size, 180+y*size+0.25*(i+1)*size);
function paintWall(ctx, x, y, size){
	ctx.fillStyle = &#39;gray&#39;;
	ctx.fillRect(530+x*size, 180+y*size, size, size);
	ctx.strokeStyle = &#39;white&#39;;
	ctx.moveTo(530+x*size+0.5*size, 180+y*size);
	ctx.lineTo(530+x*size+0.5*size, 180+y*size+size);
	ctx.moveTo(530+x*size, 180+y*size+0.5*size);
	ctx.lineTo(530+x*size+size, 180+y*size+0.5*size);

Then, We call it like this when calling the painting method, and draw according to the position of each block in the array:

unction getMap(ctx, person){
	for(var i = 0; i<arr1.length; i++){
		for(var j = 0; j<arr1[0].length; j++){
			if(arr1[i][j] == &#39;wall&#39;){
			}else if(arr1[i][j] == &#39;brick&#39;){
				paintBrick(ctx, j, i,40);
			}else if(arr1[i][j] == &#39;target&#39;){
				paintBrick(ctx, j, i,40);
				paintTarget(ctx, j, i,10,&#39;lime&#39;);
			}else if(arr1[i][j] == &#39;box&#39;){
				paintBrick(ctx, j, i,40);
				var index = getBoxIndex(boxes,i,j);
					paintBox(ctx, j, i,40,&#39;red&#39;);
					paintBox(ctx, j, i,40,&#39;yellow&#39;);
			}else if(arr1[i][j] == &#39;person&#39;){
				paintBrick(ctx, j, i,40);
				paintPerson(ctx, j, i,20,&#39;pink&#39;);

After calling the getMap() method in run() in game.js, the effect is like this :

Writing a push box game with JS and H5

4.game.js class:

First we still need to create the objects of people and boxes:

var person = new Person(0,0);
var boxLevel1Count = 3;
var boxes = new Array(boxLevel1Count);
for(var i = 0;i<boxLevel1Count;i++){
	boxes[i] = new Box(0,0);

Then we have to Knowing the position (coordinates) of the person in the two-dimensional array and the coordinates of the three boxes in it requires the following two methods:

function findPerson(){
	for (var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
        var tmp = arr1[i];
        for (var j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) {
            if (arr1[i][j] == &#39;person&#39;) {
                return {personX:i,personY:j};

function findBox(){
	var count = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
        var tmp = arr1[i];
        for (var j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) {
            if (arr1[i][j] == &#39;box&#39;) {
				boxes[count].x = i;
				boxes[count].y = j;
	return boxes;

After finding the coordinates of the person, we need to use the x, y and The i and j in the two-dimensional array are related, which is:

	var position = findPerson();
	var i = position.personX;
	var j = position.personY;
	person.x = i;
	person.y = j;

Then we can start writing logic. For example, if the user presses the left arrow key, he needs to determine what is on the left. If it is a box, Determine what is on the left side of the box:

The correct logic is as follows (let’s take a person moving to the left as an example, and then the top, bottom and right are the same):

Writing a push box game with JS and H5

The specific syntax is very simple: for example, according to the first example, there are bricks on the left, and the person steps on something other than the target point:

if(arr1[i][j-1] == &#39;brick&#39;){
	arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
	arr1[i][j] = &#39;brick&#39;;
	Audio1.src = &#39;走路emm.wav&#39;;

If we take the next step, the person steps on the target point , we will set person.isOnTarget to true, and when the person moves away, we will set this property to false


function getBoxIndex(boxes, i,j){
	var index = 0;
	for(var k = 0;k<boxes.length;k++){
		if(boxes[k].x == i && boxes[k].y == j){
			index = k;
	return index;


var index = getBoxIndex(boxes, i,j-1);

这个index就是我们要找的第i个箱子了,接下来就很好办了,我们按照刚才的逻辑一步一步写,一堆的if、else,只需注意两点,当人踩到目标点时,把person.isOnTarget = true,移开之后false;箱子踩到目标点时boxes[index].isOnTarget = true,移开之后false,然后再整理一下,简化代码量,就是:

document.onkeydown = function(ev){
	var oCan = document.getElementById(&#39;can1&#39;);
	var ctx = oCan.getContext(&#39;2d&#39;);
	var oEvent = ev || event;
	var Audio1 = document.getElementById(&#39;walk&#39;);
	var Audio2 = document.getElementById(&#39;push&#39;);
	var position = findPerson();
	var i = position.personX;
	var j = position.personY;
	person.x = i;
	person.y = j;
	if(oEvent.keyCode == 37){
			if(arr1[i][j-1] == &#39;brick&#39;){
				arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
				arr1[i][j] = &#39;target&#39;;
				person.isOnTarget = false;
			}else if(arr1[i][j-1] == &#39;box&#39; && arr1[i][j-2] != &#39;wall&#39; && arr1[i][j-2] != &#39;box&#39;){
				var index = getBoxIndex(boxes, i,j-1);
					if(arr1[i][j-2] == &#39;brick&#39;){
						arr1[i][j-2] = &#39;box&#39;;
						arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
						arr1[i][j] = &#39;target&#39;;
						person.isOnTarget = false;
					}else if(arr1[i][j-2] == &#39;target&#39;){
						arr1[i][j-2] = &#39;box&#39;;
						arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
						arr1[i][j] = &#39;target&#39;;
						person.isOnTarget = false;					
						boxes[index].isOnTarget = true;
				}else if(boxes[index].isOnTarget){
					if(arr1[i][j-2] == &#39;brick&#39;){
						arr1[i][j-2] = &#39;box&#39;;
						arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
						arr1[i][j] = &#39;target&#39;;
						boxes[index].isOnTarget = false;
					}else if(arr1[i][j-2] == &#39;target&#39;){
						arr1[i][j-2] = &#39;box&#39;;
						arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
						arr1[i][j] = &#39;target&#39;;		
			}else if(arr1[i][j-1] == &#39;target&#39;){
				arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
				arr1[i][j] = &#39;target&#39;;
		}else if(!person.isOnTarget){
			if(arr1[i][j-1] == &#39;brick&#39;){
				arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
				arr1[i][j] = &#39;brick&#39;;
			}else if(arr1[i][j-1] == &#39;box&#39; && arr1[i][j-2] != &#39;wall&#39; && arr1[i][j-2] != &#39;box&#39;){
				var index = getBoxIndex(boxes, i,j-1);
					if(arr1[i][j-2] == &#39;brick&#39;){
						arr1[i][j-2] = &#39;box&#39;;
						arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
						arr1[i][j] = &#39;brick&#39;;					
					else if(arr1[i][j-2] == &#39;target&#39;){
						arr1[i][j-2] = &#39;box&#39;;
						arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
						arr1[i][j] = &#39;brick&#39;;
						boxes[index].isOnTarget = true;
				}else if(boxes[index].isOnTarget){
					if(arr1[i][j-2] == &#39;brick&#39;){
						arr1[i][j-2] = &#39;box&#39;;
						arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
						arr1[i][j] = &#39;brick&#39;;
						boxes[index].isOnTarget = false;
						person.isOnTarget = true;
					}else if(arr1[i][j-2] == &#39;target&#39;){
						arr1[i][j-2] = &#39;box&#39;;
						arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
						arr1[i][j] = &#39;brick&#39;;
						person.isOnTarget = true;
			}else if(arr1[i][j-1] == &#39;target&#39;){
				arr1[i][j-1] = &#39;person&#39;;
				arr1[i][j] = &#39;brick&#39;;
				person.isOnTarget = true;

这样,向左走的所有逻辑就完成了,然后是上,右,下,接着else if 就行,照猫画虎,把里面的i和j一更换就完成了。


function judgeWin(boxes){
	var count = 0;
	for(var p = 0;p<boxes.length;p++){
	}if(count == boxes.length){
		var Audio3 = document.getElementById(&#39;win&#39;);
		Audio3.src = &#39;鼓掌.mp3&#39;;
		alert(&#39;You Win! 一共走了&#39;+countStep+&#39;步&#39;);


Writing a push box game with JS and H5



1.我开始以为这个很简单,和我之前做的那个flappy bird 差不多,没想到这里面的逻辑其实很复杂,我的flappy bird链接如下:点击打开链接。所以,一定要在刚开始的时候要构思好大局,别越写越麻烦,容易产生放弃心里。



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