Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >JavaScript and HTML5 programming game Flappy Bird simple version
In the previous article, we shared with you how to write a pushing box game with JS and H5. This article mainly shares with you how to write a classic game: Flappy Bird simple version using js and H55ba626b379994d53f7acf72a64f9b697 tags. I hope it can help everyone.
Statement: I am new to JS and H5. This article involves the writing method and algorithm. If there is any better improvement, please give me your suggestions~
1. When designing the game (including birds, pillars, etc.), we must follow a clear logic: the bird is doing vertical Straight up throw and free fall motion, the pillar is continuously created and moves to the left, isolating the bird and the pillar, each of them is their own)
2. Draw a bird that cannot flap its wings
3. Let the bird fly (free fall, click the mouse to throw it vertically)
4. Logic part (the pillar moves to the left, the bird hits the pillar and the game ends, etc.)
5. Score calculation (score increases by 1 for each pillar passed)
6. Add background (pictures, music, sound effects, etc.)
First We need to create 4 classes: game.html (used to run the game), game.js (used to write the logic part), paint.js (used to draw objects), pojo.js (used to create objects and encapsulate them)
game.html class:
Written in HTML5, you need to add fef50554eca1a427827adaa329da8122, and I am used to setting margin to 0 :
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>flappy bird</title> <style> /*设置边距为0*/ body{ margin:0px; overflow:hidden; } /*加背景*/ #can1{ background-image: url(背景.jpg); background-size:100%100%; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="pojo.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="game.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="paint.js"></script> <!--调用run()--> <script> window.onload = function (){ run(); }; </script> </head> <body> <!--画布标签,设置长宽像素--> <canvas id="can1" width="1536" height="733"></canvas> <!--加入背景音乐--> <audio src="bgm.mp3" autoplay loop></audio> <!--加入点击鼠标触发的音效--> <audio id="audio1" autoplay></audio> </body> </html>
In fact, the run() method is called in the html file, and the 5ba626b379994d53f7acf72a64f9b697 tag and b97864c2e0ef2353a16c4d64c7734e92 are written in the 6c04bd5ca3fcae76e30b72ad730ca86d to load the audio file
pojo.js class: used to store classes, we need two classes: the bird's pillar. Here, we are doing a simple version, so the bird is replaced by a circle approximation, so that the subsequent collision detection will be easier to write. Among them, the determined value is written directly, and the variable value is not assigned.
The writing format is as follows:
//鸟类(圆代替) function Bird(color){ //鸟的颜色 this.color = color; //鸟巩膜的颜色 this.eyeColor = 'white'; //鸟巩膜的半径 this.eyeRadius = 10; //鸟瞳孔的颜色 this.eyeInsideColor = 'black'; //鸟瞳孔的半径 this.eyeInsideRadius = '2.5'; //鸟初始位置 this.left = 100; this.top = 300; //鸟身体半径 this.size = 25; //鸟的速度 this.v = 0; //向下为+ 向上为- //分数计算 this.score = 0; //是否存活 this.isLive = true; }
Note: We must take all the attributes of the bird into consideration and encapsulate them in game.js Use
Then we need to write the pillar class:
//柱子类 //上面下面各一个,在一个竖直线上; //上下柱子的间隔固定; //左右两列柱子间隔固定; //柱子的粗细固定; //柱子相对鸟的速度 function Pillar(position, length){ //柱子颜色 this.color = 'lime'; //柱子向左移动速度 this.v = 8; //柱子宽度 this.width = 80; //柱子位置,是每个柱子左上角的位置 this.position = position; //柱子长度 this.length = length; //柱子是否存在,意思一会解释 this.isLive = true; //鸟是否通过当前柱子 this.isPass = false; }
Next we have to write the paint.js class, which is also a comparison A troublesome class, you need to use 5ba626b379994d53f7acf72a64f9b697 to draw:
First and most important, I suggest putting paint.js at the front every time: clear the screen (if If it is not clear, the last drawing will remain and become the "movement track"):
//清屏 function clearScreen(ctx){ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 1536, 750); }
Then, we draw the bird. Before drawing the bird, I suggest using Use the drawing tool to draw the general shape of the bird so that you can draw it with code later. This is the pattern of the bird I designed (the wings are a bit complicated and I don’t know how to draw them yet, so I didn’t draw them in the program, sorry)
After the design is completed, we can start painting in paint.js (I wrote the acquisition of the canvas and the creation of the brush in game.js instead of paint.js):
//画鸟,同样,所有的变量属性都要考虑到,并且在画巩膜,瞳孔,嘴唇时候都要以变量作为基准!里面的参数需要耐下心来调整。 function paintBird(ctx, left, top, size, color){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.arc(left, top, size, 0, 2*Math.PI);//left:100 top:300 size:25 ctx.fill(); //画巩膜 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = bird.eyeColor; ctx.arc(left+13,top-8,bird.eyeRadius,0,2*Math.PI); ctx.fill(); //画瞳孔 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = bird.eyeInsideColor; ctx.arc(left+18,top-8,bird.eyeInsideRadius,0,2*Math.PI); ctx.fill(); //画嘴唇 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; ctx.fillStyle = '#FC6747'; ctx.moveTo(left+4, top+3); ctx.lineTo(left+29, top+3); ctx.lineTo(left+33, top+6); ctx.lineTo(left+29, top+9); ctx.lineTo(left+32, top+12); ctx.lineTo(left+29, top+15); ctx.lineTo(left+4, top+15); ctx.lineTo(left+1, top+9); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; ctx.moveTo(left+1,top+9); ctx.lineTo(left+29,top+9); ctx.stroke(); //画翅膀,简易版先不画 }
This is what the painting looks like (I want to laugh just looking at it:) )
Then draw the pillars:
//画柱子,我用了渐变色,虽然调整的并不是很好,但是还能看 function paintPillar(ctx, left, top, width, height){ ctx.beginPath(); var grd=ctx.createLinearGradient(left,top,left+height,top); grd.addColorStop(0,"green"); grd.addColorStop(0.45,"white"); grd.addColorStop(1,"green"); ctx.fillStyle = grd; ctx.fillRect(left, top, width, height); }
Then we also need to display the score:
//计分 function paintScore(ctx, score){ ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; ctx.font = '40px 黑体'; ctx.fillText('分数:'+score, 1320, 40); }
Here, our Half of the work is done, and the next step is the most difficult part, game.js, which needs to consider logic, collision, movement, scoring and many other issues.
First introduce how to design the free fall of a bird:
Follow the above method , write the program as follows:
//点击鼠标事件 document.onmousedown = function (ev){ //每点击一下出来音效 var oAudio = document.getElementById('audio1'); oAudio.src = '扇翅膀emm.wav'; //每点击一下做一次竖直上抛 jump(bird); } //鸟自由落体 function drop(bird){ bird.top = bird.top+bird.v; bird.v++; } //设置竖直上抛,直接将速度修改为负数即可 function jump(bird){ bird.v = -13; }
Next is game.js, for easy explanation, I will explain it directly in the code while writing:
//游戏逻辑中枢 //创建鸟的对象 var bird = new Bird('#FBEE30'); //创建柱子对象,把20个柱子放到数组中 var pillar = new Array(20); var count = 0; function run(){ //获取画布 var oCan = document.getElementById('can1'); //创建画笔,2d var ctx = oCan.getContext('2d'); //这timer1是游戏页面显示的东西的线程,每25毫秒刷新一次 var timer1 = setInterval(function (){ //每次画之前先清屏 clearScreen(ctx); //判断鸟是否碰上柱子(是否死亡),死亡则弹框,结束线程 if(!bird.isLive){ alert('游戏结束!你的分数是'+bird.score+'!你好菜啊!') clearInterval(timer1); clearInterval(timer2); } //降落一下 drop(bird); //判断鸟是否通过柱子 for(var i = 0; i < pillar.length; i++){ if(pillar[i] != null && pillar[i].isLive){ //移动柱子 movePillar(pillar[i]); //画柱子 paintPillar(ctx, pillar[i].position.x, pillar[i].position.y, pillar[i].width, pillar[i].length); //计分,如果每个鸟的身体(圆)的左边通过一个柱子的最右边时,加一分 if(pillar[i].position.x+pillar[i].width <= bird.left-bird.size && !pillar[i].isPass){ //这里是因为每次通过上下两个柱子,如果是++的话就会每次加2,所以用+=0.5 bird.score += 0.5; //通过的柱子将isPass设置为true,否则程序将默认鸟通过了所有柱子,就会加每次21 pillar[i].isPass = true; } } } //检验鸟碰到柱子 for(var i = 0; i < pillar.length; i++){ if(pillar[i] != null && pillar[i].isLive){ judgeImpact(bird, pillar[i]); } } //死亡后执行 //画鸟 paintBird(ctx, bird.left, bird.top, bird.size, bird.color); paintScore(ctx, bird.score); }, 25); //这个timer2是创建柱子的线程 var timer2 = setInterval(function (){ //上面的柱子的长度 var l = Math.random()*330+100; //上面柱子,用json传变量 pillar[count++] = new Pillar({x:1536, y:0}, l); //下面柱子 pillar[count++] = new Pillar({x:1536, y:l+200}, 733-l-200); //如果柱子达到20个,自动将第20个设置为第0个,节省了内存,属于算法优化 if(count == 20){ count = 0; } }, 1100); } //点击鼠标事件 document.onmousedown = function (ev){ //每点击一下出来音效 var oAudio = document.getElementById('audio1'); oAudio.src = '扇翅膀emm.wav'; //每点击一下做一次竖直上抛 jump(bird); } //鸟自由落体 function drop(bird){ bird.top = bird.top+bird.v; bird.v++; } //设置竖直上抛,直接将速度修改为负数即可 function jump(bird){ bird.v = -13; } //移动柱子 function movePillar(pillar){ pillar.position.x -= pillar.v; //如果柱子移动出画布,将isLive设置为false if(pillar.position.x < -80){ pillar.isLive = false; } } //检测鸟和柱子碰撞 function judgeImpact(bird, pillar){ //碰到上边框,死亡 if(bird.top < bird.size){ bird.isLive = false; bird.top = bird.size; } //碰到下边框,死亡 else if(bird.top > 733-bird.size){ bird.isLive = false; bird.top = 733-bird.size; } //当小鸟嵌入上下柱子的左边时(检验鸟是否碰到柱子的左边) if(Math.abs(bird.left-pillar.position.x) <= bird.size){ //碰到上面柱子的左边 if(pillar.position.y == 0){ if(bird.top < pillar.length){ bird.isLive = false; bird.left = pillar.position.x-bird.size; } } //碰到下面柱子的左边 else{ if(bird.top > pillar.position.y){ bird.isLive = false; bird.left = pillar.position.x-bird.size; } } } //如果是上面柱子 if(pillar.position.y == 0){ //如果小鸟高度小于上面柱子 if(Math.abs(bird.top-pillar.length) <= bird.size){ //并且小鸟在两个柱子之间,死亡 if(bird.left+bird.size > pillar.position.x && bird.left+bird.size < pillar.position.x+pillar.width+30){ bird.isLive = false; bird.top = pillar.length+bird.size; } } } //如果是下面柱子 else{ //如果小鸟高度大于 下面柱子上方距离顶部的高度 if(Math.abs(bird.top-pillar.position.y) <= bird.size){ //并且小鸟在两个柱子之间,死亡 if(bird.left+bird.size > pillar.position.x && bird.left+bird.size < pillar.position.x+pillar.width+30){ bird.isLive = false; bird.top = pillar.position.y-bird.size; } } } }
1. When using canvas or js to make, you must need the above classes (of course they can be combined, in order to identify the functions of each class I divided them into those four classes), you need to be oriented The idea of objects, when drawing, use the parameters in the object to draw, for example:
paintPillar(ctx, pillar[i].position.x, pillar[i].position.y, pillar[i].width, pillar[i].length);
The above is the detailed content of JavaScript and HTML5 programming game Flappy Bird simple version. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!