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Detailed explanation of MySQL database using Python to operate Schema method

2017-12-08 09:52:501634browse

What is Schema?

No matter what application we make, as long as we deal with user input, there is one principle - never trust the user's input data. This means that we need to strictly verify user input. In web development, input data is generally sent to the back-end API in JSON form, and the API needs to verify the input data. Usually I add a lot of judgments and various ifs, which makes the code very ugly. Is there a more elegant way to verify user data? Schema comes in handy. This article mainly introduces the detailed explanation of the method of using Python to operate Schema in MySQL database design. It is quite good. I will share it with you here for the reference of friends who need it.

㈠MySQLdb part

Table structure:

mysql> use sakila; 
mysql> desc actor; 
| Field    | Type         | Null | Key | Default      | Extra            | 
| actor_id  | smallint(5) unsigned | NO  | PRI | NULL       | auto_increment       | 
| first_name | varchar(45)     | NO  |   | NULL       |               | 
| last_name  | varchar(45)     | NO  | MUL | NULL       |               | 
| last_update | timestamp      | NO  |   | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | 
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Database connection module:

[root@DataHacker ~]# cat dbapi.py 
#!/usr/bin/env ipython 
#coding = utf-8 
#Author: linwaterbin@gmail.com 
#Time: 2014-1-29 
import MySQLdb as dbapi 
USER = 'root' 
PASSWD = 'oracle' 
HOST = '' 
DB = 'sakila' 
conn = dbapi.connect(user=USER,passwd=PASSWD,host=HOST,db=DB)

1 Print column metadata

[root@DataHacker ~]# cat QueryColumnMetaData.py 
#!/usr/bin/env ipython 
from dbapi import * 
cur = conn.cursor() 
statement = """select * from actor limit 1""" 
print "output column metadata....." 
for record in cur.description: 
  print record 

1.) After calling execute(), the cursor should set its description attribute
2.) It is a tuple with a total of 7 columns: column name, type, display size, internal size , precision, range, and a flag indicating whether to accept null values

[root@DataHacker ~]# chmod +x QueryColumnMetaData.py 
[root@DataHacker ~]# ./QueryColumnMetaData.py 
output column metadata..... 
('actor_id', 2, 1, 5, 5, 0, 0) 
('first_name', 253, 8, 45, 45, 0, 0) 
('last_name', 253, 7, 45, 45, 0, 0) 
('last_update', 7, 19, 19, 19, 0, 0)

##2 Accessing column values ​​by column name

By default, the value returned by the get method as a "row" from the database is a tuple

In [1]: from dbapi import * 
In [2]: cur = conn.cursor() 
In [3]: v_sql = "select actor_id,last_name from actor limit 2" 
In [4]: cur.execute(v_sql) 
Out[4]: 2L 
In [5]: results = cur.fetchone() 
In [6]: print results[0] 
In [7]: print results[1] 

We can use the cursorclass attribute to return it as a dictionary

In [2]: import MySQLdb.cursors 
In [3]: import MySQLdb 
In [4]: conn = MySQLdb.connect(user='root',passwd='oracle',host='',db='sakila',cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) 
In [5]: cur = conn.cursor() 
In [6]: v_sql = "select actor_id,last_name from actor limit 2" 
In [7]: cur.execute(v_sql) 
Out[7]: 2L 
In [8]: results = cur.fetchone() 
In [9]: print results['actor_id'] 
In [10]: print results['last_name'] 

#㈡ SQLAlchemy--SQL Alchemist
Although SQL has International standards, but unfortunately, each database manufacturer has different interpretations of these standards, and they all implement their own private syntax based on the standards. In order to hide the differences between different SQL "dialects", people have developed tools such as SQLAlchemy

SQLAlchemy connection module:

[root@DataHacker Desktop]# cat sa.py 
import sqlalchemy as sa 
engine = sa.create_engine('mysql://root:oracle@',pool_recycle=3600) 
metadata = sa.MetaData()

example 1: Table definition

In [3]: t = Table('t',metadata, 
   ...:        Column('id',Integer), 
   ...:        Column('name',VARCHAR(20)), 
   ...:        mysql_engine='InnoDB', 
   ...:        mysql_charset='utf8' 
   ...:       ) 
In [4]: t.create(bind=engine)

example 2: Table deletion

In [5]: t.drop(bind=engine,checkfirst=True)  
In [5]: metadata.drop_all(bind=engine,checkfirst=True),其中可以借助tables属性指定要删除的对象

example 3: 5 kinds of constraints

3 .1 primary key 
In [7]: t_pk_col = Table('t_pk_col',metadata,Column('id',Integer,primary_key=True),Column('name',VARCHAR(20))) 
In [8]: t_pk_col.create(bind=engine) 
In [9]: t_pk_tb = Table('t_pk_01',metadata,Column('id',Integer),Column('name',VARCHAR(20)),PrimaryKeyConstraint('id','name',name='prikey')) 
In [10]: t_pk_tb.create(bind=engine) 
3.2 Foreign Key 
In [13]: t_fk = Table('t_fk',metadata,Column('id',Integer,ForeignKey('t_pk.id'))) 
In [14]: t_fk.create(bind=engine) 
In [15]: t_fk_tb = Table('t_fk_tb',metadata,Column('col1',Integer),Column('col2',VARCHAR(10)),ForeignKeyConstraint(['col1','col2'],['t_pk.id','t_pk.name'])) 
In [16]: t_fk_tb.create(bind=engine) 
3.3 unique 
In [17]: t_uni = Table('t_uni',metadata,Column('id',Integer,unique=True)) 
In [18]: t_uni.create(bind=engine) 
In [19]: t_uni_tb = Table('t_uni_tb',metadata,Column('col1',Integer),Column('col2',VARCHAR(10)),UniqueConstraint('col1','col2')) 
In [20]: t_uni_tb.create(bind=engine) 
3.4 check 
3.5 not null 
In [21]: t_null = Table('t_null',metadata,Column('id',Integer,nullable=False)) 
In [22]: t_null.create(bind=engine)

4 Default value

Divided into 2 categories: pessimism (value provided by DB Server) and optimism (value provided by SQLAlshemy). Optimism can be divided into: insert and update

4.1 例子:insert 
In [23]: t_def_inser = Table('t_def_inser',metadata,Column('id',Integer),Column('name',VARCHAR(10),server_default='cc')) 
In [24]: t_def_inser.create(bind=engine) 
3.2 例子:update 
In [25]: t_def_upda = Table('t_def_upda',metadata,Column('id',Integer),Column('name',VARCHAR(10),server_onupdate='DataHacker')) 
In [26]: t_def_upda.create(bind=engine) 
3.3 例子:Passive  
In [27]: t_def_pass = Table('t_def_pass',metadata,Column('id',Integer),Column('name',VARCHAR(10),DefaultClause('cc'))) 
In [28]: t_def_pass.create(bind=engine)

㈢ Hidden Schema
#Whether the security of the data is exposed to a completely trustworthy object, this is something that no security-conscious DBA will risk. risk. A better way is to hide the Schema structure as much as possible and verify the integrity of the data entered by the user. Although this increases the operation and maintenance cost to a certain extent, it is not trivial to be safe.

Here we develop a command line tool to illustrate this problem

Requirements: hide the table structure, implement dynamic query, and simulate the results to mysql \G output

[root@DataHacker ~]# ./sesc.py --version 
[root@DataHacker ~]# ./sesc.py -h 
Usage: sesc.py [options] <arg1> <arg2> [<arg3>...] 
 --version       show program&#39;s version number and exit 
 -h, --help      show this help message and exit 
 -q TERM        assign where predicate 
 -c COL, --column=COL assign query column 
 -t TABLE       assign query table 
 -f, --format     -f must match up -o 
 -o OUTFILE      assign output file 
[root@DataHacker ~]# ./sesc.py -t actor -c last_name -q s% -f -o output.txt 
[root@DataHacker ~]# cat output.txt 
************ 1 row ******************* 
actor_id: 180 
first_name: JEFF 
last_name: SILVERSTONE 
last_update: 2006-02-15 04:34:33 
************ 2 row ******************* 
actor_id: 195 
first_name: JAYNE 
last_name: SILVERSTONE 
last_update: 2006-02-15 04:34:33 

Please see the code

#!/usr/bin/env python
import optparse
from dbapi import *

parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] <arg1> <arg2> [<arg3>...]",version=&#39;1.0&#39;,)
parser.add_option("-q",action="store",type="string",dest="term",help="assign where predicate")
parser.add_option("-c","--column",action="store",type="string",dest="col",help="assign query column")
parser.add_option("-t",action="store",type="string",dest="table",help="assign query table")
parser.add_option("-f","--format",action="store_true",dest="format",help="-f must match up -o")
parser.add_option("-o",action="store",type="string",dest="outfile",help="assign output file")
options,args = parser.parse_args()
table = options.table
column = options.col
term = options.term
format = options.format
statement = "select * from %s where %s like &#39;%s&#39;"%(table,column,term)
cur = conn.cursor()
results = cur.fetchall()
#模拟 \G 输出形式
if format is True:
 columns_query = "describe %s"%(table)
 heards = cur.fetchall()
 column_list = []
 for record in heards:
 output = ""
 count = 1
 for record in results:
  output = output + "************ %s row ************\n\n"%(count)
  for field_no in xrange(0, len(column_list)):
   output = output + column_list[field_no]+ ": " + str(record[field_no]) + "\n"
  output = output + "\n"
  count = count + 1
 output = []
 for record in xrange(0,len(results)):
 output = &#39;&#39;.join(output)
if options.outfile:
 outfile = options.outfile
 with open(outfile,&#39;w&#39;) as out:
 print output

Related recommendations:

Detailed explanation of the difference between table and schema in the database

Detailed introduction to information_schema in MySQL

MySQL distributed cluster MyCAT (2) schema Detailed code explanation

The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of MySQL database using Python to operate Schema method. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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