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JS component Bootstrap Table multi-row drag effect implementation code_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:27:171447browse

Foreword: I just wrote an article the day before yesterday JS component Bootstrap Table table row dragging effect. Today I received a new need. I need to be able to drag multiple selected items at the same time based on the previous table row dragging. OK. After spending half a day researching it, the effect came out, but it felt unsatisfactory. Share it first, and then think of better ways to optimize it later.

1. Effect display

1. Before dragging

2. Dragging

3. After dragging

4. Undo and return to the state before dragging

2. Demand analysis
From the previous article, we know that if you want to implement drag and drop, you must have a draggable label, or container. For example, the tr in the previous article is a drag and drop container. If you want to implement drag and drop of selected rows, then The blogger's first reaction is to put the selected row into a container, such as a div, and then register the div to be draggable. However, the actual situation is that tr is a label in the table. If tr is used Wrapping it in div will inevitably disrupt the styles in the table, and the interface will be really messed up. Obviously, this road will not work. Then I found out through Google Chrome's element review that the parent element of the table tr generated using Bootstrap table was actually tbody, so I was wondering if I could register the drag and drop of tbody. Practice has proven that this method is feasible. So let's get started.

3. Code examples
The code of cshtm will not be repeated, it is the same as the previous article. Let's focus on the js code.

var i_statuindex = 0;
var arrdata = [];

var m_oTable = null;

$(function () {
 m_oTable = new TableInit();

 var oButtonInit = new ButtonInit();

 format: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii',
 autoclose: true,
 todayBtn: true,


var TableInit = function () {
 var oTableInit = new Object();

 oTableInit.Init = function () {
  url: '/api/OrderApi/get',
  method: 'get',
  striped: true,
  cache: false,
  striped: true,
  pagination: true,
  height: 600,
  queryParams: oTableInit.queryParams,
  queryParamsType: "limit",
  sidePagination: "server",
  pageSize: 10,
  pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
  search: true,
  strictSearch: true,
  showColumns: true,
  showRefresh: true,
  minimumCountColumns: 2,
  clickToSelect: true,
  columns: [{
  checkbox: true
  field: 'ORDER_NO',
  title: '订单号'
  field: 'BODY_NO',
  title: '车身号'
  }, {
  field: 'VIN',
  title: 'VIN码'
  }, {
  title: '整车编码'
  field: 'ORDER_TYPE',
  title: '订单类型'
  field: 'ORDER_STATUS',
  title: '订单状态'
  field: 'CREATE_DATE',
  title: '订单导入时间'
  field: 'PLAN_DATE',
  title: '订单计划上线日期'
  field: 'VMS_NO',
  title: 'VMS号'
  field: 'ENGIN_CODE',
  title: '发动机号'
  field: 'TRANS_CODE',
  title: '变速箱号'
  field: 'OFFLINE_DATE_ACT',
  title: '实际下线日期'
  field: 'HOLD_RES',
  title: 'hold理由'
  field: 'SPC_FLAG',
  title: '特殊标记'
  onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
  if (data.total > 0) {
   var iheight = $('#div_tableleft').find(".fixed-table-container").height();
   $('#div_tableleft').find(".fixed-table-container").height(iheight + 36);
  onCheckAll: function (rows) {
  $("#tb_order_left tbody tr").addClass("selected");
  onUncheckAll: function (rows) {
  $("#tb_order_left tbody tr").removeClass("selected");

  url: '/api/OrderApi/get',
  method: 'get',
  toolbar: '#toolbar_right',
  striped: true,
  cache: false,
  striped: true,
  pagination: true,
  height: 600,
  queryParams: oTableInit.queryParamsRight,
  queryParamsType: "limit",
  //ajaxOptions: { departmentname: "", statu: "" },
  sidePagination: "server",
  pageSize: 10,
  pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
  search: true,
  strictSearch: true,
  showRefresh: true,
  minimumCountColumns: 2,
  columns: [
  field: 'ORDER_NO',
  title: '订单号'
  field: 'BODY_NO',
  title: '车身号'
  }, {
  field: 'VIN',
  title: 'VIN码'
  }, {
  title: '整车编码'
  field: 'ORDER_TYPE',
  title: '订单类型'
  field: 'ORDER_STATUS',
  title: '订单状态'
  field: 'CREATE_DATE',
  title: '订单导入时间'
  field: 'PLAN_DATE',
  title: '订单计划上线日期'
  field: 'VMS_NO',
  title: 'VMS号'
  field: 'ENGIN_CODE',
  title: '发动机号'
  field: 'TRANS_CODE',
  title: '变速箱号'
  field: 'OFFLINE_DATE_ACT',
  title: '实际下线日期'
  field: 'HOLD_RES',
  title: 'hold理由'
  field: 'SPC_FLAG',
  title: '特殊标记'
  onLoadSuccess: function (data) {

 oTableInit.InitDrag = function () {
 $('#tb_order_left tbody').draggable({
  helper: "clone",
  start: function (event, ui) {
  var old_left_data = JSON.stringify($('#tb_order_left').bootstrapTable("getData"));
  var old_right_data = JSON.stringify($('#tb_order_right').bootstrapTable("getData"));
  var odata = { index: ++i_statuindex, left_data: old_left_data, right_data: old_right_data };
  stop: function (event, ui) {

 oTableInit.InitDrop = function () {
 $("#div_tableright div[class=fixed-table-container]").droppable({
  drop: function (event, ui) {
  var arrtr = $(ui.helper[0]).find("tr[class=selected]");
  if (arrtr.length <= 0) {
  var oTop = ui.helper[0].offsetTop;
  var iRowHeadHeight = 40;
  var iRowHeight = 37;
  var rowIndex = 0;
  if (oTop <= iRowHeadHeight + iRowHeight / 2) {
   rowIndex = 0;
  else {
   rowIndex = Math.ceil((oTop - iRowHeadHeight) / iRowHeight);
  for (var i = 0; i < arrtr.length; i++) {
   var arrtd = $(arrtr[i]).find("td");
   var uniqueid = $(arrtr[i]).attr("data-uniqueid");
   var rowdata = {
   ORDER_NO: $(arrtd[1]).text(),
   BODY_NO: $(arrtd[2]).text(),
   VIN: $(arrtd[3]).text(),
   TM_MODEL_MATERIAL_ID: $(arrtd[4]).text(),
   ORDER_TYPE: $(arrtd[5]).text(),
   ORDER_STATUS: $(arrtd[6]).text(),
   CREATE_DATE: $(arrtd[7]).text() == "-" &#63; null : $(arrtd[7]).text(),
   PLAN_DATE: $(arrtd[8]).text() == "-" &#63; null : $(arrtd[8]).text(),
   VMS_NO: $(arrtd[9]).text(),
   ENGIN_CODE: $(arrtd[10]).text(),
   TRANS_CODE: $(arrtd[11]).text(),
   OFFLINE_DATE_ACT: $(arrtd[12]).text() == "-" &#63; null : $(arrtd[12]).text(),
   HOLD_RES: $(arrtd[13]).text(),
   SPC_FLAG: $(arrtd[14]).text(),
   TO_ORDER_ID: uniqueid

   $("#tb_order_right").bootstrapTable("insertRow", { index: rowIndex++, row: rowdata });
   $('#tb_order_left').bootstrapTable("removeByUniqueId", uniqueid);

 oTableInit.queryParams = function (params) { //配置参数
 var temp = { //这里的键的名字和控制器的变量名必须一直,这边改动,控制器也需要改成一样的
  limit: params.limit, //页面大小
  offset: params.offset, //页码
  strBodyno: $("#txt_search_bodynumber").val(),
  strVin: $("#txt_search_vinnumber").val(),
  strOrderno: $("#txt_search_ordernumber").val(),
  strEngincode: $("#txt_search_engin_code").val(),
  strOrderstatus: 0,
  strTranscode: $("#txt_search_trans_code").val(),
  strVms: $("#txt_search_vms").val(),
  strCarcode: $("#txt_search_carcode").val(),
  strImportStartdate: $("#txt_search_import_startdate").val(),
  strImportEnddate: $("#txt_search_import_enddate").val(),
  strSendStartdate: $("#txt_search_send_startdate").val(),
  strSendEnddate: $("#txt_search_send_enddate").val(),

 return temp;

 oTableInit.queryParamsRight = function (params) { //配置参数
 var temp = { //这里的键的名字和控制器的变量名必须一直,这边改动,控制器也需要改成一样的
  limit: params.limit, //页面大小
  offset: params.offset, //页码
  strBodyno: "",
  strVin: "",
  strOrderno: "",
  strEngincode: "",
  strOrderstatus: 5,
  strTranscode: "",
  strVms: "",
  strCarcode: "",
  strImportStartdate: "",
  strImportEnddate: "",
  strSendStartdate: "",
  strSendEnddate: "",

 return temp;

 return oTableInit;

var ButtonInit = function () {
 var oInit = new Object();
 var postdata = {};

 oInit.Init = function () {

 $("#btn_query").click(function () {

 $("#btn_reset").click(function () {

 $("#btn_insertorder").click(function () {

 $("#btn_cancel").click(function () {
  if (i_statuindex <= 0) {
  for (var i = 0; i < arrdata.length; i++) {
  if (arrdata[i].index != i_statuindex) {
  var arr_left_data = eval(arrdata[i].left_data);
  var arr_right_data = eval(arrdata[i].right_data);

  $('#tb_order_left').bootstrapTable('append', arr_left_data);
  for (var x = 0; x < arr_right_data.length; x++) {
   $("#tb_order_right").bootstrapTable("insertRow", { index: x, row: arr_right_data[x] });
  //$('#tb_order_right').bootstrapTable('append', arr_right_data);//append之后不能drop


 return oInit;

Let’s focus on some of the code

1. You can drag and drop on the left side of registration

$('#tb_order_left tbody').draggable({
  helper: "clone",
  start: function (event, ui) {
  var old_left_data = JSON.stringify($('#tb_order_left').bootstrapTable("getData"));
  var old_right_data = JSON.stringify($('#tb_order_right').bootstrapTable("getData"));
  var odata = { index: ++i_statuindex, left_data: old_left_data, right_data: old_right_data };
  stop: function (event, ui) {

The code here is very simple and mainly does two things:

(1) Register the draggability of tbody, and the same applies to the draggable event of JQuery UI.

(2) Before starting dragging, save the data in both tables for restoration operations.

2. Register and drop on the right

    $("#div_tableright div[class=fixed-table-container]").droppable({
  drop: function (event, ui) {
  var arrtr = $(ui.helper[0]).find("tr[class=selected]");
  if (arrtr.length <= 0) {
  var oTop = ui.helper[0].offsetTop;
  var iRowHeadHeight = 40;
  var iRowHeight = 37;
  var rowIndex = 0;
  if (oTop <= iRowHeadHeight + iRowHeight / 2) {
   rowIndex = 0;
  else {
   rowIndex = Math.ceil((oTop - iRowHeadHeight) / iRowHeight);
  for (var i = 0; i < arrtr.length; i++) {
   var arrtd = $(arrtr[i]).find("td");
   var uniqueid = $(arrtr[i]).attr("data-uniqueid");
   var rowdata = {
   ORDER_NO: $(arrtd[1]).text(),
   BODY_NO: $(arrtd[2]).text(),
   VIN: $(arrtd[3]).text(),
   TM_MODEL_MATERIAL_ID: $(arrtd[4]).text(),
   ORDER_TYPE: $(arrtd[5]).text(),
   ORDER_STATUS: $(arrtd[6]).text(),
   CREATE_DATE: $(arrtd[7]).text() == "-" &#63; null : $(arrtd[7]).text(),
   PLAN_DATE: $(arrtd[8]).text() == "-" &#63; null : $(arrtd[8]).text(),
   VMS_NO: $(arrtd[9]).text(),
   ENGIN_CODE: $(arrtd[10]).text(),
   TRANS_CODE: $(arrtd[11]).text(),
   OFFLINE_DATE_ACT: $(arrtd[12]).text() == "-" &#63; null : $(arrtd[12]).text(),
   HOLD_RES: $(arrtd[13]).text(),
   SPC_FLAG: $(arrtd[14]).text(),
   TO_ORDER_ID: uniqueid

   $("#tb_order_right").bootstrapTable("insertRow", { index: rowIndex++, row: rowdata });
   $('#tb_order_left').bootstrapTable("removeByUniqueId", uniqueid);

The code here is slightly different from before

(1) Register the droppable of the #div_tableright div[class=fixed-table-container] tag. This tag is automatically generated after the Bootstrap Table table is initialized. Why not directly register the droppable of the table #tb_order_right because of the role of this tag? If the domain is too small, the dragged tbody will not be able to capture the drop event. The #div_tableright div[class=fixed-table-container] div tag outside the registration form can solve the problem.

(2) Use var arrtr = $(ui.helper[0]).find("tr[class=selected]"); to find the selected row in the tbody dragged over, and then extract the data and insert it into the table on the right in turn. The table on the left deletes rows of data one by one.

(3) What is a bit troublesome here is to find the position of the drop. We know that if you want to put the selected line on the left to the specified position on the right, then you have to get the position of the current mouse drop. Here, through ui.helper[0 ].offsetTop property to obtain the Y-axis position of the mouse, and calculate the position to be inserted.

3. Undo operation

 $("#btn_cancel").click(function () {
  if (i_statuindex <= 0) {
  for (var i = 0; i < arrdata.length; i++) {
  if (arrdata[i].index != i_statuindex) {
  var arr_left_data = eval(arrdata[i].left_data);
  var arr_right_data = eval(arrdata[i].right_data);

  $('#tb_order_left').bootstrapTable('append', arr_left_data);
  for (var x = 0; x < arr_right_data.length; x++) {
   $("#tb_order_right").bootstrapTable("insertRow", { index: x, row: arr_right_data[x] });
  //$('#tb_order_right').bootstrapTable('append', arr_right_data);//append之后不能drop


The undo operation is basically the same as before.

4. Summary
The effect is complete, but the only drawback is that every time it is dragged, the entire tbody is dragged, not the selected rows. However, multiple selected rows cannot be wrapped in a container. No suitable solution has been found yet. Let’s do this for now, and then optimize it later when we come up with a good solution.

5. Optimization Plan

1. How to register drap

oTableInit.InitDrag = function () {
 $('#tb_order_left tbody').draggable({
  helper: "clone",
  start: function (event, ui) {
  var old_left_data = JSON.stringify($('#tb_order_left').bootstrapTable("getData"));
  var old_right_data = JSON.stringify($('#tb_order_right').bootstrapTable("getData"));
  var odata = { index: ++i_statuindex, left_data: old_left_data, right_data: old_right_data };
  stop: function (event, ui) {

Added this sentence $(ui.helper[0]).find("tr[class!=selected]").remove(); so that unselected rows cannot be seen when dragging.
2. Accurately locate the position specified in the table on the right:

oTableInit.InitDrop = function () {
 $("#div_tableright div[class=fixed-table-container]").droppable({
  drop: function (event, ui) {
  var arrtr = $(ui.helper[0]).find("tr[class=selected]");
  if (arrtr.length <= 0) {
  var oTop = ui.helper[0].offsetTop;
  var rowIndex = 0;
  var bIsBottom = true;
  var iRowHeadHeight = 40;
  var addHeight = iRowHeadHeight;
  var trs = $("#tb_order_right tbody tr");
  for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
   addHeight += $(trs[i]).height();
   if (addHeight > oTop) {
   rowIndex = i;
   bIsBottom = false;//这里参数用来定义拖动到右边表格最下面的情况,这时没有进入到此条件判断里面。
  if (bIsBottom) {
   rowIndex = trs.length;

  for (var i = 0; i < arrtr.length; i++) {
   var arrtd = $(arrtr[i]).find("td");
   var uniqueid = $(arrtr[i]).attr("data-uniqueid");
   var rowdata = {
   ORDER_NO: $(arrtd[1]).text(),
   BODY_NO: $(arrtd[2]).text(),
   VIN: $(arrtd[3]).text(),
   TM_MODEL_MATERIAL_ID: $(arrtd[4]).text(),
   ORDER_TYPE: $(arrtd[5]).text(),
   ORDER_STATUS_NAME: $(arrtd[6]).text(),
   CREATE_DATE: $(arrtd[7]).text() == "-" &#63; null : $(arrtd[7]).text(),
   PLAN_DATE: $(arrtd[8]).text() == "-" &#63; null : $(arrtd[8]).text(),
   VMS_NO: $(arrtd[9]).text(),
   ENGIN_CODE: $(arrtd[10]).text(),
   TRANS_CODE: $(arrtd[11]).text(),
   OFFLINE_DATE_ACT: $(arrtd[12]).text() == "-" &#63; null : $(arrtd[12]).text(),
   HOLD_RES: $(arrtd[13]).text(),
   SPC_FLAG: $(arrtd[14]).text(),
   TO_ORDER_ID: uniqueid,

   $("#tb_order_right").bootstrapTable("insertRow", { index: rowIndex++, row: rowdata });
   $('#tb_order_left').bootstrapTable("removeByUniqueId", uniqueid);



Because the row height of each row is uncertain and is dynamically supported by the data in the row, the drop position is also dynamically calculated here.

At this point, this small function has basically come to an end, and the basic effects and points to be optimized are also completed.

Source code download: Bootstrap Table multi-row drag effect

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in learning javascript programming.

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