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JavaScript code writing format specification guide_Basic knowledge

2016-05-16 15:27:171417browse

For engineers who are familiar with C/C or Java language, JavaScript appears to be flexible, simple and easy to understand, and the requirements for code format are relatively loose. It's easy to learn and apply it to your own code. Because of this, JavaScript coding standards are often underestimated and tinkered with during the development process, eventually becoming a nightmare for subsequent maintainers. The long-term value of a software's existence is directly proportional to the quality of its coding. Coding standards can help us reduce unnecessary troubles in programming. The JavaScript code is sent directly to the customer's browser and meets the customer directly. The quality of the coding should be paid more attention to.
This article briefly talks about coding standards in JavaScript programming and analyzes the reasons. It is hoped that more web developers will pay attention to JavaScript coding standards and software product quality issues.
When it comes to C/C and Java coding standards, I believe many engineers are familiar with them. But when it comes to the coding standards of the JavaScript language, you may be laughing. Isn’t JavaScript syntactically flexible? Variables can be used at any time and can be declared at any time; the statement terminator is not required; strings and numbers can also be added; there will be no error if there are more parameters or one less. That's right, when you switch from the strict grammatical regulations of C/C and Java to the JavaScript language, you will feel a lot more free and relaxed. Loose syntax is an important feature of JavaScript. It is flexible and easy to understand, and brings a lot of convenience to developers. However, if you do not pay attention during the writing process, the debugging and maintenance costs of the code will increase invisibly.
JavaScript encoding will be sent directly to the client's browser accordingly. Code specifications are not only a guarantee of code quality, but also affect the long-term reputation of the product. I hope that the specification of the JavaScript programming language will also attract the attention of more friends.

JavaScript Coding Guidelines Recommendations
This article gives some of my own suggestions on the aspects of typesetting, naming, declaration, scope, and the use of some special symbols involved in the JavaScript coding process, based on my personal summary of my study work, and analyzes the reasons. For reference.
JavaScript file reference
JavaScript programs should be placed in .js files as much as possible. When they need to be called, they should be included in the HTML in the form of 74dadf76f48e8541d66a801cc34bcccb. If the JavaScript code is not specific to the HTML file, you should avoid writing JavaScript code directly in the HTML file. Because this will greatly increase the size of the HTML file and is not conducive to code compression and caching.
In addition, the 74dadf76f48e8541d66a801cc34bcccb tag should be placed as late as possible in the file. This will reduce the loading time of JavaScript code that affects other components in the page.
Code layout
Line length
Each line of code should be less than 80 characters. If the code is long, you should try to wrap it in a new line, and the next line of code should be indented by 8 spaces. This can make the code layout neat and reduce the fatigue of reading the code. The 8-space indentation for line breaks can be distinguished from the 4-space indentation for code segments to enhance code readability.
End of line
JavaScript statements should end with a semicolon. But most browsers allow you to leave out a semicolon, as long as there is a newline character where a semicolon should be. But what should you pay attention to if the line of code is long and needs to be wrapped? Line breaks should be chosen after operators and punctuation marks, preferably after commas ',', rather than after variable names, strings, numbers, or symbols such as ')' ']' ' ' '--'.
This can effectively prevent errors caused by copying and pasting, and can effectively enhance the readability of the code. See Listing 1, the output of the code matches our expectations. But in terms of writing, the assignment statement to valueB is a line break after the variable valueA. This can easily be misunderstood as valueB=ValueA, causing obstacles to reading. The copy statement for valueC is a line break after ' ', which is much easier to understand. This is also the line breaking method advocated in this article.
Listing 1. Line end position

<script language="javascript"> 
 var valueA = 1; 
 var valueB = valueA     ///bad 
 var valueC = valueB +   ///good 
 alert(valueB);       //output: valueB=2 
 alert(valueC);//output: valueC=3 

关于缩进的问题,不只是 JavaScript,几乎所有的语言编写的时候,都会提及缩进的问题。缩进几乎是代码编写规范的第一课,是代码可阅读性判断的直接因素。
代码缩进的好处是不言而喻的,但是对于如何缩进,则没有标准而言。最受欢迎的是方便使用 TAB 键缩进,也有些喜欢用 2 个、4 个、8 个空格进行缩进。这样缩进风格不一,也同样给代码的阅读带来障碍。
本文提倡用 4 个空格来进行缩进,并在同一产品中采用同一种缩进标准。不支持用 TAB 键进行缩进。这是因为直到现在还没有统一的标准来定义 TAB 键所代替的空白大小,有些编辑器解析为 4 个空格大小,有些则解析为 8 个。因而用不同的编辑器查看代码,可能造成格式混乱。当然 TAB 简单易用,为解决这个问题,建议在设置开发环境时,将编辑器里的 TAB 快捷键重新设置为 4 个空格。据了解 Eclipse, Vi, Nodepad++,Editplus, UltraEdit 等流行的编辑器,均提供了此功能。
除了注释要 及时更新外,我们还应对注释的内容要特别关注。注释要尽量简单、清晰明了,避免使用含混晦涩的语言,同时着重 注释的意义,对不太直观的部分进行注解。请见清单 2。
清单 2. 有意义的注释

 <script language="javascript"> 
 //following section is used to initialize golbal variables       (good) 
 var valueA = 0;   //initialize valueA to be sero            (bad) 
 var valueB = 1; 
 //call f1 function after waiting for 50 seconds.             (good) 
 setTimeout(f1,50000); //set timeout to be 20s           (copy error) 

这样的注释方式在 JavaScript 代码中经常见到。"initialize valueA to be sero" 这样的注释有什么用呢?难道阅读程序的工程师从"var valueA = 0;"复制语句中看不出来么?"set timeout to be 20s"这条注释,不只是因拷贝、粘贴引起的时间大小的错误,同时也误导了程序员对这条语句的理解。setTimeout() 函数的作用并非是设置函数执行的超时时间,而是等待一定时间后执行所调用的函数,害人匪浅呀。这样的注释内容宁可删掉。
此外,JavaScript 的注释有两种"//" 和"/* .... */",建议"//"用作代码行注释,"/* .... */"形式用作对整个代码段的注销,或较正式的声明中,如函数参数、功能、文件功能等的描述中。
JavaScript 中的标识符的命名规则:
变量、参数、成员变量、函数等名称均以小写字母开头,构造器的名称以大写字母开头。下划线'_'开头的变量一般习惯于标识私有 / 局部成员。而美元符号'$'开头的变量习惯于标识系统相关,比如系统进程等。应避免用下划线'_'或美元符号'$'来命名标识符。尽可能地降低代码的阅读负担。
尽管 JavaScript 语言并不要求在变量使用前先对变量进行声明。但我们还是应该养成这个好习惯。这样可以比较容易的检测出那些未经声明的变量,避免其变为隐藏的全局变量,造成隐患。
在函数的开始应先用 var 关键字声明函数中要使用的局部变量,注释变量的功能及代表的含义,且应以字母顺序排序。每个变量单独占一行,以便添加注释。这是因为 JavaScript 中只有函数的 {} 表明作用域,用 var 关键字声明的局部变量只在函数内有效,而未经 var 声明的变量则被视为全局变量。我们来看下清单 3。

清单 3. 局部变量声明

  <script language="javascript"> 
 var valueA = "a"; 
 var valueB = "b"; 
 function f1() { 
  var valueA = "c"; 
  alert("valueA="+valueA);    //output: valueA=c 
  valueB = "d"; 
  alert("valueB="+valueB);    //output: valueB=d 
 alert("valueA="+valueA);      //output: valueA=a 
 alert("valueB="+valueB);      //output: valueB=d 

从上例的输出惊奇地发现,用 var 声明过的变量 valueA 和没有声明的变量 valueB 是有区别的。特别需要注意的是,在函数内部用 var 声明的变量为局部变量,这样可以有效地避免因局部变量和全局变量同名而产生的错误。
函数也应在调用前进行声明,内部函数应在 var 声明内部变量的语句之后声明,可以清晰地表明内部变量和内部函数的作用域。
此外,函数名紧接左括号'('之间,而右括号')'和后面的'{'之间要有个空格,以清楚地显示函数名以其参数部分,和函数体的开始。若函数为匿名 / 无名函数,则 function 关键字和左括号'('之间要留空格,否则可能误认为该函数的函数名为 function。

清单 4. 内部函数声明

  <script language="javascript"> 
 var innerA = 1; 
 function outF() { 
  var innerA = 2; 
  function _inF() { 
 outF();             //output: valueA=2 
 _inF();             //error: innerF is not defined 

从清单 4 的输出可以看出,inF() 函数仅在 outF() 函数的内部生效,局部变量 innerA 对内部函数的作用域生效。这样的编码方式使得变量和函数的作用域变得清晰。
这是因为 JavaScript 中,所有表达式都可以当语句,遇换行符时会解析为表达式的结束,此时不规范的换行和分号的丢失,可能引入新的错误。
对于复合语句,if, for, while, do, switch, try … catch 等代码体,函数定义的函数体,对象的定义等都需要放在花括号'{}'里面。
'{' 应在行末,标志代码块的开始。
'}' 应在一行开头,标志代码块的结束,同时需要和'{'所在行的开始对齐,以表明一个完整的复合语句段。这样可以极大地提高代码的可阅读性,控制逻辑能清晰地表现出来。
被包含的代码段应该再缩进 4 个空格。
return语句在使用时也需慎重,如果用表达式的执行作为返回值,请把表达式和 return 放在同一行中,以免换行符被误解析为语句的结束而引起返回错误。return 关键字后若没有返回表达式,则返回 undefined。构造器的默认返回值为 this。

清单 5. return 表达式

  <script language="javascript"> 
 function F1() { 
  var valueA = 1; 
  var valueB = 2; 
  return valueA + valueB; 
 function F2() { 
  var valueA = 1; 
  var valueB = 2; 
    valueA + valueB; 
 alert( F1() ); //output: 3 
 alert( F2() ); //ouput: undefined 

在清单 5 中显示了因返回表达式没有和 return 关键字放在同一行而引起的返回错误,需重视。
关键字的后面如有括号,则最好在关键字和左括号'('之间留空白,如 for, if, while 等。而函数名和括号之间则不宜留空白,但若是匿名函数,则必须在 function 和左括号'('之间留空白,否则,编辑器会误认为函数名为 function。
在表达式中,二元运算符 ( 除左括号'(',左方括号'[',作用域点'.') 和两个操作数之间最好留空白。一元运算符(若不是词 typeof 等)和其操作数之间不宜留空白。
分号';'之后通常表明表达语句的结束,而应空行。在 for 的条件语句中,分号之后则应该留空白。
{ } 和 [ ]
在 JavaScript 中,如需定义空对象和空数组,通常很自然地想到用 new Object() 和 new Array() 的方法。其实花括号'{}'和方括号'[]'可以直接用来定义一个空对象和一个空数组。这种书写方法可以使代码看起来简单易懂。
== 和 ===
判断"逻辑等"在代码里太平常的不过事情了,但 JavaScript 与其他熟知的编程语言不同的是,除了可以使用两个等号'=='来作判断以为,还可以使用三个等号'==='来进行逻辑等判断。两者的不同是'=='作逻辑等判断时,会先进行类型转换后再进行比较。'==='则不会。因而,'=='进行的判断结果可能产生偏差。'!='与'!=='的区别亦是如此。本文提倡尽量使用'==='来进行逻辑等的判断,用'!=='进行逻辑不等的判断。

清单 6. === 的使用

 <script language="javascript"> 
 var valueA = "1"; 
 var valueB = 1; 
 if ( valueA == valueB) { 
 else { 
  alert("Not equal") 
 //output: "Equal"
 if ( valueA === valueB) { 
 else { 
  alert("Not equal") 
 //output: "Not equal"

清单 6 中,valueA 和 valueB 两个变量的值显然是不相等的,起码 valueA 是个字符串,而 valueB 是一个数字。但用'=='进行判断是,程序却输出相等的字样。这是因为编译器对两个变量进行比较时,因为他们的类型不同,而自动地将 valueB 转换成字符串,而后再和 valueA 进行比较的。用'==='得到的判断结果正和预期的结果相符。
加号'+'也同样是程序员所熟知的操作符之一。JavaScript 和其他编程语言不同的是,在 JavaScript 中,'+'除了表示数字值相加,字符串相连接以外,还可以作一元运算符用,把字符串转换为数字。因而如果使用不当,则可能与自增符'++'混淆而引起计算错误。这一点,在清单 7 中可以清楚地看出。
清单 7. 巧用 + 号

  <script language="javascript"> 
 var valueA = 20; 
 var valueB = "10"; 
 alert( valueA + valueB);   //ouput: 2010 
 alert( valueA + (+valueB)); //output: 30 
 alert( valueA + +valueB);  //output:30 
 alert( valueA ++valueB);   //Compile error 

本文就 JavaScript 代码的排版、命名、声明、语句、和一些特殊字符的使用等方面,谈了自己对 JavaScript 编程规范的建议。此外,还有许多方面需要深入了解研究,如 with, eval 语句和 this 对象的使用等等。我们在认识其普遍性的同时也需要注意其特殊性,在编写代码时多用心留意,以创造更多更优质的程序代码。

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