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MySQL, PHP introductory tutorial

2017-08-03 16:50:261494browse

Log in to MySQL mysql -hlocalhost-uroot -proot
Exit MySQL exit

A semicolon must be added after each statement: ----- ---------------------------------------

Show database SHOW DATABASES;; Check how many databases there are on the MySQL server

Create database


Separate each command with spaces

   db_name // 自定义数据库名字  字母数字下划线
   [IF NOT EXITSTS] //如果创建的数据库已经存在,则不会报错
   [CHARSET utf8]  //指定当前数据库的字符集,默认为‘拉丁’,


show create database db_name;   //查看创建数据库的语句过程
删除数据库   DROP DATABASE db_name [IFEXITSTS];
       [IF EXITSTS]  //如果存在删除就不会报错

Data table operation:

Select current dataLibrary------>USEdb_name; Display data table--- ------>SHOW TABLES; Create data table---------->CREATETABLE table_name(column 1 type column attribute, column 2 type column attribute,...);


auto_increment----automatic growth primarykey----primary key

Attributes of the id field: required----NOT null auto_increment primary key

Column type (mysql data type): integer, floating point, character, Attributes of text type, date type


: whether it is empty, NOTnull || NULL

Automatic growth: AUTO_INCREMENT can only be used for id, and one table can only have An automatic growth attribute Default value: DEFAULT value

Primary key: (primary index) There is only one, PRIMARYKEY is generally assigned to the id field, and a table can only have one

Integer type: tinyint---one byte (0-255) smalimt----two bytes (0-65535) int----four bytes (0-2.1 billion) bigint----8 bytes ()

Floating point type: float (M, D) can be accurate to 7 decimal places, M represents the total width, and D represents the decimal place

double (M,D) can be accurate to 15 digits after the decimal point

Character type and text

Char (M) fixed-length character, M represents the length

Varchar(M) variable length character, M represents the length

Char can access data faster than varchar

Text Type

tinytext 0-255 Minimum text type

text 0-16.77 million Medium text

longtext 4.2 billionDate time

create table table1(id int not null auto_increment primarykey,title varchar(100) not null,author varchar(20) not null,source varchar(30)not null,
hits int(5) not null default 0,
is_ppt tinyint(1) not null default0,content text null,addate int(16) not null);

Display data table

date  如:“YYYY-MM-DD”
time  如:“HH:MM:SS”
datetime 如:“YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”

Display table structure

SHOW TABLE FROM table_name;

Delete table

DESCRIBE table_name;

Use phpmyadmin to modify

Data processing SQL
Structured query language
The main functions of SQL

Add Delete Modify Check

DROP TRABLE table_name;

You can specify the ID field and assign a value to the id

Set the character set requested by the client (Chinese garbled solution): set names gbk;

增加:----------- INSERT  INTO  table_name(字段1,字段2,….)  VALUE(值1,值2,…..);
WHERE field> value

If the where condition is omitted, all must be deleted

删除:-----------  DELETE  FROM table_name [WHERE 条件];

Query: --------- select field from table_name;

describe command to view the fields in the database table

Import the saixinjituan.sql file into the mysql database

First create a


: Then select the current database; Select import from the menu bar;

SELECT field list|* FROMtable_name [WHERE condition][ORDER BY][LIMIT]

Field list|*FROM ------ Query to specify several Field information, use wildcard * to query all fields

If the where condition is omitted, all records will be displayed

order by ---------- The queried records are sorted by that field ASC ascending order (default) DESC descending order

delete from table1 where id>5;删除id大于5的所有
delete from table1 where id>15 andcontent='上市大公司';

LIMIT limits the number of output records -----LIMIT starting line number, number of records (for data paging)

Fuzzy query is replaced by %

select* from news order by ID desc;
Modification:-------- UPDATE table_name SET field 1=new value 1, Field 2=new value 2[WHERE condition];

update table1 set title='Entertainment',author='As',addate='14399999'where id=33;

PHP connects to MySQL server

php connects to MySQL server: mysql_connect(), exit(), mysql_error()

Select database ------- -----mysql_select_db()

Set mysql return data character set--------mysql_query("set names utf8")

Execute SQL statement----- ----mysql_query()

Retrieve the total number of records from the result set-----------mysql_num_rows()

Retrieve one row of data from the result set----- ----mysql_fetch_row(), mysql_fetch_array(), mysql_fetch_assoc()

PHP supplementary function----------include(), require(), md5(), urlencode(), urldecode();

PHP+MySQL database programming steps---------

一, Log in to the mysql server

2. Select the current database

3. Set the request character set


PHP函数连接mysql数据库-------- mysql_connect()

resource $link =mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pwd)

resource$link = mysql_connect(“localhost”,”root”,””)  不推荐

resource  连接成功,返回一个资源类型的标识符,如果失败,返回false

$db_host 代表mysql服务器的主机名或IP地址,本地为localhost

$db_user 代表mysql服务器的用户账号

$db_pwd 代表mysql服务器的用户密码



void exit([string $status]);




语法:mysql_error([resource $link])





bool  mysql_select_db(string $database_name [,resource $link_indentifier])



[$link]可选 ,代表当前的活动链接


返回值:成功------true   失败-----false



mysql_query(“set names utf8”)




resource $result =mysql_query($sql[,$link]);

$sql  各种SQL语句

增$sql =  “insertinto table_name(title,id) values(‘title’,’id’)”;
删$sql  = “delete from table_name [where id=5]”;
改$sql  = “update table_name set title=’新title’[where id=5]”;
查$sql  = “select * from table_name”;




返回值:当执行SQL语句时,成功返回结果集 是一个资源的数据类型,失败返回FALSE



取出一行----mysql_fetch_row() 每次读一行数据


返回一个数组    array mysql_fetch_row(resource$result)

$result代表返回的结果集    返回一个枚举数组,也就是说这一行是存在数组中的,

$row= mysql_fetch_row($result,$link);



The above is the detailed content of MySQL, PHP introductory tutorial. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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