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The frozen column function of Bootstrap Table solves the height problem

2017-07-02 10:21:142599browse

This article mainly introduces the frozen column function of Bootstrap Table in the JS component series to completely solve the height problem. Friends who need it can refer to it


Foreword: A year ago, the blogger shared an article about the solution to the frozen columns of the bootstrapTable component. JS component series-Bootstrap Table frozen column functionIE browser compatibilitySolution to sexual problems, Through this article, the frozen column effect of bootstrapTable can indeed be realized, and it is compatible with IE browser. During this year, garden friends and friends in the group have constantly asked me about the problem that the frozen column page effects cannot be aligned after fixing the height. However, the blogger is too busy and has never taken the time to optimize this problem. Recently, people have been mentioning this bug in the project. Now I can no longer push it. I have to face the "miserable bug". So I spent a day yesterday to modify the original extension, which can perfectly solve the problem of freezing the column after fixing the height. question, and the blogger has also added some features, such as freezing of the right column, selection of frozen columns, etc. Friends in need can help. I believe that through this article, the boss no longer has to worry about my frozen column not being able to fix the height~~

1. Problem tracking

Remember to As introduced in the previous article, the frozen column extension that comes with the bootstrapTable component is not compatible with the IE browser. Even the latest version of IE will not be usable. This is something that ordinary systems cannot tolerate, so it was given in that article. Solution, but did not analyze the reason why IE browser is not compatible. Yesterday, the blogger spent some time to debug the source code. It turns out that in IE, the clone() method of jquery is different from that of Google and other browsers. In order to demonstrate this difference, let’s throw a few bricks here. For example, there is the following code:

<table id="tbtest">
<script type="text/javascript">
 var $tr = $(&#39;#tbtest tr:eq(0)&#39;).clone();
 var $tds = $tr.find(&#39;td&#39;);

The code itself is very simple and is just for testing. Seeing this, you can try to guess the result of the alert.

Forget it, I won’t test everyone, just post it, there are pictures and the truth!

I believe I don’t need to explain too much which is IE and which is Google.

The difference between the two is obvious. You get "aaa" in Google, but you get an empty string in IE. Why is this?

In fact, if you use the difference between value types and reference types to explain this difference, it will not be difficult to understand. In Google Chrome, the $tr variable is a reference type. When you clear its contents , just clearing the "pointer", or pointing, of the $tr variable, the $tds variable still points to the original content of $tr, so you can still get the result when calling $tds.eq(0).html(); For the same code in Internet Explorer, the $tr variable is a value type. After you clear its contents, the contents of $tds are also cleared. If you have a better explanation, please let me know.

The reason why the native js of the component is not compatible with IE browser is because it uses the clone() method, which results in different results in different browsers. I believe that the author of the bootstrapTable component should be aware of this difference, but he does not pay too much attention to it. It can be seen from the compatibility of many functions made by the author that he made many functions without much consideration for the effect of the IE browser.

2. Preview of the effect

It’s still the same old rules. Having said this much, what can I do without pictures? Waiter, the picture above!

Situation without fixed height: single column frozen.

Multiple columns frozen.

Fixed arbitrary height effect

There is no problem with IE browser, The above picture will not be repeated here.

3. Source code analysis

There is nothing to say about the source code. If you are interested, you can take a look at it yourself. The main principle is to rewrite the bootstrapTable constructor. events to achieve the desired effect.

(function ($) {
 &#39;use strict&#39;;
 $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, {
  fixedColumns: false,
  fixedNumber: 1
 var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor,
  _initHeader = BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader,
  _initBody = BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody,
  _resetView = BootstrapTable.prototype.resetView;
 BootstrapTable.prototype.initFixedColumns = function () {
  this.$fixedHeader = $([
   &#39;<p class="fixed-table-header-columns">&#39;,
  this.timeoutHeaderColumns_ = 0;
  this.$fixedHeader.find(&#39;table&#39;).attr(&#39;class&#39;, this.$el.attr(&#39;class&#39;));
  this.$fixedHeaderColumns = this.$fixedHeader.find(&#39;thead&#39;);
  this.$fixedBody = $([
   &#39;<p class="fixed-table-body-columns">&#39;,
  this.timeoutBodyColumns_ = 0;
  this.$fixedBody.find(&#39;table&#39;).attr(&#39;class&#39;, this.$el.attr(&#39;class&#39;));
  this.$fixedBodyColumns = this.$fixedBody.find(&#39;tbody&#39;);
 BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader = function () {
  _initHeader.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
  if (!this.options.fixedColumns) {
  var that = this, $trs = this.$header.find(&#39;tr&#39;).clone();
  $trs.each(function () {
   $(this).find(&#39;th:gt(&#39; + (that.options.fixedNumber - 1) + &#39;)&#39;).remove();
 BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody = function () {
  _initBody.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
  if (!this.options.fixedColumns) {
  var that = this,
   rowspan = 0;
  this.$body.find(&#39;> tr[data-index]&#39;).each(function () {
   var $tr = $(this).clone(),
    $tds = $tr.find(&#39;td&#39;);
   var $newtr = $(&#39;<tr></tr>&#39;);
   $newtr.attr(&#39;data-index&#39;, $tr.attr(&#39;data-index&#39;));
   $newtr.attr(&#39;data-uniqueid&#39;, $tr.attr(&#39;data-uniqueid&#39;));
   var end = that.options.fixedNumber;
   if (rowspan > 0) {
   for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
   if ($tds.eq(0).attr(&#39;rowspan&#39;)) {
    rowspan = $tds.eq(0).attr(&#39;rowspan&#39;) - 1;
 BootstrapTable.prototype.resetView = function () {
  _resetView.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
  if (!this.options.fixedColumns) {
  this.timeoutHeaderColumns_ = setTimeout($.proxy(this.fitHeaderColumns, this), this.$el.is(&#39;:hidden&#39;) ? 100 : 0);
  this.timeoutBodyColumns_ = setTimeout($.proxy(this.fitBodyColumns, this), this.$el.is(&#39;:hidden&#39;) ? 100 : 0);
 BootstrapTable.prototype.fitHeaderColumns = function () {
  var that = this,
   visibleFields = this.getVisibleFields(),
   headerWidth = 0;
  this.$body.find(&#39;tr:first-child:not(.no-records-found) > *&#39;).each(function (i) {
   var $this = $(this),
    index = i;
   if (i >= that.options.fixedNumber) {
    return false;
   if (that.options.detailView && !that.options.cardView) {
    index = i - 1;
   that.$fixedHeader.find(&#39;th[data-field="&#39; + visibleFields[index] + &#39;"]&#39;)
   headerWidth += $this.outerWidth();
 BootstrapTable.prototype.fitBodyColumns = function () {
  var that = this,
   top = -(parseInt(this.$el.css(&#39;margin-top&#39;))),
   // the fixed height should reduce the scorll-x height
   height = this.$tableBody.height() - 18;
  if (!this.$body.find(&#39;> tr[data-index]&#39;).length) {
  if (!this.options.height) {
   top = this.$fixedHeader.height()- 1;
   height = height - top;
   width: this.$fixedHeader.width(),
   height: height,
   top: top + 1
  this.$body.find(&#39;> tr&#39;).each(function (i) {
   that.$fixedBody.find(&#39;tr:eq(&#39; + i + &#39;)&#39;).height($(this).height() - 0.5);
   var thattds = this;
   that.$fixedBody.find(&#39;tr:eq(&#39; + i + &#39;)&#39;).find(&#39;td&#39;).each(function (j) {
    $(this).width($($(thattds).find(&#39;td&#39;)[j]).width() + 1);
  // events
  this.$tableBody.on(&#39;scroll&#39;, function () {
   that.$fixedBody.find(&#39;table&#39;).css(&#39;top&#39;, -$(this).scrollTop());
  this.$body.find(&#39;> tr[data-index]&#39;).off(&#39;hover&#39;).hover(function () {
   var index = $(this).data(&#39;index&#39;);
   that.$fixedBody.find(&#39;tr[data-index="&#39; + index + &#39;"]&#39;).addClass(&#39;hover&#39;);
  }, function () {
   var index = $(this).data(&#39;index&#39;);
   that.$fixedBody.find(&#39;tr[data-index="&#39; + index + &#39;"]&#39;).removeClass(&#39;hover&#39;);
  this.$fixedBody.find(&#39;tr[data-index]&#39;).off(&#39;hover&#39;).hover(function () {
   var index = $(this).data(&#39;index&#39;);
   that.$body.find(&#39;tr[data-index="&#39; + index + &#39;"]&#39;).addClass(&#39;hover&#39;);
  }, function () {
   var index = $(this).data(&#39;index&#39;);
   that.$body.find(&#39;> tr[data-index="&#39; + index + &#39;"]&#39;).removeClass(&#39;hover&#39;);

.fixed-table-body-columns {
 position: absolute;
 background-color: #fff;
 display: none;
 box-sizing: border-box;
 overflow: hidden;
 .fixed-table-header-columns .table,
 .fixed-table-body-columns .table {
  border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
  .fixed-table-header-columns .table.table-no-bordered,
  .fixed-table-body-columns .table.table-no-bordered {
   border-right: 1px solid transparent;
 .fixed-table-body-columns table {
  position: absolute;
  animation: none;
.bootstrap-table .table-hover > tbody > tr.hover > td {
 background-color: #f5f5f5;

How to use it? The blogger here created a static html test page separately, and posted it for your reference.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
 <meta charset="utf-8" />
 <link href="Content/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
 <link href="Content/bootstrap-table/bootstrap-table.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="Content/bootstrap-table/extensions/fixed-column/bootstrap-table-fixed-columns.css" rel="stylesheet" />
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   var data = [
    { Id: 1, Name: &#39;Jim&#39;, Age: 30, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 2, Name: &#39;Kate&#39;, Age: 30, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;深圳市&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 3, Name: &#39;Lucy&#39;, Age: 30, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;广州天河机场&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 4, Name: &#39;Lilei&#39;, Age: 30, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 5, Name: &#39;Lintao&#39;, Age: 30, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 6, Name: &#39;Lily&#39;, Age: 30, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 7, Name: &#39;Hanmeimei&#39;, Age: 30, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 8, Name: &#39;张三&#39;, Age: 46, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 9, Name: &#39;李四&#39;, Age: 23, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 10, Name: &#39;王五&#39;, Age: 33, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 11, Name: &#39;赵六&#39;, Age: 22, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 12, Name: &#39;Polly&#39;, Age: 300, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
    { Id: 13, Name: &#39;Uncle&#39;, Age: 50, School: &#39;光明小学&#39;, Address: &#39;北京市光明小学旁&#39;, Remark: &#39;My Name is Jim Green&#39; },
   var childData = [
    { SourceField: &#39;A&#39;, BackField: &#39;BB&#39; },
    { SourceField: &#39;CC&#39;, BackField: &#39;UU&#39; },
    { SourceField: &#39;DD&#39;, BackField: &#39;J&#39; },
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      InitSubTable(index, row, $detail);
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      checkbox: true
     }, {
      field: &#39;Name&#39;,
      title: &#39;姓名&#39;,
     }, {
      field: &#39;Age&#39;,
      title: &#39;年龄&#39;,
     }, {
      field: &#39;School&#39;,
      title: &#39;毕业院校&#39;,
     }, {
      field: &#39;Address&#39;,
      title: &#39;家庭住址&#39;,
     }, {
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
     }, {
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
     }, {
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
     }, {
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
     }, {
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      field: &#39;Remark&#39;,
      title: &#39;备注&#39;,
      title: &#39;操作&#39;,
      formatter: function (value, row, index) {//这里的三个参数:value表示当前行当前列的值;row表示当前行的数据;index表示当前行的索引(从0开始)。
       var html = &#39;<button type="button" onclick="editModel(&#39;+row.Id+&#39;)" class="btn btn-primary"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" aria- hidden="true" ></span >编辑</button >  &#39; +
          &#39;<button type="button" onclick="deleteModel(&#39; + row.Id + &#39;)" class="btn btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria- hidden="true" ></span >删除</button >&#39;;
       return html;
     onEditableSave: function (field, row, oldValue, $el) {
      alert("更新保存事件,原始值为" + oldValue);
      // type: "post",
      // url: "/Editable/Edit",
      // data: row,
      // dataType: &#39;JSON&#39;,
      // success: function (data, status) {
      //  if (status == "success") {
      //   alert(&#39;提交数据成功&#39;);
      //  }
      // },
      // error: function () {
      //  alert(&#39;编辑失败&#39;);
      // },
      // complete: function () {
      // }
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     $("#myModal input").val("");
     $("#myModal textarea").val("");
   var InitSubTable = function (index, row, $detail) {
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    var cur_table = $detail.html(&#39;<table></table>&#39;).find(&#39;table&#39;);
     //url: &#39;/api/MenuApi/GetChildrenMenu&#39;,
     data: childData,
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     ajaxOptions: { strParentID: parentid },
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      checkbox: true
     }, {
       field: &#39;SourceField&#39;,
      title: &#39;源端字段&#39;
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      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
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      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     }, {
      field: &#39;BackField&#39;,
      title: &#39;备端字段&#39;
     onExpandRow: function (index, row, $Subdetail) {
      //oInit.InitSubTable(index, row, $Subdetail);
   var editModel = function (id) {
    var row = $("#tb_user").bootstrapTable(&#39;getRowByUniqueId&#39;, id);
    $("#myModal input[name=&#39;Name&#39;]").val(row.Name);
    $("#myModal input[name=&#39;Age&#39;]").val(row.Age);
    $("#myModal input[name=&#39;School&#39;]").val(row.School);
    $("#myModal input[name=&#39;Address&#39;]").val(row.Address);
    $("#myModal textarea[name=&#39;Remark&#39;]").val(row.Remark);
   var deleteModel = function (id) {
    alert("删除id为" + id + "的用户");

Code explanation:


  • BootstrapTable.prototype.initFixedColumns :当初始化的时候配置了fixedColumns: true时需要执行的冻结列的方法。

  • BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader:重写组件的的初始化表头的方法,加入冻结的表头。

  • BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody:重写组件的初始化表内容的方法,加入冻结的表内容。 

  • BootstrapTable.prototype.resetView:重写“父类”的resetView方法,通过setTimeout去设置冻结的表头和表体的宽度和高度。

  • BootstrapTable.prototype.fitHeaderColumns:设置冻结列的表头的宽高。

  • BootstrapTable.prototype.fitBodyColumns :设置冻结列的表体的宽高,以及滚动条和主体表格的滚动条同步。



this.$body.find(&#39;> tr[data-index]&#39;).each(function () {
  var $tr = $(this).clone(),
  $tds = $tr.find(&#39;td&#39;);
  var $newtr = $(&#39;<tr></tr>&#39;);
  $newtr.attr(&#39;data-index&#39;, $tr.attr(&#39;data-index&#39;));
  $newtr.attr(&#39;data-uniqueid&#39;, $tr.attr(&#39;data-uniqueid&#39;));
  var end = that.options.fixedNumber;
  if (rowspan > 0) {
  for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
  if ($tds.eq(0).attr(&#39;rowspan&#39;)) {
  rowspan = $tds.eq(0).attr(&#39;rowspan&#39;) - 1;









The above is the detailed content of The frozen column function of Bootstrap Table solves the height problem. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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