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JavaScript Component Development Guide Modular Graphics and Text Detailed Explanation

2017-03-13 16:57:432279browse

Nowadays, although most web applications use a lot of JavaScript, how to maintain the focus, robustness and maintainability of client functions is still a big challenge.

Although otherprogramming languagesand systems have taken basic principles such as separation of concerns and DRY as a matter of course, browser-side application development is often carried out , these principles are ignored.

Part of the reason for this phenomenon is that the JavaScript language itself has a history of struggling. For a long time, it has been difficult to get serious attention and treatment from developers.

The more important reason may be caused by the difference between the service side and the client side. Although there are already a large number of architectural style concepts in this regard, such as ROCA, that illustrate how to manage this difference. But there is still a lack of guidance on the specific steps on how to implement these concepts1.

These reasons often lead to a high degree of proceduralization and relative lack of structure in front-end code. This direct code calling method reduces the cost of calling, thus simplifying the complexity of code calling. JavaScript and browsers are also because This reason allows this calling method to exist. But soon, the code implemented this way becomes unmaintainable.

This article will use an example to show you the evolution process of a simple component (widget) and see how it evolved from a large, unstructured code base to a reusable component. .

Filtering contacts

The function of this sample component is to filter a contact list by name. Its latest results and its entire evolution can be found in this GitHub repository. We encourage readers to review submitted code and leave valuable comments.

In accordance with the principle of progressive enhancement, we first start with a basic HTML structure to describe the data used. The h-card microformat (microformat) is used here, which can play a semantic role and make various information about contacts meaningful:

<!-- index.html --> 

    <li class="h-card">    
        <img src="http://example.org/jake.png" alt="avatar" class="u-photo">     
        <a href="http://jakearchibald.com" class="p-name u-url">Jake Archibald</a>    
        (<a href="mailto:jake@example.com" class="u-email">e-mail</a>)      
   <li class="h-card">    
        <img src="http://example.org/christian.png" alt="avatar" class="u-photo">     
        <a href="http://christianheilmann.com" class="p-name u-url">Christian Heilmann</a>    
        (<a href="mailto:christian@example.com" class="u-email">e-mail</a>)     
   <li class="h-card">    
        <img src="http://example.org/john.png" alt="avatar" class="u-photo">     
        <a href="http://ejohn.org" class="p-name u-url">John Resig</a>     
        (<a href="mailto:john@example.com" class="u-email">e-mail</a>)     
   <li class="h-card">     
        <img src="http://example.org/nicholas.png" alt="avatar" class="u-photo">     
        <a href="http://www.nczonline.net" class="p-name u-url">Nicholas Zakas</a>     
        (<a href="mailto:nicholas@example.com" class="u-email">e-mail</a>)     

There is one point Please note that here we do not care whether the DOM structure is based on HTML code generated by the server or generated by other components. It is enough to ensure that our components can rely on this infrastructure during initialization. This structure actually forms a DOM-based data structure [{ photo, website, name, e-mail }] for the form items.

With this infrastructure in place, we can start implementing our components. The first step is to provide the user with an input field to enter the contact name. Although it does not belong to the contract of the DOM structure, our component is still responsible for creating it and dynamically adding it to the DOM structure (after all, without our component, adding this field has no meaning at all).

// main.js     

 var contacts = jQuery("ul.contacts");     
 jQuery(&#39;<input type="search" />&#39;).insertBefore(contacts);

(We use jQuery here only for convenience, but also considering its widespread use. If you use other DOM operationclass libraries, for the same reason.)

The JavaScript file itself and the jQuery file it depends on will be referenced at the bottom of the HTML file.

Next, start adding the required functions. For those contacts that do not match the input name in this newly created field, this component will hide them:

// main.js     

 var contacts = jQuery("ul.contacts");     
 jQuery(&#39;<input type="search" />&#39;).insertBefore(contacts).
on("keyup", onFilter);     

 function onFilter(ev) {     
     var filterField = jQuery(this);     
     var contacts = filterField.next();     
     var input = filterField.val();     

     var names = contacts.find("li .p-name");     
     names.each(function(i, node) {     
         var el = jQuery(node);     
         var name = el.text();     

         var match = name.indexOf(input) === 0;     
         var contact = el.closest(".h-card");     
         if(match) {     
         } else {     

(quote a detached A named function usually makes the callback function easier to manage than defining an anonymous function)

Please. Note that this Event handling function depends on the specific DOM environment, which depends on the element that triggered the event (its execution context will be mapped to this pointer). We will traverse the DOM structure starting from this element to access the contact list and find all elements that contain names (this is defined by the semantics of the microformats). If the beginning of a name does not match the currently entered content, we will traverse upward again and hide the corresponding container element. Otherwise, we must ensure that the element is still visible.


This code already provides the basic functionality we need, it’s time to continue enhancing it by writing tests2. In this example, the tool we are using is QUnit.


<!-- test/index.html -->     

  <p id="qunit"></p>       
  <p id="qunit-fixture"></p>          

  <script src="jquery.js"></script>       
  <script src="../main.js"></script>         

  <script src="qunit.js"></script>



// test/test_filtering.js     

 QUnit.module("contacts filtering", {   
     setup: function() { // cache common elements on the module object      
         this.fixtures = jQuery("#qunit-fixture");     
         this.contacts = jQuery("ul.contacts", this.fixtures);     

 QUnit.test("filtering by initials", function() {     
     var filterField = jQuery("input[type=search]", this.fixtures);     
     QUnit.strictEqual(filterField.length, 1);  

     var names = extractNames(this.contacts.find("li:visible"));     
     QUnit.deepEqual(names, ["Jake Archibald", "Christian Heilmann",     
             "John Resig", "Nicholas Zakas"]);     

     filterField.val("J").trigger("keyup"); // simulate user input     
     var names = extractNames(this.contacts.find("li:visible"));     
     QUnit.deepEqual(names, ["Jake Archibald", "John Resig"]);     

 function extractNames(contactNodes) {     
     return jQuery.map(contactNodes, function(contact) {     
         return jQuery(".p-name", contact).text();     







// test/test_filtering.js          

  QUnit.asyncTest("filtering by initials", 3, function() { // expect 3 assertions     
      // ...     
      filterField.val("J").trigger("keyup"); // simulate user input     
      var contacts = this.contacts;     
      setTimeout(function() { // defer checks until animation has completed     
          var names = extractNames(contacts.find("li:visible"));     
          QUnit.deepEqual(names, ["Jake Archibald", "John Resig"]);     
          QUnit.start(); // resumes test execution     
      }, 500);     

每次都打开浏览器检查测试集的结果有些繁琐,因此我们可以使用PhantomJS,这是一个后台浏览器。将它与QUnit runner一起使用可以使测试过程自动化,并在控制台显示测试结果。

$ phantomjs runner.js test/index.html   
 Took 545ms to run 3 tests. 3 passed, 0 failed.

这种方式使得通过持续集成进行自动化测试变得更为方便(当然,它做不到跨浏览器的错误检查,因为PhantomJS只使用了WebKit内核。不过现在也出现了支持Firefox的Gecko和Internet Explorer的Trident引擎的后台浏览器。)



(function() {    
 var contacts = jQuery("ul.contacts");     
 jQuery(&#39;<input type="search" />&#39;).insertBefore(contacts).
on("keyup", onFilter);     
 function onFilter(ev) {     
     // ...     




(function() {    
 "use strict"; // NB: must be the very first statement within the function 
 // ...        



// test/test_filtering.js
 (function($) {
 "use strict";
 var strictEqual = QUnit.strictEqual;
 // ...
 var filterField = $("input[type=search]", this.fixtures);
 strictEqual(filterField.length, 1);


组件 API



// widget.js

 window.createFilterWidget = function(contactList) { 
     $(&#39;<input type="search" />&#39;).insertBefore(contactList).
         on("keyup", onFilter);




// widget.js
 var CONTACTSFILTER = (function($) {
 function createFilterWidget(contactList) {
     // ...
 // ...
 return createFilterWidget;

这一方式也叫做揭示模块化模式(revealing module pattern),至于使用大写是为了突出全局变量的一种约定。



在我们的示例, 我们希望允许用户决定过滤条件是否是大小写敏感的,因此我们加入了一个复选框,并相应地扩展了我们的事件处理函数:

// widget.js

 var caseSwitch = $(&#39;<input type="checkbox" />&#39;);

 // ...

 function onFilter(ev) {
     var filterField = $(this);
     // ...
     var caseSwitch = filterField.prev().find("input:checkbox");
     var caseSensitive = caseSwitch.prop("checked");

     if(!caseSensitive) {
         input = input.toLowerCase();
     // ...  }



// widget.js

 function FilterWidget(contactList) {
     this.contacts = contactList;
     this.filterField = $(&#39;<input type="search" />&#39;).
     this.caseSwitch = $(&#39;<input type="checkbox" />&#39;);

对API的这一改动虽然很小,影响却很大:我们现在不再通过调用createFilterWidget(…)方法,而是通过new FilterWidget(…)来初始化widget,它调用了方法的构造函数,并将上下文传递给一个新创建的对象this。为了强调new操作的必要性,按照约定,构造函数名称的首字母都是大写(这一点非常类似于其它语言中的类的命名方式)5


// widget.js

 FilterWidget.prototype.filterContacts = function(value) {
     var names = this.contacts.find("li .p-name");
     var self = this;
     names.each(function(i, node) {
         var el = $(node);
         var name = el.text();
         var contact = el.closest(".h-card");

         var match = startsWith(name, input, self.caseSensitive);
         if(match) {
         } else {



function startsWith(str, value, caseSensitive) {
     if(!caseSensitive) {
         str = str.toLowerCase();
         value = value.toLowerCase();
     return str.indexOf(value) === 0;


// widget.js    
  function FilterWidget(contactList) {     
     // ...    
     this.filterField.on("keyup", this.onFilter);     
     this.caseSwitch.on("change", this.onToggle);     
  FilterWidget.prototype.onFilter = function(ev) {     
     var input = this.filterField.val(); 
  FilterWidget.prototype.onToggle = function(ev) {     
     this.caseSensitive = this.caseSwitch.prop("checked");     


// widget.js

 function FilterWidget(contactList) {
     // ...
     var self = this;
     this.filterField.on("keyup", function(ev) {
         var handler = self.onFilter;
         return handler.call(self, ev);

(call是一个内置的方法,它能够调用任何函数,并将任何传入的对象作为上下文,首个传入参数将对应该函数中的this对象。另一选择是apply方法,它能够接受一个隐式的arguments变量,以避免显式地引用单个的参数,它的形式是:handler.apply(self, arguments).6


jQuery API


jQuery.fn.contactsFilter = function() {
     this.each(function(i, node) {
         new CONTACTSFILTER(node);
     return this;






此外,近来有一些激动人心的新特性正在开发中:下个版本的JavaScript(官方称为ECMAScript 6)将引入一个语言级别的模块系统,当然,和任何新特性一样,它是否能够被广泛接受要取决于浏览器的支持。类似的,Web Components是正在实现的一组浏览器API,它的目的是改善代码封装与可维护性,可以通过使用Polymer来感受一下其中的许多特性。但Web Components的进展如何还有待进一步观望。

  1. 对于单页面应用来说这篇规范并不太适用,因为在这种情况下服务端和客户端的角色会有很大的不同。不过对这种方式的对比已经超出了本文的范围。

  2. 或许你应该先编写测试方法。

  3. 可以使用JSLint以避免这种情况和其它一些常见问题的发生,在我们的代码库中就使用了JSLint Reporter。

  4. JavaScript使用原型而不是类,主要区别在于,类总是以某些方式表现出“独特性”,而任意对象都可以作为原型,作为创建新实例的模板。对于本文来说,这一区别基本可以忽略。

  5. 当前流行版本的JavaScript引入了Object.create方法,作为“伪经典”语法的替代品。但原型继承的核心原则还是一样的。

  6. 可以使用jQuery.proxy方法将代码改写为this.filterField.on(“keyup”, $.proxy(self, “onFilter”))

The above is the detailed content of JavaScript Component Development Guide Modular Graphics and Text Detailed Explanation. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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