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Use Python's Flask framework to build your first web application

2017-03-03 15:30:253308browse

1. Initialization

In this chapter, you will learn the different parts of the Flask application. At the same time, you will write and run your first Flask web application.

All Flask applications must create an application instance. All requests received from the client are passed to this object for processing using the web server gateway interface protocol. This application instance is an object of the Flask class, usually created using the following method:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

The only thing required by the Flask class constructor The parameter is the main module or package of the application. For most applications, Python's __name__ variable is the correct value you need to pass.

Note: For Flask developers, the name parameter passed to the Flask application constructor can be confusing. Flask uses this parameter to determine the root directory of the application so that resource files can be found relative to this path in the future.
You can see more complex application instance initialization later, but for simple applications these are sufficient.

2. Routing and view functions
Clients such as web browsers send requests to the web service, and then send them to the Flask application instance. The application instance needs to know what code needs to be run for each URL request, so it sets up a map of URLs to the Python function. These operations that establish connections between URLs and functions are called routing.

The most convenient way to define routes in a Flask application is to register the decorated function as a route by explicitly defining the app.route decorator on the application instance. The following example demonstrates how to use decorators to declare a route:

def index():
 return &#39;<h1>Hello World!</h1>&#39;

Note: Decorators are a standard feature of the Python language; They can change the behavior of a function in different ways. A common pattern is to use a decorator to register a function as an event handler.
In the previous example, register the index() function as an event handler for the root URL of the application. If this application is deployed on the server and bound to the www.example.com domain name, then entering http://www.php.cn/ in your browser address bar will trigger index() to run the service. The return value of this function received by the client is called the response . If the client is a web browser, the response is the document displayed to the user.

Functions similar to index() are called view functions. The response returned by the view can be a simple string of HTML content, but it can also take a more complex form, as you will see.

Note: The response string is embedded in the Python code, making the code difficult to control. Here we only introduce the concept of response. You'll learn the correct way to generate responses in Chapter 3.
If you notice how some of the website URLs you use every day are formed, you will find that many have variables. For example, the URL of your Facebook profile page is http://www.php.cn/;username> , so your username is part of it. Flask supports these types of URLs using special syntax in route decorators. The following example defines a route with a dynamic name component:

def user(name):
 return &#39;<h1>Hello, %s!</h1>&#39; % name

The part enclosed in angle brackets is the dynamic part, So any URLs matching the static part will be mapped to this route. When the view function is called, Flask sends the dynamic component as a parameter. In the view function of the previous example, this parameter is used to generate a personalized greeting in response.

Dynamic components in routing default to strings, but can be defined as other types. For example, the route /user/ only matches URLs that have an integer in the id dynamic segment. Flask routing supports int, float and path. path is also a string type, but slashes are not considered delimiters, but are considered part of the dynamic component.

3. Service startup
The application instance has a run method for starting the Flask-integrated web service:

if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;:

__name__ == '__main__' is used here to ensure that the web service has been started when the script is executed immediately. When a script is imported by another script, it is treated as the parent script and will start a different service, so the app.run() call will be skipped.

Once the service starts, it will enter a loop waiting for requests and serve them. This loop continues until the application is stopped, for example by pressing Ctrl-C.

There are several option parameters that can be used to configure the operating mode of the web service for app.run(). During development, you can easily turn on debug mode, which will activate debugger and reloader. This is done by passing debug as True.

Note: The web service provided by Flask is not used in production environments. You will learn about web services in production environments in Chapter 17.

4. A complete application
In the previous section, you learned about the different parts of a Flask web application, now it’s time to write one. The entire hello.py application script simply combines the three previously described parts into one file. Application example 2-1 is shown.

Example hello.py: A complete Flask application

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
 return '

Hello World!

' if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;: app.run(debug=True)

建议:如果你有克隆在GitHub上的应用程序,你现在可以运行git checkout 2a来切换到这个版本的应用程序。
运行应用程序之前,请确保你在之前创建的虚拟环境已经是激活状态且已安装Flask。现在打开你的web浏览器并在地址栏输入 http://www.php.cn/:5000/ 。下图显示连接到应用程序后的web浏览器。

Use Pythons Flask framework to build your first web application


(venv) $ python hello.py
  * Running on
 * Restarting with reloader




from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
 return '

Hello World!

' @app.route('/user/') def user(name): return '

Hello, %s!

' % name if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;: app.run(debug=True)

建议:如果你有克隆在GitHub上的应用程序,你现在可以运行git checkout 2b来切换到这个版本的应用程序。
测试动态路由,确保服务正在运行随后访问 http://localhost:5000/user/Dave  。生成的应用程序会使用动态参数名响应一个定制的问候。尝试不同的名称,看看视图函数总是生成响应基于给定的名称。

Use Pythons Flask framework to build your first web application





from flask import request

def index():
 user_agent = request.headers.get(&#39;User-Agent&#39;)
 return &#39;

<p>Your browser is %s</p>

&#39; % user_agent


Flask有两类context:应用级context 和 请求级context。表2-1展示了这些context提供的变量。

Use Pythons Flask framework to build your first web application


下面的Python shell会话演示了应用级context是如何工作的:

>>> from hello import app
>>> from flask import current_app
>>> current_app.name
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: working outside of the application context
>>> app_ctx = app.app_context()
>>> app_ctx.push()
>>> current_app.name
>>> app_ctx.pop()




看一下Flask应用程序中URL映射是怎样的,你可以在Python shell中检查hello.py创建的映射。测试中,请确保你的虚拟环境是激活状态:

(venv) % python
>>> from hello import app
>>> app.url_map
Map([<Rule &#39;/&#39; (HEAD, OPTIONS, GET) -> index>,
 <Rule &#39;/static/<filename>&#39; (HEAD, OPTIONS, GET) -> static>,
 <Rule &#39;/user/<name>&#39; (HEAD, OPTIONS, GET) -> user>])











def index():
 return &#39;<h1>Bad Request</h1>&#39;, 400



from flask import make_response

def index():
 response = make_response(&#39;

<h1>This document carries a cookie!</h1>

 response.set_cookie(&#39;answer&#39;, &#39;42&#39;)
 return response



from flask import redirect

def index():
 return redirect(&#39;http://www.example.com&#39;)


from flask import abort

def get_user(id):
 user = load_user(id)
 if not user:
 return &#39;

<h1>Hello, %s</h1>

&#39; % user.name








(venv) $ pip install flask-script

下面展示了在 hello.py 应用程序中添加命令行解释的变化。
示例. hello.py:使用Flask-Script

from flask.ext.script import Manager

manager = Manager(app)

# ...

if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;:



建议:如果你有克隆在GitHub上的应用程序,你现在可以运行git checkout 2c来切换到这个版本的应用程序。

$ python hello.py

usage: hello.py [-h] {shell, runserver} ...

positional arguments:
 {shell, runserver}
 shell   在Flask应用程序上下文的内部运行一个Python Shell。
 runserver  运行Flask开发服务器,例如:app.run()

optional arguments:
 -h, --help  显示这个帮助信息并退出

shell命令用于在应用程序上下文中启动一个Python shell会话。你可以使用这个会话去运行维护任务,或测试,或调试错误。

runserver命令,就像它的名称一样,启动web服务。运行python hello.py runserver在调试模式下启动web服务,还有更多的选项:

(venv) $ python hello.py runserver --help
usage: hello.py runserver [-h] [-t HOST] [-p PORT] [--threaded]
       [--processes PROCESSES] [--passthrough-errors] [-d]


optional arguments:
 -h, --help    显示这个帮助信息并退出
 -t HOST, --host HOST
 -p PORT, --port PORT
 --processes PROCESSES
 -d, --no-debug
 -r, --no-reload


(venv) $ python hello.py runserver --host
 * Running on
 * Restarting with reload

现在web服务器应该可以从网络中的任何一台计算机访问 http://a.b.c.d:5000 ,“a.b.c.d”是运行服务的计算机的外部IP地址。

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