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Common operation methods of python strings

2017-03-02 16:16:071657browse

The example in this article shares the operation method of Python string for your reference. The specific content is as follows

1. Remove spaces
str.strip():Delete the specified characters on both sides of the string, write the specified characters in the brackets, the default is a space

>>> a=' hello '
>>> b=a.strip()
>>> print(b)

str.lstrip(): Delete the specified characters on the left side of the string, write the specified characters in the brackets, the default is a space

>>> a=' hello '
>>> b=a.lstrip()
>>> print(b)
 hello #右边空格可能看的不是很明显

str.rstrip(): Delete the specified character on the right side of the string, the default is a space

>>> a=' hello '
>>> b=a.rstrip()
>>> print(b)

2.Copy the string

>>> a='hello world'
>>> b=a
>>> print(a,b)
hello world hello world

3.Connect the string

>>> a='hello '
>>> b='world'
>>> print(a+b)
hello world
注:此方法又称为 "万恶的加号",因为使用加号连接2个字符串会调用静态函数string_concat(register PyStringObject *a ,register PyObject * b),在这个函数中会开辟一块大小是a+b的内存的和的存储单元,然后将a,b字符串拷贝进去。如果是n个字符串相连 那么会开辟n-1次内存,是非常耗费资源的。
>>> a='hello '
>>> b='####'
>>> a.join(b)
'#hello #hello #hello #'

4. Find the string

#str.index 和str.find 功能相同,区别在于find()查找失败会返回-1,不会影响程序运行。一般用find!=-1或者find>-1来作为判断条件。
 a='hello world'
>>> a.index('l')
>>> a.index('x')
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<pyshell#40>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: substring not found

>>> a=&#39;hello world&#39;
>>> a.find(&#39;l&#39;)
>>> a.find(&#39;x&#39;)

5. Compare strings

str.cmp: Compare two objects and return an integer based on the result. Xf72b60d13db8715972754da465a6d45aY the return value is a positive number.
#Python3 no longer has this method. The official document reads:
The cmp() function should be treated as gone, and the __cmp__() special method is no longer supported. Use __lt__() for sorting, __eq__() with __hash__(), and other rich comparisons as needed. (If you really need the cmp() functionality, you could use the expression (a > b) - (a 3863f6f8e11b77fb37e6439ca8b2ef9b b) - (a < b) instead cmp(a,b)

>>> a=100
>>> b=80
>>> cmp(a,b)

6. Whether it contains the specified string

in |not in 
>>> a=&#39;hello world&#39;
>>> &#39;hello&#39; in a
>>> &#39;123&#39; not in a

7. String length

>>> a=&#39;hello world&#39;
>>> print(len(a))

##8 .Case conversion of letters in the string

S.lower() #转换为小写 
>>> a=&#39;Hello World&#39;
>>> print(a.lower())
hello world

S.upper() #转换为大写 
>>> a=&#39;Hello World&#39;
>>> print(a.upper())

S.swapcase() #大小写互换 
>>> a=&#39;Hello World&#39;
>>> print(a.swapcase())

S.capitalize() #首字母大写 
>>> a=&#39;Hello World&#39;
>>> print(a.capitalize())
Hello world

##9. Place the string in the center to specify the length and position Characters on both sides

>>> a=&#39;hello world&#39;
>>> print(a.center(40,&#39;*&#39;))
**************hello world***************

10. String statistics

>>> a=&#39;hello world&#39;
>>> print(a.count(&#39;l&#39;))

11. String testing and judgment functions. This type of function is not available in the string module. These functions return bool values

S.startswith(prefix[,start[,end]]) #是否以prefix开头 
S.endswith(suffix[,start[,end]]) #以suffix结尾 
S.isalnum()    #是否全是字母和数字,并至少有一个字符 
S.isalpha()    #是否全是字母,并至少有一个字符 
S.isdigit()    #是否全是数字,并至少有一个字符 
S.isspace()    #是否全是空白字符,并至少有一个字符 
S.islower()    #S中的字母是否全是小写 
S.isupper()    #S中的字母是否便是大写 
S.istitle()    #S是否是首字母大写的

12. String slicing

str = &#39;0123456789′
print str[0:3] #截取第一位到第三位的字符
print str[:] #截取字符串的全部字符
print str[6:] #截取第七个字符到结尾
print str[:-3] #截取从头开始到倒数第三个字符之前
print str[2] #截取第三个字符
print str[-1] #截取倒数第一个字符
print str[::-1] #创造一个与原字符串顺序相反的字符串
print str[-3:-1] #截取倒数第三位与倒数第一位之前的字符
print str[-3:] #截取倒数第三位到结尾
print str[:-5:-3] #逆序截取,截取倒数第五位数与倒数第三位数之间

here It should be emphasized that string objects are immutable, which means that after python creates a string, you cannot change a certain part of the characters. After any of the above functions changes the string, it will return a new string, and the original string has not changed.

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone learning python programming.

For more articles related to common operation methods of python strings, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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