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PHP basic tutorial 2 basic data types

2017-03-01 09:23:371315browse

The content explained in this section

  • A brief introduction to php

  • The four tag formats of php

  • Variables of php

  • Basic data types of php

A brief introduction to PHP

PHP is an open source scripting language, mainly used for web development. The syntax absorbs the characteristics of C language, Java and perl, which is easy to learn and widely used. It is made with PHP Dynamic pages Compared with other programming languages, PHP embeds programs into HTML documents for execution, and the execution speed is faster.

PHP’s four tag formats

When the PHP code is written in a fixed format, the parser will execute the PHP code, and common PHP tags There are four types:

PHP basic tutorial 2 basic data types

We generally use the first format. It is also the most common format.

PHP Variable

 Variable: refers to a number that does not have a fixed value and can be changed.

 The purpose of creating variables is to store data so that we can later operate on the data.

  Naming rules for variable names: they must be composed of numbers, letters, and underscores and cannot start with a number.

Common naming rules:

  • Camel case naming method: username->>>userName: Starting from the second word, the first letter is capitalized

  • Pascal nomenclature: username->>>UserName: The first letter of each word is capitalized

  • Underscore nomenclature: username-> >>user_name: Words are all lowercase, and words are separated by underscores. Common naming rules:

The naming rules for function names in the future can also be summarized into these three points.

PHP's variable names have a special feature: a $ symbol must be added in front of the variable, which is shift + 4; at the same time, for the convenience of development, the name of the variable must generally have a meaning.

PHP basic data types

 Most languages ​​have the term data type. Data types can classify the data we use in development. It's also for better management.

PHP’s basic data type classification:

  • Basic data types: integer (int/integer), floating point (float/double), Boolean (bool) /boolean), string(string)

  • Composite data type: array, object(object)

  • Special data type: Empty (null), resource (resource)

Integer data type

 Integer data type is the negative integer we usually use, Positive integers, etc.;

The integer type in PHP can be octal (every eight is one), decimal, hexadecimal (hexadecimal).

$a = 2; //十进制
$a = 023;//八进制
$a = 0x23;//十六进制

Octal: There is a 0 in front, indicating octal.

Hexadecimal: There are two 0x in front, indicating hexadecimal.

The size of integers has a limit. The word length of PHP's integer type depends on the platform. It is generally 4 bytes, and 4 bytes is 32 bits. Therefore, the length of PHP is generally 2 to the 31st power, and one of them represents the sign bit.

In PHP, you can use the system constant PHP_INT_MAX to get the maximum value. But when the integer value exceeds the maximum value, it will be automatically converted to float type.

Note: Unsigned numbers are not supported in PHP.

Floating point data type

  Floating point data type is what we usually call decimals. Also called double precision or real number.

The word length of the string is also platform-dependent, generally 1.8e308, and has a precision of 14 decimal digits. The precision of decimals is generally calculated from the first non-0 number from the left.

echo 123456.78912345123;//输出结果123456.78912345--最后面的123四舍五入掉

echo 0000123456789.256486587441;//输出结果123456789.25649--6587441四舍五入向前进一位8变9

Regarding the comparison of floating point types, it should be processed according to different situations

  1. If two floating point numbers are directly assigned, they can be compared directly.

  2. If one or more of the two floating point numbers are the result of an operation, you need to use the abs or round function to expand the multiple and compare.

Boolean data type

 Boolean data type is true (true) or false (false), but in addition to these two forms, when the value of other data types is in a certain This condition is also true or false.

The following situations will be treated as false:

  • Integer value 0

  • Floating point value 0.0

  • Empty string and string '0'

  • An array that does not include any elements

  • Does not include any Object of members

  • Special type null

  • SimpleXML object generated from empty tags.

String data type

 A string is a series of characters plus quotation marks, and the maximum string size in PHP can be 2GB;

We often use strings in development, and the definition of strings can be roughly divided into four types:

  • Single quotes

  • Double quotes

  • ##Heredoc (double quotes)

  • nowdoc (single quotes)


$a = 12;
$b = '这是一个单引号$a';
echo $b;


$a = 12;
$b = "这是一个单引号$a";
echo $b;


$a = 12;
$b = <<<EOP//这个大写字母的定义可以随意。
echo $b;



$a = 12;
$str = <<<&#39;COO&#39;
echo $str;




PHP basic tutorial 2 basic data types




$a = PHP_INT_MAX;//表示整型的最大值
var_dump($a); //输出$a的类型
$a = PHP_INT_MAX + 1; //$a的值大于整型的最大值。
int(2147483647) float(2147483648)


$a = 1; //整型
$b = 3.14; //浮点型
$res = $a + $b; //计算两个数的和
var_dump($res); //输出类型

$a = 10;//整型
$b = 4;//整型
$res = $a / $b; //相除



使用bool settype ( mixed &

type )

$a = 100; //整型
settype($a, &#39;float&#39;);//强制类型转换


  1. “boolean” (或为“bool”,从 PHP 4.2.0 起)

  2. “integer” (或为“int”,从 PHP 4.2.0 起)

  3. “float” (只在 PHP 4.2.0 之后可以使用,对于旧版本中使用的“double”现已停用)

  4. “string”

  5. “array”

  6. “object”

  7. “null” (从 PHP 4.2.0 起)


$a = 200;
$b = (string)$a;
string(3) "200"

使用函数得到对应的数据类型,比如intval , floatval ,boolval, strval

$a = 12.923;//浮点型
$b = intval($a);



  NULL:表示一个变量没有值,NULL 类型唯一可能的值就是 NULL。

在下列情况下一个变量被认为是 NULL:

  • 被赋值为 NULL

  • 尚未被赋值

  • 被 unset()






  • php的简单介绍

  • php的四种标签格式

  • php的变量

  • php的基础数据类型





PHP basic tutorial 2 basic data types







  • 驼峰式命名法:username->>>userName: 从第二个单词开始,首字母大写

  • Pascal nomenclature: username->>>UserName: The first letter of each word is capitalized

  • Underscore nomenclature: username-> >>user_name: Words are all lowercase, and words are separated by underscores. Common naming rules:

The naming rules for function names in the future can also be summarized into these three points.

PHP's variable names have a special feature: a $ symbol must be added in front of the variable, which is shift + 4; at the same time, for the convenience of development, the name of the variable must generally have a meaning.

PHP basic data types

 Most languages ​​have the term data type. Data types can classify the data we use in development. It's also for better management.

PHP’s basic data type classification:

  • Basic data types: integer (int/integer), floating point (float/double), Boolean (bool) /boolean), string(string)

  • Composite data type: array, object(object)

  • Special data type: Empty (null), resource (resource)

Integer data type

 Integer data type is the negative integer we usually use, Positive integers, etc.;

The integer type in PHP can be octal (every eight is one), decimal, hexadecimal (hexadecimal).

$a = 2; //十进制
$a = 023;//八进制
$a = 0x23;//十六进制

Octal: There is a 0 in front, indicating octal.

Hexadecimal: There are two 0x in front, indicating hexadecimal.

The size of integers has a limit. The word length of PHP's integer type depends on the platform. It is generally 4 bytes, and 4 bytes is 32 bits. Therefore, the length of PHP is generally 2 to the 31st power, and one of them represents the sign bit.

In PHP, you can use the system constant PHP_INT_MAX to get the maximum value. But when the integer value exceeds the maximum value, it will be automatically converted to float type.

Note: Unsigned numbers are not supported in PHP.

Floating point data type

  Floating point data type is what we usually call decimals. Also called double precision or real number.

The word length of the string is also platform-dependent, generally 1.8e308, and has a precision of 14 decimal digits. The precision of decimals is generally calculated from the first non-0 number from the left.

echo 123456.78912345123;//输出结果123456.78912345--最后面的123四舍五入掉

echo 0000123456789.256486587441;//输出结果123456789.25649--6587441四舍五入向前进一位8变9

Regarding the comparison of floating point types, it should be processed according to different situations

  1. If two floating point numbers are directly assigned, they can be compared directly.

  2. If one or more of the two floating point numbers are the result of an operation, you need to use the abs or round function to expand the multiple and compare.

Boolean data type

 Boolean data type is true (true) or false (false), but in addition to these two forms, when the value of other data types is in a certain This condition is also true or false.

The following situations will be treated as false:

  • Integer value 0

  • Floating point value 0.0

  • Empty string and string '0'

  • An array that does not include any elements

  • Does not include any Object of members

  • Special type null

  • SimpleXML object generated from empty tags.

String data type

 A string is a series of characters plus quotation marks, and the maximum string size in PHP can be 2GB;

We often use strings in development, and the definition of strings can be roughly divided into four types:

  • Single quotes

  • Double quotes

  • ##Heredoc (double quotes)

  • nowdoc (single quotes)

Single quotes: When the string defines single quotes, the parser will not parse the variables in the string. Instead, it is output directly.

$a = 12;
$b = &#39;这是一个单引号$a&#39;;
echo $b;

Double quotes: The parser will parse the variables in the string.

$a = 12;
$b = "这是一个单引号$a";
echo $b;

Heredoc: When the defined string is too long, you can consider the user method, which will parse the variables in the string.

$a = 12;
$b = <<<EOP//这个大写字母的定义可以随意。
echo $b;

Note: There cannot be spaces or any other characters before and after EOP

nowdoc: This method will not parse the variables in the string.

$a = 12;
$str = <<<&#39;COO&#39;
echo $str;

Basic data type conversion

 Data type is to convert from one type to another type. Conversion can generally be divided into two types

automatic type conversion and forced type conversion;

In general, when we don’t know what type of data we can use var_dump(), this function Specific information of the data can be printed, including the type of data. The PHP help document provides a way to get the type of data

getType(), but the document clearly states that it is not recommended:

PHP basic tutorial 2 basic data types

Automatic type conversion

As mentioned before, when integer data exceeds its range, it will be automatically converted to a floating-point type. This automatically completed type conversion is automatic type conversion.

Automatic type conversion scenarios:


$a = PHP_INT_MAX;//表示整型的最大值
var_dump($a); //输出$a的类型
$a = PHP_INT_MAX + 1; //$a的值大于整型的最大值。
int(2147483647) float(2147483648)


$a = 1; //整型
$b = 3.14; //浮点型
$res = $a + $b; //计算两个数的和
var_dump($res); //输出类型

$a = 10;//整型
$b = 4;//整型
$res = $a / $b; //相除



使用bool settype ( mixed &

type )

$a = 100; //整型
settype($a, &#39;float&#39;);//强制类型转换


  1. “boolean” (或为“bool”,从 PHP 4.2.0 起)

  2. “integer” (或为“int”,从 PHP 4.2.0 起)

  3. “float” (只在 PHP 4.2.0 之后可以使用,对于旧版本中使用的“double”现已停用)

  4. “string”

  5. “array”

  6. “object”

  7. “null” (从 PHP 4.2.0 起)


$a = 200;
$b = (string)$a;
string(3) "200"

使用函数得到对应的数据类型,比如intval , floatval ,boolval, strval

$a = 12.923;//浮点型
$b = intval($a);



  NULL:表示一个变量没有值,NULL 类型唯一可能的值就是 NULL。

在下列情况下一个变量被认为是 NULL:

  • 被赋值为 NULL

  • 尚未被赋值

  • 被 unset()






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