Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >7 common usage scenarios of Redis (PHP practical)
Redis is an open source log-type Key-Value database written in ANSI C language, supports network, can be memory-based and persistent, and provides APIs in multiple languages.
This article mainly introduces the main application scenarios of using Redis with PHP.
##Simple String Cache Practice
$redis->connect('', 6379); $strCacheKey = 'Test_bihu'; //SET 应用 $arrCacheData = [ 'name' => 'job', 'sex' => '男', 'age' => '30' ]; $redis->set($strCacheKey, json_encode($arrCacheData)); $redis->expire($strCacheKey, 30); # 设置30秒后过期 $json_data = $redis->get($strCacheKey); $data = json_decode($json_data); print_r($data->age); //输出数据 //HSET 应用 $arrWebSite = [ 'google' => [ 'google.com', 'google.com.hk' ], ]; $redis->hSet($strCacheKey, 'google', json_encode($arrWebSite['google'])); $json_data = $redis->hGet($strCacheKey, 'google'); $data = json_decode($json_data); print_r($data); //输出数据
Simple queue practice
$redis->connect('', 6379); $strQueueName = 'Test_bihu_queue'; //进队列 $redis->rpush($strQueueName, json_encode(['uid' => 1,'name' => 'Job'])); $redis->rpush($strQueueName, json_encode(['uid' => 2,'name' => 'Tom'])); $redis->rpush($strQueueName, json_encode(['uid' => 3,'name' => 'John'])); echo "---- 进队列成功 ---- <br /><br />"; //查看队列 $strCount = $redis->lrange($strQueueName, 0, -1); echo "当前队列数据为: <br />"; print_r($strCount); //出队列 $redis->lpop($strQueueName); echo "<br /><br /> ---- 出队列成功 ---- <br /><br />"; //查看队列 $strCount = $redis->lrange($strQueueName, 0, -1); echo "当前队列数据为: <br />"; print_r($strCount);
Simple publish and subscribe practice
//以下是 pub.php 文件的内容 cli下运行 ini_set('default_socket_timeout', -1); $redis->connect('', 6379); $strChannel = 'Test_bihu_channel'; //发布 $redis->publish($strChannel, "来自{$strChannel}频道的推送"); echo "---- {$strChannel} ---- 频道消息推送成功~ <br/>"; $redis->close();
//以下是 sub.php 文件内容 cli下运行 ini_set('default_socket_timeout', -1); $redis->connect('', 6379); $strChannel = 'Test_bihu_channel'; //订阅 echo "---- 订阅{$strChannel}这个频道,等待消息推送...---- <br/><br/>"; $redis->subscribe([$strChannel], 'callBackFun'); function callBackFun($redis, $channel, $msg) { print_r([ 'redis' => $redis, 'channel' => $channel, 'msg' => $msg ]); }
Simple counter practice
$redis->connect('', 6379); $strKey = 'Test_bihu_comments'; //设置初始值 $redis->set($strKey, 0); $redis->INCR($strKey); //+1 $redis->INCR($strKey); //+1 $redis->INCR($strKey); //+1 $strNowCount = $redis->get($strKey); echo "---- 当前数量为{$strNowCount}。 ---- ";Ranking practice
$redis->connect('', 6379); $strKey = 'Test_bihu_score'; //存储数据 $redis->zadd($strKey, '50', json_encode(['name' => 'Tom'])); $redis->zadd($strKey, '70', json_encode(['name' => 'John'])); $redis->zadd($strKey, '90', json_encode(['name' => 'Jerry'])); $redis->zadd($strKey, '30', json_encode(['name' => 'Job'])); $redis->zadd($strKey, '100', json_encode(['name' => 'LiMing'])); $dataOne = $redis->ZREVRANGE($strKey, 0, -1, true); echo "---- {$strKey}由大到小的排序 ---- <br /><br />"; print_r($dataOne); $dataTwo = $redis->ZRANGE($strKey, 0, -1, true); echo "<br /><br />---- {$strKey}由小到大的排序 ---- <br /><br />"; print_r($dataTwo);
Simple String Pessimistic Lock Practice
/** * 获取锁 * @param String $key 锁标识 * @param Int $expire 锁过期时间 * @return Boolean */ public function lock($key = '', $expire = 5) { $is_lock = $this->_redis->setnx($key, time()+$expire); //不能获取锁 if(!$is_lock){ //判断锁是否过期 $lock_time = $this->_redis->get($key); //锁已过期,删除锁,重新获取 if (time() > $lock_time) { unlock($key); $is_lock = $this->_redis->setnx($key, time() + $expire); } } return $is_lock? true : false; } /** * 释放锁 * @param String $key 锁标识 * @return Boolean */ public function unlock($key = ''){ return $this->_redis->del($key); } // 定义锁标识 $key = 'Test_bihu_lock'; // 获取锁 $is_lock = lock($key, 10); if ($is_lock) { echo 'get lock success<br>'; echo 'do sth..<br>'; sleep(5); echo 'success<br>'; unlock($key); } else { //获取锁失败 echo 'request too frequently<br>'; }
Optimistic locking practice for simple transactions
$strKey = 'Test_bihu_age'; $redis->set($strKey,10); $age = $redis->get($strKey); echo "---- Current Age:{$age} ---- <br/><br/>"; $redis->watch($strKey); // 开启事务 $redis->multi(); //在这个时候新开了一个新会话执行 $redis->set($strKey,30); //新会话 echo "---- Current Age:{$age} ---- <br/><br/>"; //30 $redis->set($strKey,20); $redis->exec(); $age = $redis->get($strKey); echo "---- Current Age:{$age} ---- <br/><br/>"; //30 //当exec时候如果监视的key从调用watch后发生过变化,则整个事务会失败