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Preparsing in JavaScript

2017-02-04 16:46:221229browse

Before ES6, variables were declared using var, and there would be pre-parsing of variables (functions also had pre-parsing). I believe that many students were confused by pre-parsing when they first started learning JavaScript. Although let was introduced in ES6 and const, but ES6 is not completely popular at this stage, and many older codes are still written according to ES5 standards or even ES3 standards.

01 Display of variables and functions in memory

The variable types in JavaScript are the same as those in other languages, including basic data types and reference data types. Basic data types include: undefined, null, boolean, String, Number; reference data types are mainly objects (including {}, [], /^$/, Date, Function, etc.).

var num = 24;
var obj = {name:'iceman' , age:24};
function func() {
    console.log('hello world');

When the browser loads an html page, it will first provide an environment for global JavaScript code execution, which is called the global scope.

Basic data types operate according to values, and reference data types operate according to addresses.

According to the above principles, the model of the above code in memory is:

JavaScript 中的预解析

Memory model.png

The basic type is direct storage In stack memory, while objects are stored in heap memory, variables just hold the address of the object. So obj holds the address of an object oxff44, and the function func holds the address oxff66.

Execute based on the above code:


The first line of output is the definition part of the entire function (the function itself):

JavaScript 中的预解析

The first line of code output result.png

As explained above, func stores an address, which points to a piece of heap memory, and the heap memory retains the definition of the function.

The second line of code outputs the return result of the func function:

JavaScript 中的预解析

The second line of code outputs the result.png

Because of the func function There is no return value, so the output is undefined.

Note: The return result of the function, whatever is written after return, is the return value. If there is no return, the default return value is undefined.

02 Pre-parsing

After understanding the above memory model, you can better understand the mechanism of pre-parsing. The so-called pre-parsing is: in the current scope, before the JavaScript code is executed, the browser will first declare or define all variables with var and function declarations in advance by default.

2.1. Declaration and Definition

var num = 24;

This simple line of code is actually two steps: declaration and definition.

Declaration: var num; tells the browser that there is a num variable in the global scope. If a variable is only declared but not assigned a value, the default value is undefined.

Definition: num = 12; The definition is to assign a value to the variable.

2.2. The difference between variables declared by var and functions declared by function during pre-parsing

There is a difference between variables declared by var and functions declared by function during pre-parsing. Variables declared by var are in It is only declared in advance during pre-parsing. The function declared by function will be declared in advance and defined at the same time during pre-parsing. In other words, the difference between a variable declared by var and a function declared by function is whether it is defined at the same time as it is declared.

2.3. Pre-parsing only occurs in the current scope

At the beginning of the program, only variables and functions under the window are pre-parsed, and only when the function is executed Variables in functions are preparsed as functions.

var num = 24;

func(100 , 200); 
function func(num1 , num2) {
    var total = num1 + num2;

JavaScript 中的预解析

Output result.png

When num is output for the first time, due to pre-parsing reasons, it is only declared but not defined, so it will be output undefined; when num is output for the second time, it has been defined, so 24 is output.

Since the declaration and definition of the function are carried out at the same time, although func() is called before the func function definition statement, it can still be called normally and 300 will be output normally.

JavaScript 中的预解析

Memory model.png

03 Scope chain

First understand the following three concepts:

Inside the function The scope becomes a private scope, and the scope where the window is located is called the global scope;

Variables declared in the global scope are global variables;

Declared in the "private scope" "Variables" and "function parameters" are both private variables;







var total = 0;
function func(num1, num2) {
    var total = num1 + num2;
func(100 , 200);





因为在func函数内进行了预解析,所以func函数里面的total变量会被预解析,在函数内第一次输出total的时候,会输出undefined,接着为total赋值了,第二次输出total的时候就输出300。 因为函数体内有var声明的变量total,函数体内的输出total并不是全局作用域中的total。


var total = 0;
function func(num1, num2) {
    total = num1 + num2;
func(100 , 200);




var num1 = 12;

num2 = 12;

JavaScript 中的预解析


num2 = 12; 相当于给window增加了一个num2的属性名,属性值是12;

var num1 = 12; 相当于给全局作用域增加了一个全局变量num1,但是不仅如此,它也相当于给window增加了一个属性名num,属性值是12;


获取值:console.log(total); --> 报错 Uncaught ReferenceError: total is not defined

设置值:total= 100; --> 相当于给window增加了一个属性名total,属性值是100

function fn() {
    // console.log(total); // Uncaught ReferenceError: total is not defined
    total = 100;



5.1 不管条件是否成立,都要把带var的进行提前的声明

if (!('num' in window)) { 
    var num = 12;
console.log(num); // undefined

JavaScript进行预解析的时候,会忽略所有if条件,因为在ES6之前并没有块级作用域的概念。本例中会先将num预解析,而预解析会将该变量添加到window中,作为window的一个属性。那么 'num' in window 就返回true,取反之后为false,这时代码执行不会进入if块里面,num也就没有被赋值,最后console.log(num)输出为undefined。

5.2 只预解析“=”左边的,右边的是指,不参与预解析

fn(); // -> undefined();  // Uncaught TypeError: fn is not a function
var fn = function () {

fn(); -> 'ok'
function fn() {
fn(); -> 'ok'

建议:声明变量的时候尽量使用var fn = ...的方式。

5.3 自执行函数:定义和执行一起完成

(function (num) {



~ function (num) {}(100)  
+ function (num) {}(100)  
- function (num) {}(100)  
! function (num) {}(100)

5.4 return下的代码依然会进行预解析

function fn() {                             
    console.log(num); // -> undefined
    return function () {             

    var num = 100;                   


5.5 名字已经声明过了,不需要重新的声明,但是需要重新的赋值

var fn = 13;                                       
function fn() {                                    
fn(); // Uncaught TypeError: fn is not a function


fn(); // -> 2                                             
function fn() {console.log(1);}                           
fn(); // -> 2                                             
var fn = 10; // -> fn = 10                                
fn(); // -> 10()  Uncaught TypeError: fn is not a function                          
function fn() {console.log(2);}                           

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