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mysql having

2017-01-16 13:10:381440browse

Query the columns with a price difference of more than 200

select goods_id,(market_price - shop_price ) as chajia from goods having chajia>200;

Query the total amount of extruded goods

select sum(goods_number*shop_price) from goods;

Query the backlog of goods under each column

mysql> select cat_id ,sum(goods_number*shop_price) from goods group by cat_id;
| cat_id | sum(goods_number*shop_price) |
| 2 | 0.00 | 
| 3 | 356235.00 | 
| 4 | 9891.00 | 
| 5 | 29600.00 | 
| 8 | 4618.00 | 
| 11 | 790.00 | 
| 13 | 134.00 | 
| 14 | 162.00 | 
| 15 | 190.00 | 

Query the columns with a backlog greater than 20,000

mysql> select cat_id ,(sum(goods_number*shop_price)) as dae from goods group by cat_id having dae > 20000;
| cat_id | dae |
| 3 | 356235.00 | 
| 5 | 29600.00 | 
insert into result

Find the average value of those who failed in more than two subjects

Reverse logic

select name,avg(score) from result group by name having (sum(score<60))>=2 ;

Both are equivalent

select name,avg(score),sum(score<60) as guake from result group by name having guake>=2;

Forward logic (subquery used)

select name,avg(score)
from result
where name in ( 
select name from ( 
(select name ,count(*) as guake from result where score<60 group by name having guake>=2) as tmp 
group by name;

The above is the content of mysql having, for more related content, please pay attention to PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!

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