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PHP recursively traverses multi-dimensional arrays to achieve infinite classification

2017-01-14 11:50:071809browse

The example in this article describes the method of PHP recursively traversing multi-dimensional arrays to achieve infinite classification. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

   //echo memory_get_usage();
 function findChild(&$arr,$id){
  foreach ($arr as $k => $v){
   if($v['parentid']== $id){
  return $childs;
 function build_tree($rows,$root_id){
   return null;
 foreach ($childs as $k => $v){
  if( null != $rescurTree){
  return $childs;

Running results:

 [0] => Array
   [id] => 1
   [parentid] => 0
   [name] => 中国
   [childs] => Array
     [0] => Array
       [id] => 4
       [parentid] => 1
       [name] => 北京
     [1] => Array
       [id] => 5
       [parentid] => 1
       [name] => 上海
     [2] => Array
       [id] => 6
       [parentid] => 1
       [name] => 广西
       [childs] => Array
         [0] => Array
           [id] => 7
           [parentid] => 6
           [name] => 桂林
         [1] => Array
           [id] => 8
           [parentid] => 6
           [name] => 南宁
         [2] => Array
           [id] => 9
           [parentid] => 6
           [name] => 柳州
 [1] => Array
   [id] => 2
   [parentid] => 0
   [name] => 美国
   [childs] => Array
     [0] => Array
       [id] => 10
       [parentid] => 2
       [name] => 纽约
     [1] => Array
       [id] => 11
       [parentid] => 2
       [name] => 华盛顿
 [2] => Array
   [id] => 3
   [parentid] => 0
   [name] => 韩国
   [childs] => Array
     [0] => Array
       [id] => 12
       [parentid] => 3
       [name] => 首尔

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in PHP programming.

For more related articles on how PHP recursively traverses multi-dimensional arrays to achieve infinite classification, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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