Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Other statements in the notes of 'Python Basic Tutorial' 1
PRint related
print can print multiple expressions, just separate them with commas. A space will be inserted between each parameter in the result. Use + to avoid spaces, such as
>>> print 'age:',42
age: 42
>>> print 'hello'+','+'world'
Add a comma at the end of the print statement, and the following statements will Print on the same line as the previous statement, such as
print 'hello', print 'world'
hello world
import related
from sometmodule import somefunc,anotherfunc,yetanotherfunc
from somemodule import * -- Import all functions in the module
import somemoudle as othermodulename -- Give the module an alias
form somemodule import somefunc ad otherfuncname -- Give the imported function an alias
Assignment related
Sequence unpacking or optional unpacking - unpack the sequence of multiple values and put it into the sequence of variables, such as
>>> scoundrel = {'name':'Robin','firlfriend ':'marion'}
>>> key, value = scoundrel.popitem()
>>> key
>>> value
chain Assignment--a shortcut for assigning the same value to multiple variables, such as
Incremental assignment--place the expression operator to the left of the assignment operator =, such as
x += 1
Statement block
The colon (:) is used to identify the beginning of the statement block. Each statement in the block is indented (the indentation amount is the same). When the indentation is the same as that of the closed block, it means that the current block has ended.
pass -- You don’t have to do anything with the program.
del -- deletes the object but does not affect the value, such as
>>> x = y = [1,2]
>>> y[1] = 'p'
> >> y
[1, 'p']
>>> (most recent call last):
File "
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
>>> y
exec -- Execute a string statement
>>> exec("print 'hello, world!'")
hello, world!