NOKIA has a famous advertising slogan: "Technology is people-oriented." Any technology is produced to meet people's production and life needs. As far as a small mobile phone is concerned, the technology contained in it is also vast. It is the crystallization of human technology for thousands of years. A single person may not be able to master a corner of it in his lifetime. However, I have always believed that basic technologies and ideas are universally applicable. Many technologies may not require us to study them from beginning to end. What we have to do is to stand on the shoulders of giants and use their results to meet people's needs. Serve.
With the trend of the mobile Internet era, more and more Apps not only need to transmit and interact with network servers, but also need to transmit data with other Apps. What is responsible for transmitting and storing data between App and network is generally XML or JSON. In the era of mobile Internet, XML and JSON are very important.
In recent times, I have integrated some of my previous understanding of XML and JSON, referred to relevant materials, and combined with the video code, I have integrated some of my thoughts into this summary document, and at the same time tried to use a popular and humorous language style. To explain, I hope it will be helpful to interested readers.
In order not to fall behind the times, we must learn XML and JSON, but at the same time they are also easy to learn. Let's start:–)
1. XML
XML is eXtensible Markup Language. Tags refer to information symbols that computers can understand. Through such tags, computers can process articles containing various information. How to define these tags, you can choose an internationally accepted markup language, such as HTML, or you can use a markup language like XML that is freely decided by the relevant people. This is the extensibility of the language. XML is simplified and modified from SGML. It mainly uses XML, XSL and XPath, etc.
The above paragraph is a basic definition of XML, a widely accepted explanation. Simply put, XML is a data description language. Although it is a language, it usually does not have the basic function of a common language - to be recognized and run by a computer. You can only rely on another language to interpret it so that it achieves the effect you want or is accepted by the computer.
Just remember the following points:
XML is a markup language, very similar to HTML
XML is designed to transmit data, not display data
XML tags are not predefined. You need to define the labels yourself.
XML is designed to be self-describing.
XML is a recommended standard by W3C
XML is an information transmission tool that is independent of software and hardware. Currently, XML plays as important a role in the Web as HTML, which has always been the cornerstone of the Web. XML is everywhere. XML is the most commonly used tool for data transfer between various applications and is becoming increasingly popular in the field of information storage and description.
1.1 XML attributes
1.1.1 Main differences between XML and HTML
XML is not a replacement for HTML.
XML and HTML are designed for different purposes.
XML is designed to transmit and store data, with the focus being the content of the data.
HTML is designed to display data, its focus is on the appearance of the data.
HTML is designed to display information, while XML is designed to transmit information
1.1.2 XML is inaction.
Maybe this is a little hard to understand, but XML doesn't do anything. XML is designed to structure, store and transmit information.
The following is a note from John to George, stored as XML:
<note> <to>George</to> <from>John</from> <heading>Reminder</heading> <body>Don't forget the meeting!</body> </note>
The note above is self-descriptive. It has a title and message, and contains information about both the sender and the recipient. However, this XML document still doesn't do anything. It's just pure information wrapped in XML tags. We need to write software or programs to transmit, receive and display this document.
1.1.3 XML is just plain text
There is nothing special about XML. It's just plain text. Any software capable of processing plain text can process XML. However, applications that understand XML can process XML tags in a targeted manner. The functional meaning of labels depends on the characteristics of the application.
1.1.4 XML allows custom tags
The tags in the above example are not defined in any XML standard (such as and ). These tags are invented by the creator of the document. This is because XML has no predefined tags.
The tags used in HTML (and therefore the structure of HTML) are predefined. HTML documents only use tags defined in the HTML standard (such as
XML allows creators to define their own tags and their own document structure.
1.1.5 XML is not a replacement for HTML
XML is a complement to HTML.
XML will not replace HTML, it is important to understand this. In most web applications, XML is used to transmit data, while HTML is used to format and display the data.
1.2 XML syntax
The syntax rules of XML are very simple and very logical. These rules are easy to learn and easy to use.
1.2.1 All elements must have a closing tag
In XML, it is illegal to omit the closing tag. All elements must have closing tags. In HTML, you often see elements without closing tags:
<p>This is a paragraph <p>This is another paragraph
<p>This is a paragraph</p> <p>This is another paragraph</p>
1.2.2 XML标签对大小写敏感
<Message>这是错误的。</message> <message>这是正确的。</message>
1.2.3 XML标签对大小写敏感
在 HTML 中,常会看到没有正确嵌套的元素:
<b><i>This text is bold and italic</b></i>
在 XML中,所有元素都必须彼此正确地嵌套:
<b><i>This text is bold and italic</i></b>
1.2.4 XML文档必须有根元素
<root> <child> <subchild>.....</subchild> </child> </root>
1.2.5 XML的属性值须加引号
与 HTML 类似,XML 也可拥有属性(名称/值的对)。 在 XML 中,XML 的属性值须加引号。请研究下面的两个 XML 文档。第一个是错误的,第二个是正确的:
<note date=08/08/2008> <to>George</to> <from>John</from> </note> <note date="08/08/2008"> <to>George</to> <from>John</from> </note>
1.2.6 实体引用
在 XML 中,一些字符拥有特殊的意义。 如果你把字符 “
<message>if salary < 1000 then</message>
为了避免这个错误,请用实体引用来代替 “
<message>if salary < 1000 then</message>
在 XML 中,有 5 个预定义的实体引用:
< < 小于 > > 大于 & & 和号 ' ' 单引号 " " 引号
注释:在 XML 中,只有字符 “
1.2.7 XML中的注释
在 XML 中编写注释的语法与 HTML 的语法很相似:
<!-- This is a comment -->
在 XML 中,空格会被保留 HTML 会把多个连续的空格字符裁减(合并)为一个:
HTML: Hello my name is David.
输出: Hello my name is David. 在 XML 中,文档中的空格不会被删节。
1.2.8 以 LF 存储换行
在 Windows 应用程序中,换行通常以一对字符来存储:回车符 (CR) 和换行符 (LF)。这对字符与打字机设置新行的动作有相似之处。在 Unix 应用程序中,新行以 LF 字符存储。而 Macintosh 应用程序使用CR来存储新行。
只有CDATA区段(CDATA section)中的文本会被解析器忽略。
1.3.1 PCDATA
PCDATA指的是被解析的字符数据(Parsed Character Data)。
XML解析器通常会解析XML文档中所有的文本。 当某个XML元素被解析时,其标签之间的文本也会被解析:
解析器之所以这么做是因为 XML 元素可包含其他元素,就像这个例子中,其中的元素包含着另外的两个元素(first和last):
<name> <first>Bill</first> <last>Gates</last> </name>
1.3.2 转义字符
非法的XML字符必须被替换为实体引用(entity reference)。
假如您在XML文档中放置了一个类似 “
<message>if salary < 1000 then</message>
为了避免此类错误,需要把字符 “
<message>if salary < 1000 then</message>
在 XML 中有 5 个预定义的实体引用:
< < 小于 > > 大于 & & 和号 ' ' 省略号 " " 引号
1.3.3 CDATA
术语CDATA指的是不应由XML解析器进行解析的文本数据(Unparsed Character Data)。
在 XML 元素中,”
某些文本,比如 JavaScript 代码,包含大量 “” 结束:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response> <header> <respcode>0</respcode> <total>1736</total> </header> <result> <album> <album_id>320305900</album_id> <title> <![CDATA[ 电影侃侃之初恋永不早 ]]> </title> <tag> <![CDATA[ 18岁以上 当代 暧昧 华语 ]]> </tag> <img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="" class="lazy" alt="Master XML, JSON and their parsing in 10 minutes" ></img> <img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="" class="lazy" 180236 alt="Master XML, JSON and their parsing in 10 minutes" ></img180236> <img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="" class="lazy" 11577 alt="Master XML, JSON and their parsing in 10 minutes" ></img11577> <img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="" class="lazy" 220124 alt="Master XML, JSON and their parsing in 10 minutes" ></img220124> <category_id>1</category_id> <score>0.0</score> <voters>0</voters> <tv_sets>0</tv_sets> <duration>00:38:57</duration> <year> <![CDATA[ 2014 ]]> </year> <tv_focus>跟爱情片学把妹心经</tv_focus> <episode_count>1</episode_count> <directors> <![CDATA[ 关雅荻 ]]> </directors> <mainactors> <![CDATA[ 关雅荻 ]]> </mainactors> <actors> <![CDATA[ ]]> </actors> <vv2> <![CDATA[ 15 ]]> </vv2> <timeText> <![CDATA[ 今天 ]]> </timeText> <first_issue_time> <![CDATA[ 2014-10-16 ]]> </first_issue_time> <up>0</up> <down>0</down> <download>1</download> <purchase_type>0</purchase_type> <hot_or_new>0</hot_or_new> <createtime>2014-10-16 12:25:08</createtime> <purchase>0</purchase> <desc> <![CDATA[ 本期节目主持人介绍新近上映的口碑爱情片,。主持人轻松幽默的罗列出胡鳄鱼导演拍摄的爱情片越来越接地气,博得观众的认同和追捧,更提出“初恋永远不嫌早”的口号。观众可以跟着爱情片学习把妹心经。 ]]> </desc> <ip_limit>1</ip_limit> <episodes/> </album> </result> </response>
1.5 XML树结构
1.5.1 一个XML文档实例
<note> <to>George</to> <from>John</from> <heading>Reminder</heading> <body>Don't forget the meeting!</body> </note>
接下来 4 行描述根的 4 个子元素(to, from, heading 以及 body):
<to>George</to> <from>John</from> <heading>Reminder</heading> <body>Don't forget the meeting!</body>
<root> <child> <subchild>.....</subchild> </child> </root>
想到这里,大家都有点迫不及待了,XML 文件到底如何解析呢?
在XML解析之前,我们必须系统性的学习一下 XML DOM 知识:
1.6.1 定义
XML DOM(XML Document Object Model) 定义了访问和操作XML文档的标准方法。
XML DOM定义了所有XML元素的对象和属性,以及访问它们的方法(接口)。
XML DOM是用于获取、更改、添加或删除XML元素的标准
1.6.2 总结
XML DOM其实比较复杂,在这么短的篇幅里也无法一一进行讲解。想详细了解XML DOM可以好好去学习下
1.7 XML如何解析?
1.7.1 Step 1
XML文件是一棵树,首先需要找到对应的节点,然后从节点开始解析,比如搜索找到的就是result/weights/weight 和result/weights/weight 2个节点,分别从这个开始解析:
public ResultInfo onParser(Element rootElement) { int resp = -1; try { String elName = "header/respcode"; resp = Integer.parseInt(selectNodeString(rootElement, elName)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Log.d(TAG, "resp= " + resp); if (resp != 0) { return null; } ResultInfo searchResultInfo = new ResultInfo(); // Parse Search Weight @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final List weights = rootElement.selectNodes(rootElement.getPath() + "/" + "result/weights/weight"); ResultInfo[] resultFilterInfos = parseVideos(weights); if (resultFilterInfos != null) { ResultInfo weight = new ResultInfo(); weight.putResultInfoArray(ResultInfo.KEY_VIDEOS, resultFilterInfos); searchResultInfo.putResultInfo(ResultInfo.KEY_WEIGHT, weight); } // Parse Albums @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final List albums = rootElement.selectNodes(rootElement.getPath() + "/" + "result/albums/album"); ResultInfo[] resultInfos = parseVideos(albums); if (resultInfos != null) { ResultInfo album = new ResultInfo(); album.putResultInfoArray(ResultInfo.KEY_VIDEOS, resultInfos); searchResultInfo.putResultInfo(ResultInfo.KEY_SEARCH, album); } return searchResultInfo; }
1.7.2 Step 2
private ResultInfo[] parseVideos(final List nodes) { if (nodes != null && nodes.size() > 0) { final int size = nodes.size(); final ResultInfo[] vis = new ResultInfo[size]; int i = 0; for (Object o : nodes) { if (o instanceof Element) { final Element videoElement = (Element) o; ResultInfo vi = parseVideo(videoElement); vis[i] = vi; } i++; } return vis; } return null; }
1.7.3 Step 3
private ResultInfo parseVideo(final Element videoElement) { final String id = videoElement.elementText("album_id"); final String title = videoElement.elementText("title"); final String categoryId = videoElement.elementText("category_id"); final String categoryName = videoElement.elementText("category_name"); final String count = videoElement.elementText("count"); final String imgUrl = videoElement.elementText("img180236"); final String duration = videoElement.elementText("duration"); final String mainactors = videoElement.elementText("mainactors"); final String sitename = videoElement.elementText("site_name"); final String videourl = videoElement.elementText("vedio_url"); final String sort = videoElement.elementText("sort"); final String tv_id = videoElement.elementText("tv_id"); ResultInfo vi = new ResultInfo(); vi.putString(VideoInfo.ID, id); vi.putString(VideoInfo.TITLE, title); vi.putString(VideoInfo.CATEGORY_ID, categoryId); vi.putString(VideoInfo.CATEGORY_NAME, categoryName); vi.putString(VideoInfo.COUNT, count); vi.putString(VideoInfo.IMG_URL, imgUrl); vi.putString(VideoInfo.DURATION, duration); vi.putString(VideoInfo.MAINACTORS, mainactors); vi.putString(VideoInfo.SITENAME, sitename); vi.putString(VideoInfo.VIDEOURL, videourl); vi.putString(VideoInfo.SORT, sort); vi.putString(VideoInfo.TV_ID, tv_id); return vi; }
1.7.4 Step 4
当使用XML解析器将XML数据解析出来之后。需要将这些数据提取出来,也是通过连续2层提取,将数据定位到每个video, 将每个video里的数据传递给SearchVideoInfo这个ArrayList,然后将ArrayList中的数据和对应的Adapter数据关联起来:
public static ArrayList<SearchVideoInfo> getSearchVideoInfo(ResultInfo searchResultInfo) { ResultInfo resultInfo = null; ResultInfo[] videos = null; ArrayList<SearchVideoInfo> searchVideoInfos = null; if (searchResultInfo != null) { resultInfo = searchResultInfo.getResultInfo(ResultInfo.KEY_SEARCH); } if (resultInfo != null) { videos = resultInfo.getResultInfoArray(ResultInfo.KEY_VIDEOS); } if (videos != null && videos.length > 0) { searchVideoInfos = new ArrayList<SearchVideoInfo>(videos.length); for (ResultInfo video : videos) { SearchVideoInfo searchInfo = new SearchVideoInfo(); searchInfo.setAlbum_id(video.getString(VideoInfo.ID)); searchInfo.setTitle(video.getString(VideoInfo.TITLE)); searchInfo.setChannel_id(video.getString(VideoInfo.CATEGORY_ID)); searchInfo.setImgUrl(video.getString(VideoInfo.IMG_URL)); searchInfo.setDuration(video.getString(VideoInfo.DURATION)); searchInfo.setMainActors(video.getString(VideoInfo.MAINACTORS)); searchInfo.setSiteName(video.getString(VideoInfo.SITENAME)); searchInfo.setVideo_url(video.getString(VideoInfo.VIDEOURL)); searchInfo.setOrder(video.getString(VideoInfo.SORT)); searchInfo.setTv_id(video.getString(VideoInfo.TV_ID)); // searchInfo.setContinueType(video.getString(VideoInfo.CONTINUETYPE)); searchVideoInfos.add(searchInfo); } } if (searchVideoInfos == null) { MyLog.e(TAG, "error, getSearchVideoInfo, can not get info"); } return searchVideoInfos; }
2.1 JSON是什么?
JSON:JavaScript对象表示法(JavaScript Object Notation), 是一种轻量级的数据交换格式, 易于人阅读和编写, 同时也易于机器解析和生成。
JSON采用完全独立于语言的文本格式,但是也使用了类似于C语言家族的习惯(包括C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python等)。 这些特性使JSON成为理想的数据交换语言
2.2 JSON格式
“名称/值”对的集合(A collection of name/value pairs)。不同的语言中,它被理解为对象(object),纪录(record),结构(struct),字典(dictionary),哈希表(hash table),有键列表(keyed list),或者关联数组(associative array)。
值的有序列表(An ordered list of values)。在大多数语言中,它被理解为数组(array)、矢量(vector), 列表(list)或者是序列(sequence)。
对象是一个无序的“'名称/值'对”集合。一个对象以“{”(左括号)开始,“}”(右括号)结束。每个“名称”后跟一个“:”(冒号);“‘名称/值' 对”之间使用“,”(逗号)分隔。
JSON Array
值(value)可以是双引号括起来的字符串(string)、数值(number)、true、false、 null、对象(object)或者数组(array)。这些结构可以嵌套。
字符串(string)是由0到多个Unicode字符组成的序列,封装在双引号(”“)中, 可以使用反斜杠(‘\')来进行转义。一个字符可以表示为一个单一字符的字符串。
2.3 举个例子
"code": 1, "data": 0, "albumIdList": [ { "totalidnum": 2000, "idlist": [ "319281600" ] } ], "albumArray": { "319281600": { "_as": "", "_blk": 0, "_cid": 1, "_ct": "2014-10-10 17:55:06", "_da": "", "_dl": 0, "_dn": "7296", "_id": 319281600, "_img": "", "_ip": 1, "_ma": "", "_pc": 2, "_pid": 0, "_reseftv": 959, "_t": "末代独裁", "_tvct": 1, "_tvs": 1, "_vt": 0, "a_av": 1, "a_pro": "", "bpt": "0", "clm": "", "cn_year": "0", "co_album_id": "0", "ctype": 0, "desc": "", "down": 0, "down2": "0", "drm": 0, "fst_time": "2014-10-16", "h1_img": "", "h2_img": "", "is_h": 0, "is_n": 0, "is_zb": 0, "k_word": "", "language": 0, "live_center": 0, "live_start_time": 0, "live_stop_time": 0, "logo": 1, "m_av": 1, "p_av": 1, "p_s": 0, "p_s_1": 0, "p_s_4": 0, "p_s_8": 0, "qiyi_pro": 0, "qiyi_year": "0", "qt_id": "1005722", "s_TT": "", "songname": "", "t_pc": 1, "tag": "当代 美国 乡村 大片", "tv_eftv": 1, "tv_pha": "", "tv_pro": "", "tv_ss": "", "tvfcs": "雄心壮志背后的真相", "up": 0, "up2": "0", "upcl": "", "v2_img": "", "v3_img": "", "vv": "1", "year": "2007", "tv_id": "0", "vv_p": 0, "vv_f": 2, "vv_m": 0, "_sc": 8 } }, "changeAlbum": null, "category": null, "before": "2~4~1~7~3", "latest_push_id": "655", "up_tm": "1413441370874", "recommend_attach": "", "preset_keys": null, "category_group": null, "exp_ts": 120, "stfile_path": "/data/view/online5/0/1/" }
2.4 如何解析JSON?
Android JSON所有相关类,都在org.json包下。
. 常见方法
opt、optBoolean、optDouble、optInt、optLong、optString、optJSONArray、optJSONObject get、getBoolean、getDouble、getInt、getLong、getString、getJSONArray、getJSONObject
. Android中如何创建JSON?
private String createJson() throws JSONException { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("intKey", 123); jsonObject.put("doubleKey", 10.1); jsonObject.put("longKey", 666666666); jsonObject.put("stringKey", "lalala"); jsonObject.put("booleanKey", true); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); jsonArray.put(0, 111); jsonArray.put("second"); jsonObject.put("arrayKey", jsonArray); JSONObject innerJsonObject = new JSONObject(); innerJsonObject.put("innerStr", "inner"); jsonObject.put("innerObjectKey", innerJsonObject); Log.e("Json", jsonObject.toString()); return jsonObject.toString(); }
{"intKey":123, "doubleKey":10.1, "longKey":666666666, "stringKey":"lalala", "booleanKey":true, "arrayKey":[111,"second"], "innerObjectKey":{"innerStr":"inner"}}
. 如何解析JSON?
JsonObjectRequest jsonObjRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { try { MyLog.d(TAG, "response=" + response); parseiQiyiInterfaceResponse(response); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }, new Response.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { /* * if (error instanceof NetworkError) { } else if (error * instanceof ClientError) { } else if (error instanceof * ServerError) { } else if (error instanceof * AuthFailureError) { } else if (error instanceof * ParseError) { } else if (error instanceof * NoConnectionError) { } else if (error instanceof * TimeoutError) { } */ MyLog.e(TAG, "onErrorResponse, error=" + error); } }) { @Override public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError { HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); headers.put("t", iQiyiInterface.getEncryptTimestamp()); headers.put("sign", iQiyiInterface.getSign()); return headers; } };
public void getJsonObjectString(String url) { mQueue = VideoApplication.getInstance().getRequestQueue(); JsonObjectRequest jsObjRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { MyLog.e(TAG, "response = " + response.toString()); JSONArray jsonArray = null; JSONObject jsonObject = null; try { jsonObject = response.getJSONObject("response"); jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONObject("result").getJSONArray("album"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (jsonArray == null) { return; } mChannelList = VideoUtils.parseVideoJsonArray(jsonArray); if (isLoading) { isLoading = false; if (mIsGrid) { mChannelGridAdapter.appendChannelVideoInfo(mChannelList); } else { mChannelListAdapter.appendChannelVideoInfo(mChannelList); } } else { if (mIsGrid) { mChannelGridAdapter.setChannelVideoInfo(mChannelList); showOppoGrid(); } else { mChannelListAdapter.setChannelVideoInfo(mChannelList); showOppoList(); } } } }, new Response.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { MyLog.e(TAG, "error = " + error); } }); jsObjRequest.setTag(TAG); jsObjRequest.setShouldCache(true); mQueue.add(jsObjRequest); mQueue.start(); }
获取到JSON Object之后,就对这个JSONObject进行解析:
private ArrayList<VideoConstant> parseVideoAlbumJsonObject(JSONObject albumJSONObject, ArrayList<Integer> albumIdJSONArrayList) { MyLog.d(TAG, "parseVideoAlbumJsonObject, length=" + albumJSONObject.length()); if (albumJSONObject.length() < 1) { return null; } ArrayList<VideoConstant> videos = new ArrayList<VideoConstant>(); try { for (int index = 0; index < albumJSONObject.length(); index++) { VideoConstant video = new VideoConstant(); JSONObject itemJsonObject; itemJsonObject = albumJSONObject.getJSONObject(albumIdJSONArrayList.get(index) .toString()); MyLog.d(TAG, "string=" + albumIdJSONArrayList.get(index).toString()); video.mAlbumId = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.ID); video.mAtitle = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.TITLE); video.mEpisodeCount = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.UPDATE_SET); video.mTvSets = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.TV_SETS); video.mDesc = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.DESCRIPTION); video.mCid = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.CATEGORY_ID); video.mImg = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.IMG); video.mHighimg = itemJsonObject .optString(InterfaceParameterName.HIGH_RESO_PORT_IMG); video.mHoriImg = itemJsonObject .optString(InterfaceParameterName.HIGH_RESO_HORI_IMG); video.mScore = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.SCORE); video.mMainActors = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.MAIN_ACTOR); video.mCreateTime = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.CREATE_TIME); video.mDuration = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.DURATION); video.mTag = itemJsonObject.optString(InterfaceParameterName.TAG); MyLog.d(TAG, "id=" + video.mAlbumId + ",title=" + video.mAlbumTitle + ",img=" + video.mHighimg + ",tvsets=" + video.mTvSets); videos.add(video); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return videos; }
. Android JSON解析库
三、 JSON vs. XML
. JSON相比XML的不同之处
能够使用内建的 JavaScript eval() 方法进行解析
总之: JSON 比 XML 更小、更快,更易解析。
. XML和JSON的区别:
XML是element、attribute和element content。
XML要表示一个object(指name-value pair的集合),最初可能会使用element作为object,每个key-value pair 用 attribute 表示:
<student name="John" age="10"/>
但如个某个 value 也是 object,那么就不可以当作attribute:
<student name="John" age="10"> <address> <country>China</country> <province>Guang Dong</province> <city>...</city> <district>...</district> ... </address> </student>
{ "name": "John", "age" : 10, "address" : { "country" : "China", "province" : "Guang Dong", "city" : "..", "district" : "..", ... } }
One More Thing…
XML需要选择怎么处理element content的换行,而JSON string则不须作这个选择。
XML映射数组没大问题,就是数组元素tag比较重复冗余。JSON 比较易读。