Chat QQ using php

2016-12-02 10:41:441254browse

I only saw it recently. You can search for QQ’s http protocol on the Internet. The implementation is very simple. I just tried it a little and wrote the following code. If anyone is interested, you can continue to study it. If there is J2ME or the SDK of major mobile phone manufacturers, it would also be a good idea to study javaQQ. I have an exam coming soon, so I can only post it first and explain it first, it is not all completed

class Query {
private $timeout;		// = 100;  // Max time for stablish the conection
private $server;			//  = &#39;;;//&#39;;;            // IP address
private $host;				//    = &#39;;;             // Domain name
private $port;				//    = 8000;
private $postValues;			// = array ( &#39;VER&#39; => &#39;1.1&#39;,
private $ret;
public function go(){
$this->postValues = substr( $this->postValues, 0, -1 );
$request  = "POST HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$request .= "Host: $this->host\r\n";
$length = strlen( $this->postValues );
$request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$request .= "Content-Length: $length\r\n";
$request .= "\r\n";
$request .= $this->postValues;
$socket  = fsockopen( $this->server, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout );
fputs( $socket, $request );
$ret = &#39;&#39;;
while ( !feof( $socket ) ) {
$ret .= fgets( $socket, 4096 );
fclose( $socket );
$this->setRetValues( $ret );
public function clearParams() {
$this->postValues = &#39;&#39;;
return true;
public function addParams( $var , $value ) {
$this->postValues.= urlencode( $var ) . "=" . urlencode( $value ) . &#39;&&#39;;
public function setTimeout( $timeout ) {
$this->timeout = $timeout;
return true;
public function setServer( $server ) {
$this->server = $server;
return true;
public function setHost( $host ) {
$this->host = $host;
return true;
public function setPort( $port ) {
$this->port = $port;
return true;
public function getRetValues() {
return $arrValues;
//return $this->ret;
private function setRetValues( $ret ) {
return ture;
class QQ {
private $query;
private $no;
private $pass;
public function login() {
return $this->query->getRetValues();
public function getFriendList() {
//  VER=1.1&CMD=List&SEQ=&UIN=&TN=160&UN=0
return $this->query->getRetValues();
public function changeStat($st) {
return $this->query->getRetValues();
public function getMsg() {
return $this->query->getRetValues();
public function getUserInfo($user_no) {
// VER=1.1&CMD=GetInfo&SEQ=&UIN=&LV=2&UN=
echo time().&#39; &#39;.(double)microtime(true).&#39;<br>&#39;;
//echo $user_no.&#39;ok&#39;;
//print_r( $this->query->getRetValues());
public function setQQInfo( $no , $pass ) {
$this->no = $no;
$this->pass = md5($pass);
return true;
public function setQuery($query) {
$this->query = $query;
return true;

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