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mysql string type

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String types refer to CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB, TEXT, ENUM and SET. This section describes how these types work and how to use them in queries.

1. CHAR and VARCHAR types

CHAR and VARCHAR types are similar, but they are saved and retrieved differently. They also differ in terms of their maximum length and whether trailing spaces are preserved. No case conversion is performed during storage or retrieval.

The length declared for CHAR and VARCHAR types indicates the maximum number of characters you want to save. For example, CHAR(30) can occupy 30 characters.

The length of CHAR column is fixed to the length declared when creating the table. The length can be any value from 0 to 255. When saving CHAR values, pad them to the right with spaces to the specified length. When a CHAR value is retrieved, trailing spaces are removed. No case conversion is performed during storage or retrieval.

The values ​​in VARCHAR columns are variable-length strings. The length can be specified as a value between 0 and 65,535. (The maximum effective length of VARCHAR is determined by the maximum row size and the character set used. The overall maximum length is 65,532 bytes).

Compared with CHAR, when the VARCHAR value is saved, only the required number of characters is saved, plus one byte to record the length (if the declared length of the column exceeds 255, two bytes are used).

VARCHAR values ​​are saved without padding. Trailing spaces are retained when the value is saved and retrieved, conforming to standard SQL.

If the value assigned to a CHAR or VARCHAR column exceeds the maximum length of the column, the value is clipped to fit. If the truncated character is not a space, a warning is generated. If non-space characters are trimmed, this causes an error (instead of a warning) and disables the insertion of values ​​by using strict SQL mode.

The table below shows the results after saving various string values ​​into CHAR(4) and VARCHAR(4) columns, illustrating the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR:

Value CHAR(4) Storage Requirements VARCHAR( 4) Storage requirements

'' '' 4 bytes '' 1 byte

'ab' 4 bytes 'ab ' 3 bytes

'abcd' 'abcd' 4 word Section 'abcd' 5 bytes

'abcdefgh' 'abcd' 4 bytes 'abcd' 5 bytes

Please note that the value in the last row in the above table only applies when strict mode is not used; if MySQL is running in In strict mode, values ​​that exceed the column length are not saved and an error occurs.

The values ​​retrieved from CHAR(4) and VARCHAR(4) columns are not always the same because trailing spaces are removed from the CHAR column when retrieving. The difference is illustrated by the following example:

mysql> CREATE TABLE vc (v VARCHAR(4), c CHAR(4));Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO vc VALUES ('ab  ', 'ab  ');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT CONCAT(v, '+'), CONCAT(c, '+') FROM vc;
| CONCAT(v, '+') | CONCAT(c, '+') |
| ab  +          | ab+            |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Sorts and compares values ​​in CHAR and VARCHAR columns according to the character set collation rules assigned to the columns.

Please note that all MySQL collation rules belong to the PADSPACE class. This means that all CHAR and VARCHAR values ​​in MySQL do not need to consider any trailing spaces when comparing them. For example:

mysql> CREATE TABLE names (myname CHAR(10), yourname VARCHAR(10));Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO names VALUES ('Monty ', 'Monty ');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT myname = 'Monty  ', yourname = 'Monty  ' FROM names;
| myname = 'Monty  ' | yourname = 'Monty  ' |
|                  1 |                    1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Please note that this is true for all MySQL versions and it is not affected by SQL server mode.

For situations where the trailing padding characters are clipped or ignored during comparison, if the index of the column requires a unique value, inserting a value into the column that differs only in the number of padding characters will cause a copy key error.

CHAR BYTE is an alias for CHAR BINARY. This is to ensure compatibility.

The ASCII attribute assigns latin1 character set to CHAR columns. The UNICODE attribute assigns the ucs2 character set.


BINARY and VARBINARY classes are similar to CHAR and VARCHAR, except that they contain binary strings instead of non-binary strings. That is, they contain byte strings rather than character strings. This means that they do not have a character set, and sorting and comparison are based on the numeric value of the column value bytes.

The maximum allowed lengths of BINARY and VARBINARY are the same, just like CHAR and VARCHAR. The difference is that the length of BINARY and VARBINARY is the length of bytes rather than the length of characters.

BINARY和VARBINARY数据类型不同于CHAR BINARY和VARCHAR BINARY数据类型。对于后一种类型,BINARY属性不会将列视为二进制字符串列。相反,它致使使用列字符集的二元 校对规则,并且列自身包含非二进制字符字符串而不是二进制字节字符串。例如CHAR(5) BINARY被视为CHAR(5) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin,假定默认字符集是latin1。这不同于BINARY(5),它保存5字节二进制字符串,没有字符集或 校对规则。

当保存BINARY值时,在它们右边填充值以达到指定长度。填充值是0x00(零字节)。插入值时在右侧添加0x00 on,并且选择时不删除尾部的字节。比较时所有字节很重要,包括ORDER BY和DISTINCT操作。比较时0x00字节和空格是不同的,0x00<空格。

例如:对于一个BINARY(3)列,当插入时 'a' 变为 'a \0'。'a\0'插入时变为'a\0\0'。当选择时两个插入的值均不更改。

对于VARBINARY,插入时不填充字符,选择时不裁剪字节。比较时所有字节很重要,包括ORDER BY和DISTINCT操作。比较时0x00字节和空格是不同的,0x00<空格。



mysql> CREATE TABLE t (c BINARY(3));Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO t SET c = &#39;a&#39;;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT HEX(c), c = &#39;a&#39;, c = &#39;a\0\0&#39; from t;
| HEX(c) | c = &#39;a&#39; | c = &#39;a\0\0&#39; |
| 610000 |       0 |           1 |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)






BLOB 列被视为二进制字符串(字节字符串)。TEXT列被视为非二进制字符串(字符字符串)。BLOB列没有字符集,并且排序和比较基于列值字节的数值值。TEXT列有一个字符集,并且根据字符集的 校对规则对值进行排序和比较。




· 当保存或检索BLOB和TEXT列的值时不删除尾部空格。(这与VARBINARY和VARCHAR列相同)。


· 对于BLOB和TEXT列的索引,必须指定索引前缀的长度。对于CHAR和VARCHAR,前缀长度是可选的。

· BLOB和TEXT列不能有 默认值。

LONG和LONG VARCHAR对应MEDIUMTEXT数据类型。这是为了保证兼容性。如果TEXT列类型使用BINARY属性,将为列分配列字符集的二元 校对规则。



· 当排序时只使用该列的前max_sort_length个字节。max_sort_length的 默认值是1024;该值可以在启动mysqld服务器时使用--max_sort_length选项进行更改。


mysql> SET max_sort_length = 2000;mysql> SELECT id, comment FROM tbl_name    -> ORDER BY comment;

当你想要使超过max_sort_length的字节有意义,对含长值的BLOB或TEXT列使用GROUP BY或ORDER BY的另一种方式是将列值转换为固定长度的对象。标准方法是使用SUBSTRING函数。例如,下面的语句对comment列的2000个字节进行排序:

mysql> SELECT id, SUBSTRING(comment,1,2000) FROM tbl_name    -> ORDER BY SUBSTRING(comment,1,2000);

·         BLOB或TEXT对象的最大大小由其类型确定,但在客户端和服务器之间实际可以传递的最大值由可用内存数量和通信缓存区大小确定。你可以通过更改max_allowed_packet变量的值更改消息缓存区的大小,但必须同时修改服务器和客户端程序。例如,可以使用 mysql和mysqldump来更改客户端的max_allowed_packet值。


4. ENUM类型



· 如果你将一个非法值插入ENUM(也就是说,允许的值列之外的字符串),将插入空字符串以作为特殊错误值。该字符串与“普通”空字符串不同,该字符串有数值值0。后面有详细讨论。

· 如果将ENUM列声明为允许NULL,NULL值则为该列的一个有效值,并且 默认值为NULL。如果ENUM列被声明为NOT NULL,其默认值为允许的值列的第1个元素。


· 来自列规定的允许的值列中的值从1开始编号。

· 空字符串错误值的索引值是0。这说明你可以使用下面的SELECT语句来找出分配了非法ENUM值的行:

 mysql> SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE enum_col=0;

· NULL值的索引是NULL。


值    索引    

NULL    NULL    

''    0    

'one'    1    

'two'    2    

'three'    3    



当检索时,保存在ENUM列的值使用列定义中所使用的大小写来显示。请注意可以为ENUM列分配字符集和 校对规则。对于二进制或大小写敏感的校对规则,当为列分配值时应考虑大小写。


mysql> SELECT enum_col+0 FROM tbl_name;

如果将一个数字保存到ENUM列,数字被视为索引,并且保存的值是该索引对应的枚举成员。(但是,这不适合LOAD DATA,它将所有输入视为字符串)。不建议使用类似数字的枚举值来定义一个ENUM列,因为这很容易引起混淆。例如,下面的列含有字符串值'0'、'1'和'2'的枚举成员,但数值索引值为1、2和3:

numbers ENUM(&#39;0&#39;,&#39;1&#39;,&#39;2&#39;)

根据枚举成员在列定义中列出的顺序对ENUM值进行排序。(换句话说,ENUM值根据索引编号进行排序)。例如,对于ENUM('a','b'),'a'排在'b'前面,但对于ENUM('b','a'),'b'排在'a'前面。空字符串排在非空字符串前面,并且NULL值排在所有其它枚举值前面。要想防止意想不到的结果,按字母顺序规定ENUM列。还可以使用GROUP BY  CAST(col AS CHAR)或GROUP BY  CONCAT(col)来确保按照词汇对列进行排序而不是用索引数字。

如果你想要确定一个ENUM列的所有可能的值,使用SHOW COLUMNS FROM tbl_name LIKE enum_col,并解析输出中第2列的ENUM定义。

5. SET类型


例如,指定为SET('one', 'two') NOT NULL的列可以有下面的任何值:




当检索时,保存在SET列的值使用列定义中所使用的大小写来显示。请注意可以为SET列分配字符集和 校对规则。对于二进制或大小写敏感的校对规则,当为列分配值时应考虑大小写。


mysql> SELECT set_col+0 FROM tbl_name;


SET成员    十进制值    二进制值    

'a'    1    0001    

'b'    2    0010    

'c'    4    0100    

'd'    8    1000    


如果你为该列分配一个值9,其二进制形式为1001,因此第1个和第4个SET值成员'a'和'd'被选择,结果值为 'a,d'。


mysql> CREATE TABLE myset (col SET(&#39;a&#39;, &#39;b&#39;, &#39;c&#39;, &#39;d&#39;));


mysql> INSERT INTO myset (col) VALUES -> (&#39;a,d&#39;), (&#39;d,a&#39;), (&#39;a,d,a&#39;), (&#39;a,d,d&#39;), (&#39;d,a,d&#39;);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

当检索时所有这些值显示为 'a,d':

mysql> SELECT col FROM myset;
| col  |
| a,d  |
| a,d  |
| a,d  |
| a,d  |
| a,d  |
5 rows in set (0.04 sec)


mysql> INSERT INTO myset (col) VALUES (&#39;a,d,d,s&#39;);Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.03 sec)
| Level   | Code | Message                                                      |
| Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column &#39;col&#39; at row 1 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

mysql> SELECT col FROM myset;
| col  |
| a,d  |
| a,d  |
| a,d  |
| a,d  |
| a,d  |
| a,d  |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)

SET值按数字顺序排序。NULL值排在非NULL SET值的前面。


mysql> SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE FIND_IN_SET(&#39;value&#39;,set_col)>0;
mysql> SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE set_col LIKE &#39;%value%&#39;;

第1个语句找出SET_col包含value set成员的行。第2个类似,但有所不同:它在其它地方找出set_col包含value的行,甚至是在另一个SET成员的子字符串中。


mysql> SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE set_col & 1;mysql> SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE set_col = &#39;val1,val2&#39;;


如果想要为SET列确定所有可能的值,使用SHOW COLUMNS FROM tbl_name LIKE set_col并解析输出中第2列的SET定义。

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