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3. Hash type
Hash is similar to a small Redis database
A hash can contain multiple key-value pairs
Each key of the hash cannot be repeated and is different. Unordered arrangement
The value can be a string or a numeric value
For a numeric value, you can perform an increment or decrement operation
Hash structure
In the structure below, user represents the key name, which can contain multiple Different key-value pairs
[ "user":[ "name1":"yanying1", "name2":"yanying2", "name3":"yanying3" ] ]
Demo (Command Line + PHP Demo)
Command Line:
First, we add a key-value pair to the hash. If successful, return 1; if the key already exists, return 0
hset hash-key sub-key1 value1 // 返回 1
We add a non-existent key-value pair
hset hash-key sub-key2 value2 // 返回 1
At this time, the keys sub-key1 and sub-key2 already exist in the hash, and then we add Add an identical key sub-key1 to the hash and see what happens:
hset hash-key sub-key1 value1 // 返回 0,由于该键已经存在
Below we get the value of a given key sub-key1 through hget.
hget hash-key sub-key1 // "value1"
Successfully obtained a value. Let’s get all the added elements to see which values were just added
hgetall hash-key
The results are as follows. We found that the first result is the key of the first key-value pair, the second result is the value of the key-value pair, and so on, with every two as a group.
Let’s try to delete a key. We will find that if the key previously existed in the hash, then 1 will be returned when deleting it. Otherwise, 0 will be returned.
hdel hash-key sub-key1 // 该键之前存在于散列,返回1
Let’s try to delete sub-key1 again, It is found that when deleting a non-existent key, the return result is 0
hdel hash-key sub-key1
We get all the key-value pairs again to see what is left.
hgetall hash-key
The result is that there are two less results. After all, a key-value pair has just been deleted
PHP version demonstration
The first step is to link the redis database
$redis = new Redis();$redis->connect('', 6379);
We first insert a key-value pair into hash-key hash. 1 means the insertion is successful; 0 element means it already exists
$redis->hset('hash-key','sub-key1','value1'); // int 1,元素插入成功,之前不存在该键
We insert the same key-value pair again
$redis->hset('hash-key','sub-key1','value1'); // int 0,元素插入失败,该键已经存在
For the following demonstration, we continue to insert some other values
$redis->hset('hash-key','sub-key2','value2'); // int 0
Now we use hget to get the value corresponding to the key. Let's try to get the value of sub-key2.
$redis->hget('hash-key','sub-key2'); // 'value2'
After getting one, we try to use hgetall to get all the values just inserted to see which key-value pairs are contained in it
The result is an array containing the complete key value
array (size=2) 'sub-key1' => string 'value1' (length=6) 'sub-key2' => string 'value2' (length=6)
After viewing all the key values Right, let's try to delete one of the keys. If the key exists in the hash before, it returns 1. Otherwise, it returns 0
$redis->hdel('hash-key','sub-key1'); // 该键之前存在,返回int 1
We try to delete the sub-key1 key again and find that it returns 0. This means that the key does not exist in the set and the deletion failed
$redis->hdel('hash-key','sub-key1'); // 该键不存在,返回int 0
Next we Use hgetall to check all key-value pairs remaining in the hash
and find that only an array containing one key-value pair is returned.
array (size=1) 'sub-key2' => string 'value2' (length=6)
The reason is that sub-key1 has just been deleted