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Teach you step by step to understand Python decorators

2016-10-17 16:31:511126browse

Perhaps you have used decorators. Its use is very simple but difficult to understand (in fact, it is also very simple to understand). To understand decorators, you need to understand the concept of functional programming, the definition of python functions and Grammatical rules for function calls, etc. Although I can't make decorators simple, I hope that through the following steps, you can understand what a decorator is from the simplest to the deeper. Assuming you have the most basic knowledge of Python, the things explained in this article may be of great help to those who often come into contact with Python at work. Let’s understand Python’s decorators step by step:

1. Functions

In Python, functions are created using the def keyword followed by a function name and an optional parameter list. You can use the key The word return specifies the return value. Let's create and call the simplest function:

>>> def foo():
...     return 1
>>> foo()

The body of the function (which in Python would be a multi-line statement) is mandatory and indicated by indentation. We can call a function by adding double brackets after the function name.

2. Scope

In Python, every function creates a scope. Pythonistas may also say that functions have their own namespace. This means that when a variable name is encountered in the body of a function, Python first looks in the function's namespace. Python includes a few functions that let us look at namespaces. Let's write a simple function to explore the difference between local and global scopes.

>>> a_string = "This is a global variable"
>>> def foo():
...     print locals()
>>> print globals() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
{..., 'a_strin': 'This ia a global variable'}
>>> foo() # 2

The built-in globals function returns a dictionary object containing all the variable names that Python knows (for the sake of clarity, I have ignored some of the variables automatically created by Python). At #2 I called the function foo, which prints out the contents of the local namespace inside the function. As we can see the foo function has its own independent namespace, which is currently empty.

3. Variable resolution rules

Of course, this does not mean that we cannot access global variables inside the function. Python's scope rule is that the creation of a variable will always create a new local variable, but access to the variable (including modification) will first search the local scope and then follow the nearest scope to find a match. So, if we modify the foo function so that it prints the global variable, the result will be like we want:

>>> a_string = "This is global variable"
>>> def foo():
...     print a_string # 1
>>> foo()
This is a global variable

At #1, Python is looking for a local variable in the function, but it is not found, and then at A variable with the same name was found in the global variable.

On the other hand, if we try to assign a value to a global variable in a function, the result will not be what we want:

>>> a_string = 'This is a global variable"
>>> def foo():
...     a_string = "test" # 1
...        print locals()
>>> foo()
{'a_string': 'test'}
>>> a_string # 2
'This is a global variable'

As we can see, global variables can be accessed (if they are mutable type, which can even be changed), but (by default) cannot be assigned a value. At #1 inside the function we actually create a new local variable with the same name as the global variable, which overwrites the global variable. We can find that it already has an entry by printing the local namespace inside the foo function. We can see from the output at #2 outside the function that the value of the variable a_string has not been changed at all.

4. Variable lifetime

Also note that variables not only "live" in a namespace, they also have a life cycle. Consider the following code:

>>> def foo():
...     x = 1
>>> foo()
>>> print x # 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'x' is not defined

At #1 there is a problem not only with the scoping rules (although this is the reason for the NameError), but also with the implementation of function calls in Python and many other languages s reason. Here, we don't have any syntax available to get the value of variable x - it literally doesn't exist. Each time foo is called, its namespace is rebuilt and destroyed when the function ends.

5. Function parameters

Python allows us to pass parameters to functions. The parameter name becomes a local variable of the function.

>>> def foo(x):
...        print locals()
>>> foo(1)
{'x': 1}

Python has many different ways of defining and passing function parameters. For a more in-depth explanation please refer to the Python documentation on defining functions. Here I show a simplified version: function parameters can be either mandatory positional parameters or named parameters, and the default values ​​of the parameters are optional.

>>> def foo(x, y=0): # 1
...     return x - y
>>> foo(3, 1) # 2
>>> foo(3) # 3
>>> foo() # 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: foo() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)
>>> foo(y=1, x=3) # 5


都很清晰和直接,不是吗?下面变得有点儿让人疑惑——Python也支持函数调用时的命名参数而不只是在函数定义时。请看#5处,这里我们用两个命名参数调用函数,尽管这个函数是以一个命名和一个位置参数来定义的。因为我们的参数有名字,所以我们传递的参数的位置不会产生任何影响。 相反的情形当然也是正确的。我们的函数的一个参数被定义为一个命名参数但是我们通过位置传递参数—— #4处的调用foo(3, 1)将一个3作为第一个参数传递给我们排好序的参数x并将第二个参数(整数1)传递给第二个参数,尽管它被定义为一个命名参数。


6、内嵌函数(Nested functions)


>>> def outer():
...     x = 1
...     def inner():
...         print x # 1
...     inner() # 2
>>> outer()



7、函数是一等公民(Functions are first class objects in Python)


>>> issubclass(int, object) # all objects in Python inherit from a common baseclass
>>> def foo():
...     pass
>>> foo.__class__ # 1>>> issubclass(foo.__class__, object)



>>> def add(x, y):
...     return x + y
>>> def sub(x, y):
...     return x - y
>>> def apply(func, x, y): # 1
...     return func(x, y) # 2
>>> apply(add, 2, 1) # 3
>>> apply(sub, 2, 1)




>>> def outer():
...     def inner():
...         print "Inside inner"
...     return inner # 1
>>> foo = outer() #2
>>> foo # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
<function inner at 0x...>
>>> foo()
Inside inner






>>> def outer():
...     x = 1
...     def inner():
...         print x # 1
...     return inner
>>> foo = outer()
>>> foo.func_closure # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
(<cell at 0x...: int object at 0x...>,)





事实与我们的预想并不一致,返回的inner函数的确正常运行。Python支持一种称为闭包(function closures)的特性,这意味着定义于非全局作用域的inner函数在定义时记得它们的外层作用域长什么样。这可以通过查看inner函数的func_closure属性来查看,它包含了外层作用域里的变量。


>>> def outer(x):
...     def inner():
...         print x # 1
...        return inner
>>> print1 = outer(1)
>>> print2 = outer(2)
>>> print1()
>>> print2()







>>> def outer(some_func):
...        def inner():
...            print "before some_func"
...            ret = some_func() # 1
...            return ret + 1
...        return inner
>>> def foo():
...        return 1
>>> decorated = outer(foo) # 2
>>> decorated()
before some_func




>>> foo = outer(foo)
>>> foo # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<function inner at 0x...>



10、装饰器的语法糖--@符号(The @ symbol applies a decorator to a function)

Python 2.4通过在函数定义前添加一个@符号实现对函数的包装。在上面的代码示例中,我们用一个包装了的函数来替换包含函数的变量来实现了包装。

>>> add = wrapper(add)



>>> @wrapper
... def add(a, b):
...     return Coordinate(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)


请注意,这种方式和用wrapper函数的返回值来替换原始变量并没有任何不同,Python只是增添了一些语法糖(syntactic sugar)让它看起来更明显一点。

11、*args and **kwargs


这种情况很常见,所以Python为这一特性提供了语法支持。请确保阅读Python Tutorial以了解更多,但是在函数定义时使用*运算符意味着任何传递给函数的额外位置参数最终以一个*作为前导。因此:

>>> def one(*args):
...     print args # 1
>>> one()
>>> one(1, 2, 3)
(1, 2, 3)
>>> def two(x, y, *args): # 2
...     print x, y, args
>>> two(&#39;a&#39;, &#39;b&#39;, &#39;c&#39;)
a b (&#39;c&#39;)




>>> def add(x, y):
...     return x + y
>>> lst = [1, 2]
>>> add(lst[0], lst[1]) # 1
>>> add(*lst) # 2



当我们引入**时,事情变得更加复杂点,与*表示iterables和位置参数一样,**表示dictionaries & key/value对。很简单,不是么?

>>> def foo(**kwargs):
...     print kwargs
>>> foo()
>>> foo(x=1, y=2)
{&#39;y&#39;: 2, &#39;x&#39;: 1}



>>> dct = {&#39;x&#39;: 1, &#39;y&#39;: 2}
>>> def bar(x, y):
...     rturn x + y
>>> bar(**dct)


12、更通用的装饰器(More generic decorators)


>>> def logger(func):
...     def inner(*args, **kwargs): # 1
...     print "Arguments were: %s, %s" % (args, kwargs)
...     return func(*args, **kwargs) # 2
... return inner



>>> @logger
... def foo1(x, y=1):
...     return x * y
>>> @logger
... def foo2():
...     return 2
>>> foo1(5, 4)
Arguments were: (5, 4), {}
>>> foo1(1)
Arguments were: (1,), {}
>>> foo2()
Arguments were: (),{}



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