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Django template system — filters

2016-10-17 14:08:011174browse

Filter, change of display form of variables

1. Form: lowercase

{{ name | lower }}

2. Concatenation: first escape the text to HTML, and then convert each line to


{{ my_text|escape|linebreaks }}

3. Filter parameters

Display the first 30 words

{{ bio | truncatewords: "30" }}


{{ pub_date | date: "F j, Y" }}

Filter list

{{ 123|add: "5" }} Add a value to value

{{ "AB'CD"|addslashes }} Single quotes plus escape marks are generally used for output to javascript

{{ "abcd"|capfirst }} The first letter is capitalized

{{ "abcd"|center:"50" }} Output specification The length of the string and center the value

{{ "123spam456spam789"|cut:"spam" }} Find and delete the specified string

{{ value|date:"F j, Y" }} Format the date

{{ value|default:"(N/A)" }} If the value does not exist, use the specified value

{{ value|default_if_none:"(N/A)" }} If the value is None, use the specified value

{ {List variable|dictsort:"Number"}} Sort from small to large

{{ List variable|dictsortreversed:"Number" }} Sort from large to small

{% if 92|pisibleby:"2" %} Determine whether Divides the specified number

{{ string|escape }} and converts it to html entity

{{ 21984124|filesizeformat }} Using 1024 as the base, calculates the maximum value, retaining 1 decimal place, increasing readability

{{ list|first }} Return the first element of the list

{{ "ik23hr&jqwh"|fix_ampersands }} & Convert to &

{{ 13.414121241|floatformat }} Retain 1 decimal place, can be a negative number, several forms

{{ 13.414121241| floatformat: "2" }} Keep 2 decimal places

{{ 23456 |get_digit: "1" }} Intercept a number at the specified position starting from the single digit

{{ list|join: ", " }} Use Specify the delimiter to connect the list

{{ list|length }} Return the number of lists

{% if list|length_is: "3" %} Whether the number of lists specifies a value

{{ "ABCD"|linebreaks }} Use New lines are marked with


{{ "ABCD"|linebreaksbr }} New lines are marked with

{{ variable|linenumbers }} Add line number to each line in the variable

{{ "abcd "|ljust:"50" }} Align the string to the left in the specified width, fill the rest with spaces

{{ "ABCD"|lower }} lowercase

{% for i in "1abc1"|make_list %}ABCDE ,{% endfor %} Use the number of characters in a string or number as a list

{{ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"|phone2numeric }} Convert characters into corresponding numbers? ?

{{ list or number | pluralize }} The plural form of the word, if the number of strings in the list is greater than 1, return s, otherwise return an empty string

{{ list or number | pluralize: "es" }} Specify es

{{ list or number|pluralize:"y,ies" }} Specifies that ies is replaced by y

{{ object|pprint }} displays the value of an object

{{ list|random }} returns a random item in the list

{{ string|removetags:"br p p" }} Delete the specified html tag in the string

{{ string|rjust: "50" }} Align the string to the right in the specified width, and fill the rest with spaces

{{ list|slice:":2" }} Slice

{{ string|slugify }} The minus sign and underscore are left in the string, other symbols are deleted, and spaces are replaced with minus signs

{{ 3|stringformat:" 02i" }} String format, using Python's string format syntax

{{ "EABD"|striptags }} to strip [X]HTML syntax tags

{{ time variable|time:"P" }} date Time part format

{{ datetime|timesince }} How much time has passed since the given date until now

{{ datetime|timesince:"other_datetime" }} How much time has passed between two days

{{ datetime|timeuntil }} How much time has elapsed since a given date? The difference from the above is the position before and after the 2 dates.

{{ datetime|timeuntil:"other_datetime" }} How much time has passed between two days

{{ "abdsadf"|title }} capitalized

{{ "A B C D E F" | truncatewords: "3" }} intercepted Specify the number of words

{{ "111221"|truncatewords_html:"2" }} Intercept the specified number of html tags and complete them

  • {{ list|unordered_list }}

Multiple embeddings The set list is displayed as an unordered list of html

{{ string|upper }} All caps

linkage url encoding

{{ string|urlize }} Convert URLs from plain text to clickable links. (No experiment was successful)

{{ string|urlizetrunc: "30" }} Same as above, multiple intercepted character numbers. (Similarly no experiment was successful)

{{ "B C D E F"|wordcount }} Number of words

{{ "a b c d e f g h i j k"|wordwrap: "5" }} Insert carriage return characters after every specified number of characters

{{ boolean| yesno:"Yes,No,Perhaps" }} The return string for three values, corresponding to non-empty, empty, None

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