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Recursion as an algorithm is widely used in programming languages. A process or function has a method of directly or indirectly calling itself in its definition or description. It usually transforms a large and complex problem into a smaller problem similar to the original problem to solve. The recursive strategy only A small number of programs are needed to describe the multiple repeated calculations required in the problem-solving process, which greatly reduces the amount of program code.
Here are 4 examples of recursion:
<?php          /*         递归的实例         1、统计数组元素个数       php也可以直接使用count($arr,1) 来计算多维数组的元素的个数         2、统计文件和文件夹数量         3、删除文件或文件夹         用到的系统函数:file_exists()检查目录或者文件是否存在 unlink()删除文件 rmdir()删除目录         4、无限极分类的排序     */     /**     * 递归共计数组元素个数     * @param array $arr 统计的数组     * @return boolean|int  如果失败返回false,成功返回数组的元素个数     */     function conarr($arr){         function funtmp($arr,$sum=0){             if(is_array($arr)){                 $sum=count($arr);             }else{                 return count($arr);             }             foreach($arr as $k=> $v){ if(is_array($v)){ $sum += funtmp($v,$sum); } } return $sum; } return funtmp($arr); } // $arr = array(1,2,3,4,array(1,2,3,array(0,3))); // echo conarr($arr).'<br/>'; // echo count($arr,1); /** * 递归统计指定目录的子文件的个数和文件夹个数 * @param $dirname string 目录路径 * @return array|boolean 返回包含子文件个数和文件夹个数的数组,失败返回false */ function condir($dirname,$data = array('dirnum'=>0,'filenum'=>0)){ if(!is_dir($dirname)){ return false; } $dir = opendir($dirname); //打开句柄 readdir($dir);//读取点 readdir($dir);//读取点 while($filename = readdir($dir)){ $newfile = $dirname.'/'.$filename;//拼接子文件名 if(is_dir($newfile)){ $data['dirnum']++; $data['dirnum']+=condir($newfile)['dirnum']; $data['filenum']+=condir($newfile)['filenum']; }else{ $data['filenum']++; } } return $data; } //$a = condir('C:\wamp\www\test'); //var_dump($a); /** * 删除文件或者文件夹 * @param string $dirname 文件路径 * @return boolean 删除成功返回true,失败返回false */ function delDir($dirname){ if(!file_exists($dirname)){return false;} if($dir = opendir($dirname)){ while($filename = readdir($dir)){ if($filename !="."&& $filename !='..'){ $subFile = $dirname.'/'.$filename; if(is_dir($subFile)){ delDir($subFile); } if(is_file($subFile)){ unlink($subFile); } } } closedir($dir); rmdir($dirname); } if(!file_exists($dirname)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } //echo delDir('C:\wamp\www\test'); //无限极分类排序,父类后跟子类 function getlist($cate,$pid=0,$html="------",$i=0){ $i++; $list = array(); foreach($cate as $val){ if($val['pid']==$pid){ $val['html']=str_repeat($html,$i-1); $list[]=$val; $list = array_merge($list,getlist($cate,$val['id'],$html,$i)); } } return $list; } ?>
The above has introduced PHP recursion examples, including aspects of content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.