Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >php paging php paging sample code
Requirements: Create a test database and create a test table in it.
As long as the id field is entered, just enter the data. .
Due to limited level, mistakes are inevitable. .
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
$maxnum = 2; //Number of records displayed on each page
mysql_select_db("test", $conn);
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalrows FROM test ";
$result1 = mysql_query($query1, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1);
$totalRows1 = $row1[ ' totalrows']; //The total number of data in the data set
$totalpages = ceil($totalRows1/$maxnum);//Calculate the total number of pages that can be paged, ceil() is the rounding function
if(!isset($_GET['page ']) || !intval($_GET['page']) || $_GET['page'] > $totalpages) $page = 1; //Perform default processing for 3 types of errors
//In the url parameter When page does not exist, when page is not a decimal number, when page is greater than the number of pages that can be divided, the default is 1
else $page = $_GET['page'];
$startnum = ($page - 1)*$ maxnum; //Start from the $startnum item in the data set. Note that the data set starts from 0
$query = "SELECT * FROM test LIMIT $startnum,$maxnum"; //Select data that meets the requirements from $startnum Starting from the data, select $maxnum rows
$result = mysql_query($query, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
< ;head>
//Implementation << < 1 2 3 4 5> >> Pagination link
$pre = $page - 1;//Previous page
$next = $page + 1;//Next page
$maxpages = 4;//When processing paging << < 1 2 3 4 > >>Display 4 pages
$pagepre = 1;//If the current page is 4, the previous $pagepre page should also be displayed, such as << < 3 /4/ 5 6 > >> 3 pages are displayed
if($page != 1) { echo "<< ";
echo " < ";}
if($maxpages>=$totalpages) / /If the total records are not enough to display 4 pages
{$pgstart = 1;$pgend = $totalpages;}//There will be no printing of all pages
elseif(($page-$pagepre-1+$maxpages)>$ totalpages)//As if the total number of pages is 6 and the current one is 5, the previous 3 4 should be displayed instead of just 4
{$pgstart = $totalpages - $maxpages + 1;$pgend = $totalpages; }
$pgstart=(($page<=$pagepre)?1:($page-$pagepre));//When the current page is 1, it will only be 1 2 3 4 > >> Instead of 0 1 2 3 > >>
$pgend=(($pgstart==1)?$maxpages:($pgstart+$maxpages-1)); ;$pg<=$pgend;$pg++){ //Jump menu
if($pg == $page) echo "$pg ";
else echo "$pg "; ='.$next."'>> ";
echo "> ";}
) { " ;/select>
class="tr"> /table>