- /*
- * 1. Get the file name of the path
- * string basename(string path[,string suffix])
- * 2. Get the directory of the path
- * string dirname(string path)
- * 3. Understand More path information
- * array pathinfo(string path)
- * 4. Determine the absolute path
- * string realpath(string path)
- * 5. Determine the file size
- * int filesize(string filename)
- * 6. Calculate the disk of available space
- * float disk_free_space(string directory)
- * 7. Calculate the total capacity of the disk
- * float disk_total_space(string directory)
- * 8. Determine the last access time of the file
- * int fileatime(string filename)
- * 9. Determine the last change time of the file
- * int filectime(string filename)
- * 10. Determine the last modification time of the file
- * int filemtime(string filename)
- * 11. Identify the end character of the file
- * int feof(string resource)
- * 12. Open and close files
- * resource fopen(string resource,string mode[,int use_include_path[,resource zountext]])
- * boolean fclose(resource filehandle)
- * 13. Read the file into an array
- * array file9string filename[ ,int user_inlucde_path[,resource context]])
- * 14. Read the file contents into a string variable
- * string file_get_contents(string filename[,int use_inlude_path[resource context]])
- * 15. Read the CSV file into an array
- * array fgetcsv(resource handle[,int length[,string delimiter[,string enclosure]]])
- * 16. Read the specified number of characters
- * string fgets(resource handle[,int length])
- * 17. From Remove tags from the input and clear all HTML and PHP tags
- * string fgetss(resource handle,int length[,string allowable_tags])
- * 18. Read the file one character at a time
- * string fgetc(resource handle)
- * 19. Ignore newlines
- * string freed(resource handle, int length)
- * 20. Read the entire file
- * int readfile(string filename[,int use_include_path])
- * 21. Read according to the predefined format File
- * mixed fscanf(resource handle,string format[,string var1])
- * 22. Write string to file
- * int fwrite(resource handle,string string[,int length])
- * 23. Move file pointer
- * int fseek(resource handle,int offset[,int whence])
- *
- * 1. Open directory handle
- * resource opendir(string path)
- * 2. Close directory handle
- * void closedir(resource directory_handle)
- * 3. Parse the directory content
- * string readdir(resource directory_handle)
- * 4. Read the directory into an array
- * array scandir(string directory[,int sorting_order[,resource context]])
- *
- *
- * 1. Delete the directory
- * int rmdir(string dirname)
- * 2. Rename the file
- * boolean rename(string olename,string newname)
- * 3. Touch the file
- * int touch(sting filename[,int time[,int atime]])
- */
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