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PHP infinite cache class extension_PHP tutorial

2016-07-21 15:47:326315browse

Copy code The code is as follows:

* Function: Establish category cache based on conditions to reduce category usage
* Created date: Thu May 31 15:55:11 CST 2007
* Last updated:
* Author: sanshi

class treeCache
var $tableName = "index_category"; //table name
var $where = "1"; //where condition
var $pidStr ="i_c_pid"; //pid field name
var $tempCode = array(); //array of generated files
var $pid = '0'; //Initial value of pid
var $db; //Database handle
var $idStr="i_c_id"; //The obtained data id
var $title = " i_c_cn"; //Name field
var $createArrayName = "treeCache"; //The name of the created array
var $createFileName =""; //The name of the created file
var $appendArr = array() ; //Additional attributes, the field name needs to correspond to the name in the data
var $is_utf8 = false;
function treeCache()
function set($db)
$this->db = $db;
$this->tempCode[] = "}
//Get all level 1
function getRootID()
$sql = "SELECT {$this->idStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->pidStr}='{ $this->pid}' AND {$this->where} ";
$result = $this->db->select($sql) ;
$temp = array();
foreach ($result as $r)
$this->tempCode[] = "${$this->createArrayName}['root']='".implode(',',$temp)."';";
return $temp;
//Get the child id
function getChildren($pid)
$sql = "SELECT {$this->idStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->pidStr}='{$pid}' AND {$this->where} ";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
$temp = array();
foreach ($result as $r)
$temp[] =$r["{$this->idStr}"];
return $temp;
//Get husband id
function getParent($cid)
$sql = "SELECT {$this->pidStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->idStr}='{$cid}' AND {$this ->where} ";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
return $result[ 0]["{$this->pidStr}"];
//Get the superior's id
function getPidStr($cid,$pidStr="")
$temp = array();
while ($pid!=$this->pid && !emptyempty($pid)) {
$temp[] = $pid;
return implode(',' ,$temp);
//Get depth
function getDepth($cid,$depth=0)
$pid=$this->getParent($cid) ;
if( $pid != $this->pid && !emptyempty($pid))
$depth = $this->getDepth($pid,$depth);
return $depth;
//Create file
function make()
$this- >createFileName = "{$this->createArrayName}.data.php";

$rootArr = $this->getRootID();
$selectF = "{$this-> idStr},{$this->title},{$this->pidStr}";
foreach ($this->appendArr as $app)
if(emptyempty($app )) continue;
$selectF .=",{$app}";
$sql = "SELECT {$selectF} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$ this->where}";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
for ($i=0;$i{
//id value
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this- >idStr]}']['id']='{$result[$i]["{$this->idStr}"]}';";
$this- >tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['title']='{$result[ $i]["{$this->title}"]}';";
//parent id
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this-> createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['pid']='{$result[$i]["{$this->pidStr}"]}' ;";
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this-> idStr]}']['cid']='".implode(',',$this->getChildren($result[$i]["$this->idStr"]))."';" ;
//Directory depth
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr] }']['depth']='".$this->getDepth($result[$i]["$this->idStr"])."';";
//The parent id id string
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['pstr ']='".$this->getPidStr($result[$i]["$this->idStr"])."';";
//Added additional attributes
foreach ( $this->appendArr as $app)
if(emptyempty($app)) continue;
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this-> createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['{$app}']='{$result[$i]["{$app}"]}'; ";
$this->tempCode[] = "return ${$this->createArrayName};";
$this->tempCode[] = "?>";
//$content = implode("n",$this->tempCode);
//print_r( $this->tempCode);
$content = implode("n",$this->tempCode);
//Create file
$fio=Factory::getBaseClass('FileIO') ;
if($this->is_utf8) $content = "xEFxBBxBF".$content;
return $content ;
//The file to be loaded is for database connection
//The database needs to have a select method
include_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)). "/config/config.inc.php");

$db = factryObject::getDB('indexPush');
$c = new treeCache($db);

//Do analysis
include_once("treeCache.data .php");
$treeCache=isset($treeCache) ? $treeCache : array();
$rootStr = isset($treeCache['root']) ? $treeCache['root'] : " ";
echo parseTree($treeCache,$rootStr);
function parseTree($treeCache,$rootStr)
$tempStr = "";
$temp = explode(', ',$rootStr);
foreach ($temp AS $cid)
$info = $treeCache[$cid];
$cidStr = $info['cid'];
$tempStr .= str_repeat('-',($info['depth']-1)*3);
if(empty($info ['pid']))
//Additional operations
$tempStr .= "
if(!empty($info[' cid']))
$tempStr .=parseTree($treeCache,$info['cid']);
return $tempStr;
? >
* Function: Establish category cache based on conditions to reduce category usage
* Created date: Thu May 31 15:55:11 CST 2007
* Last updated:
* Author: sanshi

class treeCache
var $tableName = "index_category"; //Table name
var $where = "1"; //where condition
var $pidStr ="i_c_pid"; //pid field name
var $tempCode = array(); //array of generated file
var $pid = '0'; //Initial value of pid
var $db; //Database handle
var $idStr="i_c_id"; //The obtained data id
var $title = "i_c_cn "; //Name field
var $createArrayName = "treeCache"; //The name of the created array
var $createFileName =""; //The name of the created file
var $appendArr = array(); //Additional attributes, the field name needs to correspond to the name in the data
var $is_utf8 = false;
function treeCache()
function set($db)
$this->db = $db;
$this->tempCode[] = "}
//Get all level 1
function getRootID()
$sql = "SELECT {$this->idStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->pidStr}='{$ this->pid}' AND {$this->where} ";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
$temp = array();
foreach ($result as $r)
$this->tempCode[] = "${$this->createArrayName}['root']='".implode(',',$temp)."';";
return $temp;
//Get the child id
function getChildren($pid)
$sql = "SELECT { $this->idStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->pidStr}='{$pid}' AND {$this->where} ";
$ result = $this->db->select($sql);
$temp = array();
foreach ($result as $r)
$temp[]= $r["{$this->idStr}"];
return $temp;
//Get husband id
function getParent($cid)
$sql = "SELECT {$this->pidStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->idStr}='{$cid}' AND {$this- >where} ";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
return $result[0 ]["{$this->pidStr}"];
//Get the superior's id
function getPidStr($cid,$pidStr="")
$ pid=$this->getParent($cid);
$temp = array();
while ($pid!=$this->pid && !empty($pid)) {
$temp[] = $pid;
return implode(',', $temp);
//Get the depth
function getDepth($cid,$depth=0)
if( $pid != $this->pid && !empty($pid))
$depth = $this->getDepth($pid,$depth);
return $depth;
//Create file
function make()
$this-> ;createFileName = "{$this->createArrayName}.data.php";

$rootArr = $this->getRootID();
$selectF = "{$this->idStr },{$this->title},{$this->pidStr}";
foreach ($this->appendArr as $app)
if(empty($app) ) continue;
$selectF .=",{$app}";
$sql = "SELECT {$selectF} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this ->where}";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
for ($i=0;$i{
//id value
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this-> ;idStr]}']['id']='{$result[$i]["{$this->idStr}"]}';";
$this->tempCode[] =
$this->tempCode[] =
$this->tempCode[] =
$this->tempCode[] =
$this->tempCode[] =
foreach ($this->appendArr as $app)
if(empty($app)) continue;
$this->tempCode[] =
$this->tempCode[] = "return ${$this->createArrayName};";
$this->tempCode[] = "?>";
//$content = implode("n",$this->tempCode);
$content = implode("n",$this->tempCode);
if($this->is_utf8) $content = "xEFxBBxBF".$content;
return $content ;
//需要数据库有 select 方法

$db = factryObject::getDB('indexPush');
$c = new treeCache($db);

$treeCache=isset($treeCache) ? $treeCache : array();
$rootStr = isset($treeCache['root']) ? $treeCache['root'] : "";
echo parseTree($treeCache,$rootStr);
function parseTree($treeCache,$rootStr)
$tempStr = "";
$temp = explode(',',$rootStr);
foreach ($temp AS $cid)
$info = $treeCache[$cid];
$cidStr = $info['cid'];
$tempStr .= str_repeat('-',($info['depth']-1)*3);
$tempStr .= "
$tempStr .=parseTree($treeCache,$info['cid']);
return $tempStr;



view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
class parseTree
var $ads_type_file = "";
var $isX = false;
var $rowSize=2;
function parseTree()
$this->ads_type_file = CACHE_PATH."ads_type_arr.data.php";
$this->ads_city_file = CACHE_PATH."ads_city_arr.data.php";
function make_ads_type()
$db = Factory::getDB("ads_type");
$tree =Factory::getItemClass('treeCache');
$tree->pidStr ="ads_type_pid";
$tree->idStr = "ads_type_id";
$tree->title = "ads_type_name";
$tree->createArrayName ="ads_type_arr";
$tree->where = " ads_type_state=1 ORDER BY ads_type_id DESC ";
$tree->appendArr = array("ads_type_info");
$tree->createFileName = $this->ads_type_file;
$tree->is_utf8 = true;
return $tree->make();
function get_ads_type_str()
$temp_arr = $this->get_ads_type_arr();
$treeArr = emptyempty($temp_arr) ? array() : $temp_arr;
$rootStr = isset($temp_arr['root']) ? $temp_arr['root'] : "";
$show_content = $this->__parseTree($treeArr,$rootStr,'pares_type_link');
return $show_content;
function get_ads_type_arr()
return is_file($this->ads_type_file) ? require($this->ads_type_file) : array();
function pares_type_link($info)
$class_name = "ads_type";
$tempStr = "[子-添加]";
$tempStr .="[编辑]";
$tempStr .="[删除]";
return $tempStr;
function get_type_arr($type_no=0)
$temp_arr = $this->get_ads_type_arr();
$rootStr = $type_no==0 ? (isset($temp_arr['root'])?$temp_arr['root'] : "") : (isset($temp_arr[$type_no]['cid'])?$temp_arr[$type_no]['cid']:"");
$temp = explode(',',$rootStr);
$return_temp = array();
foreach($temp as $cid)
if(isset($temp_arr[$cid])) $return_temp[$temp_arr[$cid]['id']]=$temp_arr[$cid]['title'];
return $return_temp;

function make_ads_city()
$db = Factory::getDB("ads_city");
$tree =Factory::getItemClass('treeCache');
$tree->pidStr ="ads_city_pid";
$tree->idStr = "ads_city_no";
$tree->title = "ads_city_name";
$tree->createArrayName ="ads_city_arr";
$tree->where = " ads_city_state=1 ORDER BY ads_city_no DESC ";
$tree->appendArr = array("ads_city_info");
$tree->createFileName = $this->ads_city_file;
$tree->is_utf8 = true;
return $tree->make();
function get_ads_city_arr()
return is_file($this->ads_city_file) ? require($this->ads_city_file) : array();
function get_ads_city_str()
$temp_arr = $this->get_ads_city_arr();
$treeArr = emptyempty($temp_arr) ? array() : $temp_arr;
$rootStr = isset($temp_arr['root']) ? $temp_arr['root'] : "";
$show_content = $this->__parseTree($treeArr,$rootStr,'pares_city_link');
return $show_content;
function pares_city_link($info)
$class_name = "ads_city";
$tempStr = "[子-添加]";
$tempStr .="[编辑]";
$tempStr .="[删除]";
return $tempStr;
function get_city_arr($city_no=0)
$temp_arr = $this->get_ads_city_arr();
$rootStr = $city_no==0 ? (isset($temp_arr['root'])?$temp_arr['root'] : "") : (isset($temp_arr[$city_no])?$temp_arr[$city_no]:"");
$temp = explode(',',$rootStr);
$return_temp = array();
foreach($temp as $cid)
if(isset($temp_arr[$cid])) $return_temp[$temp_arr[$cid]['id']]=$temp_arr[$cid]['title'];
return $return_temp;

function __parseTree($treeCache,$rootStr,$fuc_str)
$tempStr = "";
$temp = explode(',',$rootStr);
if(emptyempty($temp)) return "";
foreach ($temp AS $cid)
$info = $treeCache[$cid];
$cidStr = $info['cid'];
$tempStr .="
$tempStr .= str_repeat(' ',($info['depth']-1)*3);
//$tempStr .="";
//$tempStr .=">";
$tempStr .=$this->{$fuc_str}($info);
$tempStr .="
$tempStr .="
$tempStr .= $this->__parseTree($treeCache,$info['cid'],$fuc_str);
$tempStr .="
$tempStr .= str_repeat(' ',($info['depth']-1)*3);
$tempStr .=$this->{$fuc_str}($info);
if($this->layer % $this->rowSize ==0)
$tempStr .= "
$tempStr .= " ";
$tempStr .= "
return $tempStr;

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/319904.htmlTechArticle复制代码 代码如下: ?php /** * 功能: 根据条件建立分类缓存减少类别使用 * 创建日期:Thu May 31 15:55:11 CST 2007 * 最后更新: * 作者: sanshi sanshi08...
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