Key description call tag:
Template path call tag: {dede:field name='templeturl'/}
Website title call tag: {dede:global name='cfg_webname'/}
Column navigation call tag: Homepage
{dede:channel type='top' row='8' currentstyle="
~typename~ li>"}
Specify the calling column tag: {dede:onetype typeid='ID'}[field:typename /]{/dede:onetype}
Channel column call tag: {dede:channel type='self'}
[field:typename/] {/dede:channel}
Friendly link call tag: {dede:flink row='24' linktype=2/}
Website copyright call tag: {dede:global name='cfg_powerby'/}
Website registration call tag: {dede:global name='cfg_beian'/}
Current column name tag: {dede:field name='typename'/}
Current position call tag: {dede:field name='position'/}
List article calling tag: {dede:list pagesize='8'}{/dede:list}
Column link call tag: [field:typelink function='str_replace("a ","a class=ulink ",@me)'/]
Author link call tag: [field:writer /]
List click call tag: [field:click/]
List comment calling tag: [field:postnum/]
View the full text Call tag:
View the full text...
List time call tag: [field:pubdate function="GetDateTimeMK(@me)"/]
List paging call tag: {dede:pagelist listsize='4' listitem='index pre pageno next end '/}
Article title calling tag: {dede:field name="title"/}
Article source call tag: {dede:field name='source'/}
The article author calls the tag: {dede:field name='writer' /}
Article time call tag: {dede:field name='pubdate' function='GetDateMk(@me)'/}
Article Tag call tag: {dede:tag type='current'/}
Article click call tag:
Article content calling tag: {dede:field name='body'/}
Article paging call tag: {dede:pagebreak/}
Number of likes for the article Tag: {dede:field name='digg'/}
Like< ;/a>
Previous article Next article Tags: {dede:prenext get='pre'/}{dede:prenext get='next'/}
Toutiao recommended call tag: {dede:arclist row=1 titlelen=24 orderby=pubdate att=2} [field:textlink/]
[field:description/]…… {/dede:arclist}
Latest article call tag: {dede:arclist row=8 titlelen=24 orderby=pubdate}[field:textlink/] {/dede:arclist}
Hot keyword call tag: {dede:hotwords num='5' subday='30'/}
The latest image and text call tag: {dede:arclist row=4 titlelen=20 orderby=pubdate type='image.' imgwidth='152' imgheight='98'}
[field:title /] {/dede:arclist}
推荐文档调用标签: {dede:arclist type='commend' titlelen='40' row='10'} [field:title /] {/dede:arclist}
随机推荐调用标签: {dede:arclist type='commend' titlelen='26' orderby='rand' row='10'} [field:title /] {/dede:arclist}
热点文档调用标签: {dede:arclist orderby='click' titlelen='40' row='10'} [field:title /] {/dede:arclist}
相关文档调用标签: {dede:likeart titlelen='24' row='10'} [field:title /] {/dede:likeart}
[field:title /]
控制字数描述标记: [field:description function="cn_substr(@me,100)"/]...
调用文章tags标记: {dede:tag type='current'/}
文章关键字与描述: {dede:field name='keywords'/}
{dede:field name='description' function='html2text(@me)'/}
栏目介绍:{dede:field name='description' function='html2text(@me)'/}
调用外部htm文件:{dede:include file='head.htm' ismake='yes'/}
搜索文章调用标签:{dede:global name='keyword'/}"的搜索结果 - {dede:global name='cfg_webname'/} 搜索" {dede:global name='keyword'/}" 的结果
递增序列号: [field:global name=autoindex/]
{dede:list pagesize='50'}
target=_blank>[field:title function="cn_substr(@me,48)"/][field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$day3 = 3600 * 24;
if(($ntime - @me) < $day3) @me = $a;
else @me =$b;
[field:global name=autoindex runphp="yes"]
else @me="";
最新 文章列表 “隔行换色” 的方法
{dede:arclist orderby=pubdate titlelen='26' row='10'}
[field:global runphp='yes' name=autoindex]
if ((@me%2)==0) @me=$a;
else @me=$b;
Article times updated within 24 hours are displayed in red:
[field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$day3 = 3600 * 24;
if(($ntime - @me) < $day3) @me = $a;
else @me =$b;
COPY page content, automatically add website information at the end, which is beneficial to SEO
Click the article ranking to call the tag by time:
By total: {dede:arclist row='24' titlelen=24 orderby=click}
By month: {dede:arclist row='24' titlelen=8 orderby=click subday=30}
By week: {dede:arclist row='24' titlelen=8 orderby=click subday=7}
Call a sub-column of a column on the homepage
{dede:channel type=’sun’ typeid=’Column ID’}
{dede:global name=’maplist’/}
Search form call tag:
Implement the form of "article title - level 2 column - level 1 column - website name"
{dede:field name='title'/}-{dede:field name='position' runphp='yes'}
$tc="-"; //separator
$tw=$GLOBALS['cfg_list_symbol']; //Calling position separator
@me=html2text(@me); //Remove html tag
$tf=split($tw,@me); //Decompose into array
for($ta=(count($tf)-2);$ta>=1;$ta--){ //Loop assignment to $tk
@me=$tk; //Assign value to @me
{/dede:field}-{dede:global name='cfg_webname'/}
Call thumbnail:
Published articles display the date in red or add the word new or a small picture of new
Articles published in the past three days (or on the same day) will be displayed with a red date or the word new or a small picture of new, etc.
They all focus on pubdate and write extensions.
The 2nd and 3rd issues to note are: For example: " cannot use double quotes, otherwise it will not work.
If you want to add the same day, just change 3600 * 24 * 3 to 3600 * 24.
1. ==========Red date========
[field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$day3 = 3600 * 24 * 3;
if(($ntime - @me) < $day3) @me = $a;
else @me =$b;
2. ==========Red (new)========
[field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$tagtime = @me;
$day3 = 3600 * 24 * 3;
if($tagtime > $ntime-$day3) @me = "(new)";
else @me = $aa;
3. ==========Add new.gif small picture========
[field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$tagtime = @me;
$day3 = 3600 * 24 * 3;
if($tagtime > $ntime-$day3) @me = "".$aa;
else @me = $aa;
Time effect
[field:pubdate runphp="yes"]
if((time()-@me)<(60*60*24)){@me=' '.strftime("%H:%M",@me ).'';}
DEDE SEO Tips Add Baidu to search this article
【< font color=red>Search for more traditional Chinese characters on Baidu】
Change the URL without adding http
Call tag: {dede:field name='keywords' runphp='yes' }
$kws = explode(' ',@me);
@me = "";
foreach($kws as $k){
@me .= "$k ";
@me= str_replace('+', ' ',trim(@me));
Author: yu__yfchun125 // description call tag: meta name=keywords content={dede:field name=keywords/} meta name=description content={dede:field name=description function=html2text(@me)/} Template path adjustment...
Statement:The content of this article is voluntarily contributed by netizens, and the copyright belongs to the original author. This site does not assume corresponding legal responsibility. If you find any content suspected of plagiarism or infringement, please contact