define('NO_FILE', 'No uploaded file');
define('NOT_ALLOW_EXT', 'The file type is not within the allowed range');
define('NOT_ALLOW_SIZE', 'The file size is not within the allowed range');
define('HAS_THE_FILE', 'The file already exists');
define('UPLOAD_FAILED', 'Upload failed');
define('UPLOAD_SUCCESS', 'Upload successful');
class file_uploader
{ var $_file;
var $_filesize;
var $_fileext;
var $_filedir;
var $_filename;
var $_filetmpname;
var $allowsize;
var $allowext;
var $neednewname;
var $newname;
var $syslang;
var $report;
function ready($filedir = '', $file, $allowsize = '', $allowext = '', $neednewname = false, $report = 0){
$this->_filedir = is_dir($filedir) ? $filedir : '';
if(empty($file) || !isset($file['size']) || $file['size'] == 0) $this->error(NO_FILE);
$this->_filesize = $file['size'];
$this->_filename = $file['name'];
$this->_filetmpname = $file['tmp_name'];
$this->allowsize = $allowsize;
$this->allowext = $allowext;
$this->neednewname = ($neednewname) ? true : false;
$this->newname = '';
$this->report = $report;
function do_upload(){
if(!is_uploaded_file($this->_filetmpname)) $this->error(NO_FILE);
return '';
return '';
if($this->neednewname) $this->newname = $this->generate_name().".".$this->get_fileext();
return '';
$filename = empty($this->newname) ? @iconv('utf-8','gb2312',$this->_filename) : $this->newname;
@chmod($this->_filedir.$filename, 0777);
if(move_uploaded_file($this->_filetmpname, $this->_filedir.$filename)){
return $this->result();
return '';
function chk_ext(){
if(empty($this->allowext) || in_array($this->get_fileext(), explode("|",$this->allowext))) return false;
return true;
function chk_size(){
if(empty($this->allowsize) || get_filesize <= $this->allowsize*1024*1024) return false;
return true;
function get_filesize(){
return $this->_filesize;
function get_fileext(){ return substr($this->_filename,strrpos($this->_filename,".")+1);
function generate_name(){
return substr(md5(time()),26);
function chk_hasfile(){
return is_file($this->_filedir.$this->_filename);
function error($tip){
echo $tip;
function result(){
$filename = empty($this->newname) ? $this->_filename : $this->newname;
$arr = array('filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $this->_filesize, 'tip' => UPLOAD_SUCCESS);
return $arr;
/***Instructions for use and parameters***/
The first parameter $dir is the path where the uploaded file is stored
The second parameter is $_FILES which is your upload file variable
The third parameter allows file size in MB
The file type allowed by the fourth parameter is jpg|png|gif
Whether the fifth parameter needs to generate a new file name
The sixth parameter is the returned prompt format. 0 means direct prompt for correct upload. 1 returns an array array('filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $this->_filesize, 'tip' => UPLOAD_SUCCESS);
//$u = new file_uploader;
//$u->ready($dir, $_FILES['upload_file'], false, false, true, 0);
//echo $u->do_upload();