Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP error handling and PHP exception handling mechanism_PHP tutorial
When we develop a program, sometimes there is a problem with the program. We can use the following methods to find the error.
Development stage: Output all error reports during development, which is helpful for us to debug the program
Running phase: We do not want the program to output any kind of error report (cannot be seen by users (including those who are technical and not technical))
Write error report to log
1. Specify error reporting error_reporting = E_LL
2. Turn off error output display_errors = Off
3. Turn on the error log function log_errors = On
1. By default, if the error log location is not specified, it will be written to the log of the WEB server by default
2. Specify a file name (writable)
for the error_log option
3. Write to the operating system log error_log=syslog
<?php // error_reporting(E_ALL); /// ini_set("display_errors", "off"); // ini_set("error_log", "syslog"); // ini_set("MAX_FILEUPLOAD", 200000000); // echo ini_get("upload_max_filesize"); // error_log("this is a error message!!!!"); getType($var); //注意 getType(); //警告 getTye(); //错误 会终止程序运行 echo "###########################<br>"; ?>
<?php echo $test; print_r(error_get_last()); ?>输出: Array ( [type] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: test [file] => D:\www\test.php [line] => 2 )So this is very convenient for us. . . Is this helpful when debugging programs and troubleshooting errors?
These error reporting levels are different types of errors that error handlers are designed to handle:
value | Constant | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | E_WARNING | Nonfatal run-time error. Do not pause script execution. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | E_NOTICE |
256 | E_USER_ERROR | Fatal user-generated error. This is similar to E_ERROR set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger_error(). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
512 | E_USER_WARNING | Non-fatal user-generated warning. This is similar to the E_WARNING set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger_error(). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1024 | E_USER_NOTICE | User-generated notifications. This is similar to E_NOTICE set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger_error(). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4096 | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | Catchable fatal error. Like E_ERROR, but can be caught by a user-defined handler. (see set_error_handler()) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8191 | E_ALL | All errors and warnings except level E_STRICT. (In PHP 6.0, E_STRICT is part of E_ALL) |
异常处理: 意外,是在程序运行过程中发生的意料这外的事,使用异常改变脚本正常流程
try { //...} catch(Exception $e) { //...}
为了进一步处理异常,我们需要使用PHP中try{}catch{}----包括Try语句和至少一个的catch语句。任何调用 可能抛出异常的方法的代码都应该使用try语句。Catch语句用来处理可能抛出的异常。我写一段代码:
1. 自己定义异常类,必须是Exception(内置类)的子类, 可以查看PHP手册里面Exception(内置类)的使用方法
2. Exception类中的只有构造方法和toString()可以重写, 其它都final
<?php class OpenFileException extends Exception { //继承PHP的内置类 function __construct($message = null, $code = 0){ parent::__construct($message, $code); echo "wwwwwwwwwwwwwww<br>"; } function open(){ touch("tmp.txt"); $file=fopen("tmp.txt", "r"); return $file; } } ?>
1. 如果try中代码没有问题,则将try中代码执行完后就到catch后执行
2. 如果try中代码有异常发生,则抛出一个异常对象(使用throw),抛出给了catch中的参数, 则在try中代码就不会再继续执行下去 直接跳转到catch中去执行, catch中执行完成, 再继续向下执行
注意: 提示发生了什么异常,这不是主要我们要做事,需要在catch中解决这个异常, 如果解决不了,则出去给用户在下面代码中,如果我没有这个TMP.TXT文件的话,就会抛出异常了。
<?php try{ $file=fopen("tmp.txt", "r"); // 尝试读取这个文件 if(!$file) throw new OpenFileException("文件打开失败"); //如果文件不存在则抛出异常 }catch(OpenFileException $e){ //$e =new Exception(); echo $e->getMessage()."<br>"; //getMessage() 是PHP里面内置的方法,可以直接调用 $file=$e->open(); }
<?php /* * 异常处理: 意外,是在程序运行过程中发生的意料这外的事,使用异常改变脚本正常流程 * * PHP5中的一个新的重要特性 * * if(){ * * }else{ * * } * * try { * * }catch(异常对象){ * * } * * 1. 如果try中代码没有问题,则将try中代码执行完后就到catch后执行 * 2. 如果try中代码有异常发生,则抛出一个异常对象(使用throw),抛出给了catch中的参数, 则在try中代码就不会再继续执行下去 * 直接跳转到catch中去执行, catch中执行完成, 再继续向下执行 * * * 注意: 提示发生了什么异常,这不是主要我们要做事,需要在catch中解决这个异常, 如果解决不了,则出去给用户 * * 二、自己定义一个异常类 * * 作用:就是写一个或多个方法解决当发生这个异常时的处理方式 * * 1. 自己定义异常类,必须是Exception(内置类)的子类, * 2. Exception类中的只有构造方法和toString()可以重写, 其它都final * * 三、处理多个异常 * * * 自己定义功能类时如果在方法中抛出异常 * * */ class OpenFileException extends Exception { function __construct($message = null, $code = 0){ parent::__construct($message, $code); echo "wwwwwwwwwwwwwww<br>"; } function open(){ touch("tmp.txt"); $file=fopen("tmp.txt", "r"); return $file; } } class DemoException extends Exception { function pro(){ echo "处理demo发生的异常<br>"; } } class TestException extends Exception { function pro(){ echo "这里处理test发生的异常<br>"; } } class HelloException extends Exception { } class MyClass { function openfile(){ $file=@fopen("tmp.txt", "r"); if(!$file) throw new OpenFileException("文件打开失败"); } function demo($num=0){ if($num==1) throw new DemoException("演示出异常"); } function test($num=0){ if($num==1) throw new TestException("测试出错"); } function fun($num=0){ if($num==1) throw new HelloException("###########"); } } try{ echo "11111111111111<br>"; $my=new MyClass(); $my->openfile(); $my->demo(0); $my->test(0); $my->fun(1); echo "22222222222222222<br>"; }catch(OpenFileException $e){ //$e =new Exception(); echo $e->getMessage()."<br>"; $file=$e->open(); }catch(DemoException $e){ echo $e->getMessage()."<br>"; $e->pro(); }catch(TestException $e){ echo $e->getMessage()."<br>"; $e->pro(); }catch(Exception $e){ echo $e->getMessage()."<br>"; } var_dump($file); echo "444444444444444444444<br>";