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Something I have to say about imagick_PHP Tutorial

2016-07-13 10:29:10805browse

The GD library is usually used for PHP mapping. Because it is built-in and does not require additional plug-ins to be installed on the server, it is more worry-free to use. However, if the main function of your program is to process images, then it is not necessary. It is recommended to use GD, because GD is not only inefficient but also relatively weak, and it takes up a lot of system resources. In addition, GD's creatfrom??? also has bugs, but imagick is a good alternative. For this reason, I recently One of my projects was changed from GD to imagick, but after the change, some situations occurred and I would like to share them with you here.

First let me talk about the situation here:

Situation 1: Image operation class needs to be rewritten

Situation 2: Multi-threading of imagick will cause the CPU usage to surge to 100%

By the way, here’s how to install imagick on centos6.4:

	wget http://soft.vpser.net/web/imagemagick/ImageMagick-6.7.1-2.tar.gz
	tar zxvf ImageMagick-6.7.1-2.tar.gz
	cd ImageMagick-6.7.1-2/
	./configure --prefix=/usr/local/imagemagick --disable-openmp
	make && make install

	/usr/local/imagemagick/bin/convert -version

	wget http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-3.0.1.tgz
	tar zxvf imagick-3.0.1.tgz
	cd imagick-3.0.1/
	./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config --with-imagick=/usr/local/imagemagick
	make && make install
	vi /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini
	添加:extension = "imagick.so"

	/root/lnmp reload

Next we propose solutions to the above two situations:

The solution to situation 1 is as follows:

Something I have to say about imagick_PHP Tutorial 1 /** 2 Imagick圖像處理類 3 用法: 4 //引入Imagick物件 5 if(!defined('CLASS_IMAGICK')){require(Inc.'class_imagick.php');} 6 $Imagick=new class_imagick(); 7 $Imagick->open('a.gif'); 8 $Imagick->resize_to(100,100,'scale_fill'); 9 $Imagick->add_text('1024i.com',10,20); 10 $Imagick->add_watermark('1024i.gif',10,50); 11 $Imagick->save_to('x.gif'); 12 unset($Imagick); 13 /**/ 14 15 define('CLASS_IMAGICK',TRUE); 16 class class_imagick{ 17 private $image=null; 18 private $type=null; 19 20 // 構造 21 public function __construct(){} 22 23 // 析構 24 public function __destruct(){ 25 if($this->image!==null){$this->image->destroy();} 26 } 27 28 // 載入圖像 29 public function open($path){ 30 if(!file_exists($path)){ 31 $this->image=null; 32 return ; 33 } 34 $this->image=new Imagick($path); 35 if($this->image){ 36 $this->type=strtolower($this->image->getImageFormat()); 37 } 38 $this->image->stripImage(); 39 return $this->image; 40 } 41 42 /** 43 圖像裁切 44 /**/ 45 public function crop($x=0,$y=0,$width=null,$height=null){ 46 if($width==null) $width=$this->image->getImageWidth()-$x; 47 if($height==null) $height=$this->image->getImageHeight()-$y; 48 if($widthc467ffeb448c658d8cf698ad8256f09dtype=='gif'){ 51 $image=$this->image; 52 $canvas=new Imagick(); 53 54 $images=$image->coalesceImages(); 55 foreach($images as $frame){ 56 $img=new Imagick(); 57 $img->readImageBlob($frame); 58 $img->cropImage($width,$height,$x,$y); 59 60 $canvas->addImage($img); 61 $canvas->setImageDelay($img->getImageDelay()); 62 $canvas->setImagePage($width,$height,0,0); 63 } 64 65 $image->destroy(); 66 $this->image=$canvas; 67 }else{ 68 $this->image->cropImage($width,$height,$x,$y); 69 } 70 } 71 72 /** 73 Change image size 74 Parameters: 75 $width: new width 76 $height: new height 77 $fit: fit to size 78 'force': Force the image to $width X $height 79 'scale': scale the image proportionally within $width X $height, the result is not exactly equal to $width X $height 80 'scale_fill': scale the image proportionally within $width [0 opaque-127 fully transparent]) 81 Others: Smart mode, scale the image and crop it from the center to the size of $width X $height 82 Note: 83 Output the complete image when $fit='force','scale','scale_fill' 84 $fit=Outputs the image at the specified position when the image is oriented. 85 The corresponding relationship between letters and images is as follows: 86 north_west north north_east 87 west center east 88 south_west south south_east 89 /**/ 90 public function resize_to($width=100,$height=100,$fit ='center',$fill_color=array(255,255,255,0)){ 91 switch($fit){ 92 case 'force': 93 if($this->type=='gif'){ 94 $image=$this->image; 95 $canvas=new Imagick(); 96 97 $images=$image->coalesceImages(); 98 foreach($images as $frame){ 99 $img=new Imagick(); 100 $img->readImageBlob($frame); 101 $img->thumbnailImage($width,$height,false); 102 103 $canvas->addImage($img); 104 $canvas->setImageDelay($img->getImageDelay()); 105 } 106 $image->destroy(); 107 $this->image=$canvas; 108 }else{ 109 $this->image->thumbnailImage($width,$height,false); 110 } 111 break; 112 case 'scale': 113 if($this->type=='gif'){ 114 $image=$this->image; 115 $images=$image->coalesceImages(); 116 $canvas=new Imagick(); 117 foreach($images as $frame){ 118 $img=new Imagick(); 119 $img->readImageBlob($frame); 120 $img->thumbnailImage($width,$height,true); 121 122 $canvas->addImage($img); 123 $canvas->setImageDelay($img->getImageDelay()); 124 }125 $image->destroy(); 126 $this->image=$canvas; 127 }else{ 128 $this->image->thumbnailImage($width,$height,true); 129 } 130 break; 131 case 'scale_fill': 132 $size=$this->image->getImagePage(); 133 $src_width=$size['width']; 134 $src_height=$size['height']; 135 136 $x=0; 137 $y=0; 138 139 $dst_width=$width; 140 $dst_height=$height; 141 142 if($src_width*$height > $src_height*$width){ 143 $dst_height=intval($width*$src_height/$src_width); 144 $y=intval(($height-$dst_height)/2); 145 }else{ 146 $dst_width=intval($height*$src_width/$src_height); 147 $x=intval(($width-$dst_width)/2); 148 } 149 150 $image=$this->image; 151 $canvas=new Imagick(); 152 153 $color='rgba('.$fill_color[0].','.$fill_color[1].','.$fill_color[2].','.$fill_color[3].')'; 154 if($this->type=='gif'){ 155 $images=$image->coalesceImages(); 156 foreach($images as $frame){ 157 $frame->thumbnailImage($width,$height,true); 158 159 $draw=new ImagickDraw(); 160 $draw->composite($frame->getImageCompose(),$x,$y,$dst_width,$dst_height,$frame); 161 162 $img=new Imagick(); 163 $img->newImage($width,$height,$color,'gif'); 164 $img->drawImage($draw); 165 166 $canvas->addImage($img); 167 $canvas->setImageDelay($img->getImageDelay()); 168 $canvas->setImagePage($width,$height,0,0); 169 } 170 }else{ 171 $image->thumbnailImage($width,$height,true); 172 173 $draw=new ImagickDraw(); 174 $draw->composite($image->getImageCompose(),$x,$y,$dst_width,$dst_height,$image); 175 176 $canvas->newImage($width,$height,$color,$this->get_type()); 177 $canvas->drawImage($draw); 178 $canvas->setImagePage($width,$height,0,0); 179 } 180 $image->destroy(); 181 $this->image=$canvas; 182 break; 183 default: 184 $size=$this->image->getImagePage(); 185 $src_width=$size['width']; 186 $src_height=$size['height']; 187 188 $crop_x=0; 189 $crop_y=0; 190 191 $crop_w=$src_width; 192 $crop_h=$src_height; 193 194 if($src_width*$height > $src_height*$width){ 195 $crop_w=intval($src_height*$width/$height); 196 }else{ 197 $crop_h=intval($src_width*$height/$width); 198 }199 200 switch($fit){ 201 case 'north_west': 202 $crop_x=0; 203 $crop_y=0; 204 break; 205 case 'north': 206 $crop_x=intval(($src_width-$crop_w)/2); 207 $crop_y=0; 208 break; 209 case 'north_east': 210 $crop_x=$src_width-$crop_w; 211 $crop_y=0; 212 break; 213 case 'west': 214 $crop_x=0; 215 $crop_y=intval(($src_height-$crop_h)/2); 216 break; 217 case 'center': 218 $crop_x=intval(($src_width-$crop_w)/2); 219 $crop_y=intval(($src_height-$crop_h)/2); 220 break; 221 case 'east': 222 $crop_x=$src_width-$crop_w; 223 $crop_y=intval(($src_height-$crop_h)/2); 224 break; 225 case 'south_west': 226 $crop_x=0; 227 $crop_y=$src_height-$crop_h; 228 break; 229 case 'south': 230 $crop_x=intval(($src_width-$crop_w)/2); 231 $crop_y=$src_height-$crop_h; 232 break; 233 case 'south_east': 234 $crop_x=$src_width-$crop_w; 235 $crop_y=$src_height-$crop_h; 236 break; 237 default: 238 $crop_x=intval(($src_width-$crop_w)/2); 239 $crop_y=intval(($src_height-$crop_h)/2); 240 }241 242 $image=$this->image; 243 $canvas=new Imagick(); 244 245 if($this->type=='gif'){ 246 $images=$image->coalesceImages(); 247 foreach($images as $frame){ 248 $img=new Imagick(); 249 $img->readImageBlob($frame); 250 $img->cropImage($crop_w,$crop_h,$crop_x,$crop_y); 251 $img->thumbnailImage($width,$height,true); 252 253 $canvas->addImage($img); 254 $canvas->setImageDelay($img->getImageDelay()); 255 $canvas->setImagePage($width,$height,0,0); 256 } 257 }else{ 258 $image->cropImage($crop_w,$crop_h,$crop_x,$crop_y); 259 $image->thumbnailImage($width,$height,true); 260 $canvas->addImage($image); 261 $canvas->setImagePage($width,$height,0,0); 262 } 263 $image->destroy(); 264 $this->image=$canvas; 265 } 266 } 267 268 /** 269 添加圖片水印 270 參數: 271 $path:水印圖片(包含完整路徑) 272 $x,$y:水印座標 273 /**/ 274 public function add_watermark($path,$x=0,$y=0){ 275 $watermark=new Imagick($path); 276 $draw=new ImagickDraw(); 277 $draw->composite($watermark->getImageCompose(),$x,$y,$watermark->getImageWidth(),$watermark->getimageheight(),$watermark); 278 279 if($this->type=='gif'){ 280 $image=$this->image; 281 $canvas=new Imagick(); 282 $images=$image->coalesceImages(); 283 foreach($image as $frame){ 284 $img=new Imagick(); 285 $img->readImageBlob($frame); 286 $img->drawImage($draw); 287 288 $canvas->addImage($img); 289 $canvas->setImageDelay($img->getImageDelay()); 290 } 291 $image->destroy(); 292 $this->image=$canvas; 293 }else{ 294 $this->image->drawImage($draw); 295 }296 } 297 298 /** 299 Add text watermark 300 Parameters: 301 $text: watermark text 302 $x, $y: watermark coordinates 303 /**/ 304 public function add_text($text,$x=0,$y=0,$angle=0,$style=array()){ 305 $draw=new ImagickDraw(); 306 if(isset($style['font'])) $draw- >setFont($style['font']); 307 if(isset($style['font_size'])) $draw- >setFontSize($style['font_size']); 308 if(isset($style['fill_color'])) $draw- >setFillColor($style['fill_color']); 309 if(isset($style['under_color'])) $draw- >setTextUnderColor($style['under_color']); 310 311 if($this->type=='gif'){ 312 foreach($this->image as $frame){ 313 $frame->annotateImage($draw,$x,$y, $angle,$text); 314 } 315 }else{ 316 $this->image->annotateImage($draw,$x,$y ,$angle,$text); 317 } 318 } 319 320 /** 321 Picture archive 322 Parameters: 323 $path: Archive location and new file name 324 /**/ 325 public function save_to($path){ 326 $this->image->stripImage(); 327 switch($this->type){ 328 case 'gif': 329 $this->image->writeImages($path,true); 330 return ; 331 case 'jpg': 332 case 'jpeg': 333 $this->image->setImageCompressionQuality($_ENV['ImgQ']); 334 $this->image->writeImage($path); 335 return ; 336 case 'png': 337 $flag = $this->image->getImageAlphaChannel(); 338 339 // Compress png if background is opaque 340 if(imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_UNDEFINED == $flag or imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_DEACTIVATE == $flag){ 341 $this->image->setImageType(imagick::IMGTYPE_PALETTE); 342 $this->image->writeImage($path); 343 }else{ 344 $this->image->writeImage($path); 345 }unset($flag); 346 return ; 347 default: 348 $this->image->writeImage($path); 349 return ; 350 } 351 }352 353 // Directly output the image to the screen 354 public function output($header=true){ 355 if($header) header('Content-type: '.$this ->type); 356 echo $this->image->getImagesBlob(); 357 } 358 359 /** 360 Create a thumbnail 361 When $fit is true, the proportion will be maintained and a reduced image will be generated within $width X $height 362 /**/ 363 public function thumbnail($width=100,$height=100,$fit =true){$this->image->thumbnailImage($width,$height,$fit);} 364 365 /** 366 Add borders to images 367 $width: left and right border width 368 $height: top and bottom border width 369 $color: color 370 /**/ 371 public function border($width,$height,$color= 'rgb(220,220,220)'){ 372 $color=new ImagickPixel(); 373 $color->setColor($color); 374 $this->image->borderImage($color,$width,$height ); 375 } 376 377 //Get image width 378 public function get_width(){$size=$this->image->getImagePage ();return $size['width'];} 379 380 //Get the image height 381 public function get_height(){$size=$this->image->getImagePage ();return $size['height'];} 382 383 // Set image type 384 public function set_type($type='png'){$this->type= $type;$this->image->setImageFormat($type);} 385 386 // Get image type 387 public function get_type(){return $this->type;} 388 389 public function blur($radius,$sigma){$this ->image->blurImage($radius,$sigma);} // Blur 390 public function gaussian_blur($radius,$sigma){$this ->image->gaussianBlurImage($radius,$sigma);} // Gaussian Blur 391 public function motion_blur($radius,$sigma,$angle) {$this->image->motionBlurImage($radius,$sigma,$angle);} // Motion blur 392 public function radial_blur($radius){$this->image->radialBlurImage( $radius);} // Radial blur 393 public function add_noise($type=null){$this- >image->addNoiseImage($type==null?imagick::NOISE_IMPULSE:$type);} // Add noise 394 public function level($black_point,$gamma,$white_point) {$this->image->levelImage($black_point,$gamma,$white_point);} // 調整色階 395 public function modulate($brightness,$saturation,$hue){$this->image->modulateImage($brightness,$saturation,$hue);} // 調整亮度,飽和度,色調 396 public function charcoal($radius,$sigma){$this->image->charcoalImage($radius,$sigma);} // 素描效果 397 public function oil_paint($radius){$this->image->oilPaintImage($radius);} // 油畫效果 398 public function flop(){$this->image->flopImage();} // 水平翻轉 399 public function flip(){$this->image->flipImage();} // 垂直翻轉 400 } View Code


首先用/usr/local/imagemagick/bin/convert -version指令查看一下輸出內容是否已經開啟了多線程,Features:的值為空說明是單線程,如果Features:的值是openMP說明是多線程.imagick的多線程模式有一個bug,他會導致多核心的cpu使用率瞬間飆升到100%.所以一定要使用它的單線程模式才行.

Version: ImageMagick 6.7.1-2 2014-05-29 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC


Version: ImageMagick 6.7.1-2 2014-05-29 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: openMP

 第一種結果是單線程模式,第二種結果是多線程模式,因為imagick的多線程模式有bug,所以如果您剛開始是用多線程模式安裝的imagick那就必須要yum remove imagemagick將其卸載掉重新安裝才行.






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