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Introduction to the installation and use of GIT on Linux, introduction to gitlinux installation_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 10:22:40920browse

Introduction to the installation and use of GIT on Linux, introduction to gitlinux installation


$ tar xvfj git</span>-1.7.6.tar.<span>bz2
$ cd git</span>-1.7.6<span>
使用默认配置进行安装,如果想修改配置,可以使用 </span>./configure --<span>help 来获取帮助
$ </span>./<span>configure
$ make
$ make install
GIT默认安装在 </span>/usr/local/<span>bin ,安装之后可以验证一下是否安装好
$ whereis git
git</span>: /usr/local/bin/<span>git
$ git  </span>--<span>version
git version </span>1.7.6<span>
$ git  </span>--<span>help
$ git config  </span>--<span>global</span> user.<span>name &ldquo;GIT Admin&rdquo;
$ git config  </span>--<span>global</span> user.emal obugs.net@gmail.<span>com
$ git config  </span>--<span>list</span><span>
user</span>.name=<span>GIT Admin
其实这些配置是存放在个人主目录下的 </span>.<span>gitconfig 文件中的
$ cat </span>~/.<span>gitconfig
name </span>=<span> GIT Admin
email </span>= obugs.net@gmail.<span>com
本地存储的任何一个目录都可以建立GIT工程,如果已有工程位于 </span>/home/obugs/projects/<span>orangebugs 目录,就可以把这目录定义为GIT工程
$ cd </span>/home/obugs/projects/<span>orangebugs
$ git init
Initialized </span><span>empty</span> Git repository in /home/obugs/projects/orangebugs/.git/<span>
这样就建立了一个名为 </span>.<span>git 的文件夹,这就是GIT用来存储信息和跟踪改动的文件夹。
$ ls </span>-altr .<span>git
total </span>40<span>
drwxrwxr</span>-x 4 git git 4096 Aug 13 22:39<span> refs
drwxrwxr</span>-x 4 git git 4096 Aug 13 22:39<span> objects
drwxrwxr</span>-x 2 git git 4096 Aug 13 22:39<span> info
drwxrwxr</span>-x 2 git git 4096 Aug 13 22:39<span> hooks
</span>-rw-rw-r -- 1 git git 23 Aug 13 22:39<span> HEAD
</span>-rw-rw-r -- 1 git git 73 Aug 13 22:39<span> description
</span>-rw-rw-r -- 1 git git 92 Aug 13 22:39<span> config
drwxrwxr</span>-x 2 git git 4096 Aug 13 22:39<span> branches
drwxrwxr</span>-x 36 git git 4096 Aug 13 22:39 ..<span>
drwxrwxr</span>-x 7 git git 4096 Aug 13 22:39 .
$ git add </span>*.java *.<span>c
$ git commit </span>-<span>m &lsquo;Initial upload of the project&rsquo;
create mode </span>100755 Orangebugs.<span>java
create mode </span>100755 pwm/ui/DataManager.<span>java
create mode </span>100755 pwm/ui/PasswordFrame.<span>java
create mode </span>100755 pwm/tools/StrongEncryption.<span>java
create mode </span>100755 pwm/tools/PasswordStrength.<span>java
注意如果之前没有使用 git config 指定用户名和电子邮件地址,这里会报错
$ git commit </span>-m &lsquo;Initial upload of the project'<span>
*** Please tell me who you are.
git config  --global user.email &ldquo;you@example.com&rdquo;
git config  --global user.name &ldquo;Your Name&rdquo;
to set your account&rsquo;s default identity.
Omit  --global to set the identity only in this repository.
fatal: empty ident not allowed
$ vi Orangebugs.java
$ git diff
diff  --git a/Orangebugs.java b/Orangebugs.java
index 6166ed1..fd82d32 100644
&mdash; a/Orangebugs.java
+++ b/Orangebugs.java
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- public counter=10
+ public counter=55
如果要提交,需要先确保将文件添加到了临时区域(staging area)然后才能提交,提交时会自动打开系统的默认编辑器,用户添加一些注释后保存并退出编辑器的时候,这些注释就同时提交到仓库中去了
$ git add Orangebugs.java
$ git commit
[master 80f10a9] Added password strength meter functionality
1 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
或者,简单一点的方法是使用 git commit -a 把上面两个命令合二为一。
$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use &ldquo;git add &hellip;&rdquo; to update what will be committed)
# (use &ldquo;git checkout &mdash; &hellip;&rdquo; to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: Orangebugs.java
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
$ git log Orangebugs.java
commit c919ced7f42f4bc06d563c1a1eaa107f2b2420d5
Author: GIT Admin  www.2cto.com  
Date: Sat Aug 13 22:54:57 2011 -0700
Added password strength meter functionality
commit c141b7bdbff429de35e36bafb2e43edc655e9957
Author: GIT Admin
Date: Sat Aug 13 20:08:02 2011 -0700
Initial upload of the project</span>

Installation method of git version management under Linux, installation Package, and detailed usage introduction, high marks and thanks

Google it everywhere
If you use Ubuntu, run sudo apt-get install git in the terminal and it will be installed
If you use arch, run sudo pacman -S git
All kinds of package management should be available It depends on which one you use
You can also compile the code yourself
If you can’t explain it in a sentence or two, go to Google for tutorials

Linux, how can I make git record my version when using git on ubuntu?

Use branches or tags to implement, but it seems that tags should be more suitable

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/847128.htmlTechArticleIntroduction to the installation and use of GIT on Linux, introduction to gitlinux installation Introduction to the installation and use of GIT on Linux After decompression Change to its directory $ tar xvfj git -1.7.6.tar. bz2$ cd git -1.7.6 Use default...
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