Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Why is Laravel the most successful PHP framework? _PHP Tutorial
In 2011, Taylor Otwell introduced Laravel to everyone as a framework that includes a new and modern approach. Laravel was originally designed for the MVC architecture, which can meet various needs such as event processing and user authentication. In addition, it has a package manager powered by a management database for managing modular and extensible code.
Laravel has won widespread attention with its simplicity and elegance. Whether experts or novices, they will think of Laravel immediately when developing PHP projects. In this article we will discuss why Laravel has become the most successful PHP framework.
Modularity and scalability
Laravel focuses on code modularity and scalability. You can find any file you want to add in the Packalyst directory, which contains over 5500 packages. The goal of Laravel is to enable you to find any file you want.
Microservices and programming interfaces
Lumen is a micro-framework derived from laravel that focuses on streamlining. Its high-performance programming interface allows you to develop micro-projects more easily and quickly. Lumen integrates all the important features of laravel with minimal configuration. You can migrate the complete framework by copying the code to the laravel project.
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<?php $app ->get( Energy( $framework ));
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Route::get( '/' , function () {
return 'Hello World' ;
HTTP middleware
Applications can be protected by middleware - middleware handles the analysis and filtering of HTTP requests on the server. You can install middleware to authenticate registered users and avoid issues like cross-site scripting (XSS) or other security conditions.
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<🎜><?php namespace AppHttpMiddleware; < code class="php keyword">use Closure; class OldMiddleware { public function handle( $request , Closure $next ) { if ( $request< /code> |
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<🎜>Cache::extend( 'mongo' , </code ><code class="php keyword">function ( $app ) { <🎜>
<🎜> <🎜>
<🎜> return Cache::repository( new MongoStore); <🎜>
<🎜> <🎜>
<🎜>}); <🎜>
Identity Verification
Safety is paramount. Laravel comes with local user authentication and can use the "remember" option to remember users. It also allows you to set some additional parameters, such as showing whether the user is active.
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5 |
if (Auth::attempt([ 'email'
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$user = User::find(1);
$user ->subscription( 'monthly' code>
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elixir( function (mix) {
mix.browserify( 'main.js' );
A secure application should be able to encrypt data. Using Laravel, you can enable the OpenSSL security encryption algorithm AES-256-CBC to meet all your needs. In addition, all encrypted values are signed by a verification code that detects whether the encrypted information has been changed.
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use IlluminateContractsEncryptionDecryptException;
try {
$decrypted = Crypt::decrypt( $encryptedValue );
} catch (DecryptException $e ) {
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protected $listen = [
'AppEventsPodcastWasPurchased' => [
'AppListenersEmailPurchaseConfirmation' ,
Pagination in Laravel is very easy because it can generate a series of links based on the current page of the user's browser.
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<?php namespace AppHttpControllers; < code class="php keyword">use DB; use AppHttpControllersController; class UserController extends < code class="php plain">Controller { public function index() { $users = DB::table( 'users' )->paginate(15);
return view( 'user.index' , [ 'users' => $users ]);
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$users = User::where( 'votes'<code class="php plain">, '>' , 100)->take (10)->get();
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
<code class="php spaces">
var_dump( $user ->name);
Unit testing
The development of unit tests is a time-consuming task, but it is the key to ensuring that our applications keep working properly. You can use PHPUnit to perform unit testing in Laravel.
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} |
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Queue::push ( new SendEmail ( $ message )) ;