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kafka installation and use of Kafka-PHP extension, kafkakafka-php extension_PHP tutorial

2016-07-12 08:58:521027browse

kafka installation and use of Kafka-PHP extension, kafkakafka-php extension

If you use it, you must have some output, otherwise you will forget it after a while, so here it is Just record the installation process of trying out Kafka and trying out the PHP extension.

To be honest, if it is used for queues, Redis is more compatible with PHP. It's easy to use, haha, but Redis cannot have multiple consumers. However, Kafka does not officially support PHP, and PHP extensions are written by enthusiasts or users. Let’s start with the installation of Kafka. I take CentOS6.4 as an example, 64-bit.

1. First confirm whether jdk is installed

Use command

[root@localhost ~]# java -<span>version
java version </span><span>"</span><span>1.8.0_73</span><span>"</span><span>
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build </span><span>1.8</span>.0_73-<span>b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) </span><span>64</span>-Bit Server VM (build <span>25.73</span>-b02, mixed mode)

If you have the above information, just install it. Some of the jdk may not be compatible, so install it to the right one. If it is not installed, take a look at the jdk installation method below:


Go to this address to download the jdk8 version. I downloaded jdk-8u73-linux-x64.tar.gz, and then unzipped it to /usr/local/jdk/.

Then open the /etc/profile file

[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/profile

Write the following code into the file

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk/jdk1.<span>8</span><span>.0_73
export CLASSPATH</span>=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/<span>dt.jar
export PATH</span>=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH


[root@localhost ~]# source /etc/profile

The jdk will take effect at this time, you can use java -version to verify.

2. Next install Kafka

1. Download Kafka

Go to http://kafka.apache.org/downloads.html to download the corresponding version. I am using kafka_2.9.1-

2. After downloading, unzip it to your favorite directory

I extracted it to /usr/local/kafka/kafka_2.9.1-

3. Run default Kafka

Start Zookeeper server

[root@localhost kafka_2.<span>9.1</span>-<span>0.8</span>.<span>2.2</span>]# <span>sh</span> bin/zookeeper-server-start.<span>sh</span> config/zookeeper.properties &

Start Kafka server

[root@localhost kafka_2.<span>9.1</span>-<span>0.8</span>.<span>2.2</span>]# <span>sh</span> bin/kafka-server-start.<span>sh</span> config/server.properties &

Run producer producer

[root@localhost kafka_2.<span>9.1</span>-<span>0.8</span>.<span>2.2</span>]# <span>sh</span> bin/kafka-console-producer.<span>sh</span> --broker-list localhost:<span>9092</span> --topic test

Run consumer

[root@localhost kafka_2.<span>9.1</span>-<span>0.8</span>.<span>2.2</span>]# <span>sh</span> bin/kafka-console-consumer.<span>sh</span> --zookeeper localhost:<span>2181</span> --topic test --from-beginning

In this way, if you input content on the producer side, the consumer will receive it immediately.

4. When there is a cross-machine producer or consumer connection

You need to configure the host.name of config/server.properties, otherwise the cross-machine connection will not be possible.

3. Kafka-PHP extension

After using it for a while, https://github.com/nmred/kafka-php can be used.

I installed it using composer, the following is an example:


</span><span>require</span> 'vendor/autoload.php'<span>;

</span><span>while</span> (1<span>) {
    </span><span>$part</span> = <span>mt_rand</span>(0, 1<span>);
    </span><span>$produce</span> = \Kafka\Produce::getInstance('kafka0:2181', 3000<span>);
    </span><span>//</span><span> get available partitions</span>
    <span>$partitions</span> = <span>$produce</span>->getAvailablePartitions('topic_name'<span>);
    </span><span>//</span><span> send message</span>
    </span><span>$produce</span>->setMessages('topic_name', 0, <span>array</span>(<span>date</span>('Y-m-d H:i:s'<span>));


<span>require</span> 'vendor/autoload.php'<span>;

</span><span>$consumer</span> = \Kafka\Consumer::getInstance('kafka0:2181'<span>);
</span><span>$group</span> = 'topic_name'<span>;
</span><span>$consumer</span>->setTopic('topic_name', 0<span>);
</span><span>$result</span> = <span>$consumer</span>-><span>fetch();
</span><span>foreach</span> (<span>$result</span> <span>as</span> <span>$topicName</span> => <span>$partition</span><span>) {
    </span><span>foreach</span> (<span>$partition</span> <span>as</span> <span>$partId</span> => <span>$messageSet</span><span>) {
        </span><span>foreach</span> (<span>$messageSet</span> <span>as</span> <span>$message</span><span>) {

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/1100706.htmlTechArticlekafka installation and use of Kafka-PHP extension, kafkakafka-php extension requires some output. Otherwise, you will forget it after a while, so I will record the installation process of trying Kafka here...
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