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Customize your own blog homepage_html/css_WEB-ITnose

2016-06-24 11:53:121221browse

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Blog sidebar announcement:

Contact me through Tencent QQ, different colors will be displayed according to the online status of QQ icon.

Penguin: bbee945bbd4535f0612ba905448908af5db79b134e9f6b82c0b36e0489ee08ed

Footer Html code:

ac4cc7c3f0ba018575f75d49b75416d8Please Follow my Weibo:

29b41cb4ba38149d38e20482252dd5b1Candy Milk Candy5db79b134e9f6b82c0b36e0489ee08ed

d5d3102769bef4d8ad5e655e8297ca45Miss Brother5db79b134e9f6b82c0b36e0489ee08ed



function toTopHide(){
$(document).scrollTop()>400?$("#toTop ").show():$("#toTop").hide();

On the right side of the blog, a Weibo floating box appears

Page customization CSS code

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{	line-height: 3;	background: transparent		url(http://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/Candies/632934/o_WB_logo.png)		no-repeat 0px 0px;}#share a#tent {	line-height: 3;	background: transparent		url(http://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/Candies/632934/o_tx_wb_logo.png)		no-repeat 0px 0px;}/*#share {	position:fixed;	bottom: 0px;	right: 0px;	width: 450px;	margin: 0 auto;	border: 1px solid #CC0;	background: #F4FAED;	padding: 5px 10px 3px}#share a {	background: transparent		url(http://image.dili360.com/www/img/sharelogo.png) no-repeat scroll 0		0;	line-height: 1.8;	color: #333;	margin: 0 0 0 10px;	padding: 3px 0 3px 18px;}#share a#sina {	background-position: 0 -79px}#share a#tent {	background-position: 0 -129px}*//* 隐藏页脚 */#footer {	background-color: #F1F4F4;	padding-top: 25px;	color: #333;	text-align: center;}#cnzz_stat_icon_1253650355 {	width: 100%;	display: inline-block;	background-color: #F1F4F4;	padding-bootom: 25px;	text-align: center;}/*---------------------------------共通 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End---------------------------------*//*---------------------------------博文列表 Start---------------------------------*//* 日期块、从随笔分类和随笔档案点开的一览页面 */.day,.entrylistItem {	min-height: 10px;	_height: 10px;	background: #fff;	border-radius: 7px;	box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #aaa;	margin: 0 5px 20px 0;	padding: 5px 20px 5px 20px;}/* 日期标题 */.dayTitle {	color: #666;	line-height: 2.2em;	font-size: 22px;	clear: both;	border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;	text-align: center;}/* 博文标题 */.postTitle,.entrylistPosttitle {	font-size: 16px;	font-weight: bold;	padding: 3px 0 4px 24px;	border-bottom: 1px dashed #ccc;	line-height: 2.5em;	clear: both;	background:		url(http://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/Candies/632934/o_titile-icons.png)		no-repeat 0px 50%;}.postTitle a:link,.postTitle a:visited,.postTitle a:active,.entrylistPosttitle a:link,.entrylistPosttitle a:visited,.entrylistPosttitle a:active	{	transition: all 0.4s linear 0s;}/* 博文标题 */.postTitle a:hover,.entrylistPosttitle a:hover {	color: #F60;	text-decoration: none;	margin-left: 10px;}/* 博文内容 */.postCon,.entrylistPostSummary {	margin: 10px 0px;}.postDesc a {	display: none;}/* 博文post脚 */.postDesc,.entrylistItemPostDesc {	text-align: right;	color: #999;}/* 不显示随笔档案-XX、随笔分类-XX和描述 */.entrylistTitle,.entrylistDescription {	display: none;}/*---------------------------------博文列表 End---------------------------------*//*---------------------------------博文内容页面 Start---------------------------------*//* 博客签名 */#MySignature {	/*background:url("http://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/Candies/632934/o_o_light2.png") no-repeat 10px 50%;*/	background:		url("http://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/Candies/632934/o_may.png")		no-repeat 20px 40%;	margin-top: 20px;	padding: 10px 10px 10px 120px;	box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #aaa;	border-radius: 25px;	border: 1px dotted #FFD596;}#MySignature a {	color: #FB9400;}/* 屏蔽广告 */#site_nav_under,#ad_under_post_holder,#google_ad_c2 {	display: none;}/*博客目录*/#sideBarView {	font-size: 12px;	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, 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80px;	height: 28px;}.feedbackListSubtitle div {	margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;}.blog_comment_body fieldset.comment_quote {	border-color: #1a8bc8;}/*美化一下评论,增加气泡效果*/.feedbackListSubtitle {	border: 0px none;	border-bottom-style: none;}.list {	width: 90%;}.list .out,.list .inc {	margin: 6px 0;	width: 90%;}.list .out .icon,.list .inc .icon {	width: 48px;	height: 48px;}.list .icontd {	width: 48px;}.list .out .icontd {	display: none;}.list .out .topleft,.list .out .topright,.list .out .bottomleft,.list .out .bottomright,.list .inc .topleft,.list .inc .topright,.list .inc .bottomleft,.list .inc .bottomright	{	background:		url(http://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/Candies/632934/o_t_o_bubbles.png)		no-repeat;}.list .out .top,.list .out .bottom,.list .inc .top,.list .inc .bottom {	background: transparent		url(http://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/Candies/632934/o_t_o_horizontal.png)		repeat-x;}.list .out .left,.list .out .right,.list .inc .left,.list .inc .right {	background: transparent		url(http://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/Candies/632934/o_t_o_vertical.png)		repeat-y;}.list .out .topleft {	background-position: left top;	height: 9px;	width: 18px;}.list .out .topright {	background-position: -18px top;	height: 9px;	width: 11px;}.list .out .bottomleft {	background-position: left -9px;	width: 18px;	height: 12px;}.list .out .bottomright {	background-position: right -9px;	width: 11px;	height: 12px;}.list .out .top {	background-position: top;	font-size: 1px;	height: 9px;}.list .out .bottom {	background-position: 0 -9px;	height: 12px;}.list .out .left {	background-position: left;	width: 18px;}.list .out .right {	background-position: -18px 0;	width: 11px;}.list .inc .topleft {	background-position: 0 -21px;	height: 9px;	width: 18px;}.list .inc .topright {	background-position: -18px -21px;	height: 9px;	width: 11px;}.list .inc .bottomleft {	background-position: 0 bottom;	width: 18px;	height: 12px;}.list .inc .bottomright {	background-position: right bottom;	width: 11px;	height: 12px;}.list .inc .top {	background-position: 0 -21px;	font-size: 1px;	height: 9px;}.list .inc .bottom {	background-position: bottom;	height: 12px;}.list .inc .left {	background-position: -29px 0;	width: 18px;}.list .inc .right {	background-position: right;	width: 11px;}.list .inc .conmts {	font-size: 12px;	color: #000;}.list .out .conmts {	background: #dcdcdc; /*text-shadow:0 1px 0 #eee;*/}.list .inc .conmts {	background: #c0e668; /*text-shadow:0 1px 0 #dfa;*/}/*.blog_comment_body {	border-radius: 15px;	box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #aaa;	border: 2px solid #FFD596;	display: inline-block;	margin: 10px 0px;	padding: 15px;	position: relative;}.blog_comment_body_em {	display: block;	border-width: 15px;	position: absolute;	top: -32px;	left: 20px;	border-style: dashed dashed solid;	border-color: transparent transparent #FFD596;	font-size: 0;	line-height: 0;}.blog_comment_body_tag {	display: block;	border-width: 15px;	position: absolute;	top: -28px;	left: 20px;	border-style: dashed dashed solid;	border-color: transparent transparent #FFF;	font-size: 0;	line-height: 0;}*//*---------------------------------评论End---------------------------------*/
Customization JS

    var BlogCommentBody = {        createBlogCommentStyle : function(id) {            //获取博文正文div容器            var elem = document.getElementById(id);            if (!elem)                return false;            //获取div中所有元素结点            var nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("*");            //遍历所有元素结点            for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {                if (nodes[i].getAttribute("class") == "blog_comment_body") {                    var blog_comment_body_em = document.createElement('EM');                    blog_comment_body_em.setAttribute('class',                            'blog_comment_body_em');                    var blog_comment_body_tag = document.createElement('SPAN');                    blog_comment_body_tag.setAttribute('class',                            'blog_comment_body_tag');                    nodes[i].appendChild(blog_comment_body_em);                    nodes[i].appendChild(blog_comment_body_tag);                }            }        }    }    var BlogDirectory = {        /*            获取元素位置,距浏览器左边界的距离(left)和距浏览器上边界的距离(top)        */        getElementPosition:function (ele) {                    var topPosition = 0;            var leftPosition = 0;            while (ele){                              topPosition += ele.offsetTop;                leftPosition += ele.offsetLeft;                        ele = ele.offsetParent;                 }              return {top:topPosition, left:leftPosition};         },        /*        获取滚动条当前位置        */        getScrollBarPosition:function () {            var scrollBarPosition = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;            return  scrollBarPosition;        },                /*        移动滚动条,finalPos 为目的位置,internal 为移动速度        */        moveScrollBar:function(finalpos, interval) {            //若不支持此方法,则退出            if(!window.scrollTo) {                return false;            }            //窗体滚动时,禁用鼠标滚轮            window.onmousewheel = function(){                return false;            };                          //清除计时            if (document.body.movement) {                 clearTimeout(document.body.movement);             }             var currentpos =BlogDirectory.getScrollBarPosition();//获取滚动条当前位置            var dist = 0;             if (currentpos == finalpos) {//到达预定位置,则解禁鼠标滚轮,并退出                window.onmousewheel = function(){                    return true;                }                return true;             }             if (currentpos < finalpos) {//未到达,则计算下一步所要移动的距离                dist = Math.ceil((finalpos - currentpos)/10);                 currentpos += dist;             }             if (currentpos > finalpos) {                 dist = Math.ceil((currentpos - finalpos)/10);                 currentpos -= dist;             }                        var scrTop = BlogDirectory.getScrollBarPosition();//获取滚动条当前位置            window.scrollTo(0, currentpos);//移动窗口            if(BlogDirectory.getScrollBarPosition() == scrTop)//若已到底部,则解禁鼠标滚轮,并退出            {                window.onmousewheel = function(){                    return true;                }                return true;            }                        //进行下一步移动            var repeat = "BlogDirectory.moveScrollBar(" + finalpos + "," + interval + ")";             document.body.movement = setTimeout(repeat, interval);         },                htmlDecode:function (text){            var temp = document.createElement("div");            temp.innerHTML = text;            var output = temp.innerText || temp.textContent;            temp = null;            return output;        },        /*        创建博客目录,        id表示包含博文正文的 div 容器的 id,        mt 和 st 分别表示主标题和次级标题的标签名称(如 H2、H3,大写或小写都可以!),        interval 表示移动的速度        */        createBlogDirectory:function (id, mt, st, interval){             //获取博文正文div容器            var elem = document.getElementById(id);            if(!elem) return false;            //获取div中所有元素结点            var nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("*");            //创建博客目录的div容器            var divSideBar = document.createElement('DIV');            divSideBar.className = 'sideBarView';            divSideBar.setAttribute('id', 'sideBarView');            var divSideBarTab = document.createElement('DIV');            divSideBarTab.setAttribute('id', 'sideBarTab');            divSideBar.appendChild(divSideBarTab);            var h2 = document.createElement('H2');            divSideBarTab.appendChild(h2);            var txt = document.createTextNode('目录导航');            h2.appendChild(txt);            var divSideBarContents = document.createElement('DIV');            divSideBarContents.style.display = 'none';            divSideBarContents.setAttribute('id', 'sideBarContents');            divSideBar.appendChild(divSideBarContents);            //创建自定义列表            var dlist = document.createElement("dl");            divSideBarContents.appendChild(dlist);            var num = 0;//统计找到的mt和st            mt = mt.toUpperCase();//转化成大写            st = st.toUpperCase();//转化成大写            //遍历所有元素结点            for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++)            {                if(nodes[i].nodeName == mt|| nodes[i].nodeName == st)                    {                    //获取标题文本                    var nodetext = nodes[i].innerHTML.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/g,"");//innerHTML里面的内容可能有HTML标签,所以用正则表达式去除HTML的标签                    nodetext = nodetext.replace(/ /ig, "");//替换掉所有的                     nodetext = BlogDirectory.htmlDecode(nodetext);                    //插入锚                            nodes[i].setAttribute("id", "blogTitle" + num);                    var item;                    switch(nodes[i].nodeName)                    {                        case mt:    //若为主标题                             item = document.createElement("dt");                            break;                        case st:    //若为子标题                            item = document.createElement("dd");                            break;                    }                                        //创建锚链接                    var itemtext = document.createTextNode(nodetext);                    item.appendChild(itemtext);                    item.setAttribute("name", num);                    item.onclick = function(){        //添加鼠标点击触发函数                        var pos = BlogDirectory.getElementPosition(document.getElementById("blogTitle" + this.getAttribute("name")));                        if(!BlogDirectory.moveScrollBar(pos.top, interval)) return false;                    };                                                    //将自定义表项加入自定义列表中                    dlist.appendChild(item);                    num++;                }            }                        if(num == 0) return false;             /*鼠标进入时的事件处理*/            divSideBarTab.onmouseenter = function(){                divSideBarContents.style.display = 'block';            }            /*鼠标离开时的事件处理*/            divSideBar.onmouseleave = function() {                divSideBarContents.style.display = 'none';            }            document.body.appendChild(divSideBar);        }            };    function CommentBubble()    {        var w1 = '<div class="list">' +                '<table class="out" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ' +                    '<tr>' +                        '<td class="icontd" align="right" valign="bottom">' +                            '<img src="http://pic.cnitblog.com/face/516492/20140827145520.png" width="70px" height="57px"/>' +                        '</td>' +                        '<td align="left" valign="bottom" class="q">' +                            '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style=""> ' +                                '<tr><td class="topleft"></td><td class="top"></td><td class="topright"></td></tr> ' +                                '<tr><td class="left"></td> <td align="left" class="conmts"><p>';                                  var w2 = '</p> </td> <td class="right"></td></tr> ' +                                '<tr><td class="bottomleft"></td><td class="bottom"></td><td class="bottomright"></td></tr> ' +                            '</table>' +                        '</td> ' +                    '</tr> ' +                '</table> ' +            '</div>';         $.each($(".blog_comment_body"), function(i, t) {            $(t).html(w1 + $(t).html() + w2);        });                $(".louzhu").closest(".feedbackItem").find(".out").removeClass("out").addClass("inc");                /*.find(".q").attr("align","right");*/    }        $(document).ready(function() {        var commentTime = setInterval(function(){if($("#comments_pager_bottom").length>0){CommentBubble();clearTimeout(commentTime);}},50);        /*页面加载完成之后生成博客目录*/        BlogDirectory.createBlogDirectory("cnblogs_post_body","h2","h3",20);        //BlogCommentBody.createBlogCommentStyle("blog-comments-placeholder");    });

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