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Example: h1{color:red; font-size: 14px}
After the attribute is greater than 1, separate the attributes with semicolons
If the value is greater than 1 word, you need to add quotation marks
p{font- family: "sans serif";}
Selector grouping:
Defines styles by relying on the context of the element in its position
The id selector can be specified for HTML elements marked with an id Specific styles
id selectors are defined with "#"
id selectors are often used to create derived selectors
The class selector is shown with a dot
class can also be used as a derived selector
pair Style HTML elements with specified attributes
Attribute and value selectors
body{ color:red;}h1,h2,p{ color: bisque;}/*派生选择器*/li strong{ color: black;}strong{ color: blue;}/*id选择器*/#divId{ color: brown;}/*id选择器和派生选择器一起作用*/#pid a{ color: crimson;}/*类选择器*/.pclass{ color: chartreuse;}/*类选择器派生选择器一起作用*/.divclass a{ font-size: 100px; color: black;}/*属性选择器*/[title]{ color: chartreuse; font-size: 50px;}/*属性和值选择器*/[title=te]{ color: chocolate; font-size: 10px;}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <link href="myCss.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body><p>aaaaa</p><h1>123</h1><a>aaaaaaa</a><!--派生选择器--><p><strong>p标签hello css</strong></p><ul> <li><strong>li标签hello css</strong></li></ul><!--id选择器和派生选择器一起作用--><p id="pid">hello css <a href="http://www.baidu.com">baidu</a></p><!--id选择器的使用--><div id="divId"> 这是一个div</div><!--类选择器的使用--><p class="pclass">这是一个class效果</p><div class="divclass"> Hello Div <a href="http://www.baidu.com">baidu</a></div><!--属性选择器的使用--><p title="t">属性选择器的使用</p><!--属性和值选择器的使用--><p title="te">属性和值选择器的使用</p></body></html>